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1、高二年级英语下学期期末试题英 语 试 题(本套题共两部分,第一卷分为客观题,第二卷分为主观题)第一卷第一节 单词辩音 从下面ABCD四个选项中,选出其划线部分与前面所给单词划线部分相同的一个选项。01.pleasure A.feat B.bread C.deal D.year02.ocean A.progress B.origin C.official D.noise03.worth A.breath B.bathes C.though D.southern04.yard A.chimney B.beyond C.bury D.society05.farther A.war B.sugar C

2、.grammar D.argue第二节 单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的一个最佳选项。06. from space, the earth, with water seventy percent of its percentage, looks a “blue ball”.A. Seen; covered B. Seeing; covering C. Seeing; covered D. Seen; covering07. Mary rushed home she heard the news, only that his wife was gone.A. as soo

3、n as; finding B. immediately; to findC. the moment; findD. when; found08. The boy insisted that he the money and he at once.A. not steal; be set free B. hadnt stolen; be set freeC. didnt steal; should be set free D. hadnt stolen; set free09. breaks the law should be punished.A. Those who B. Anyone w

4、ho C. No matter who D. Whoever10. When I returned to my hometown, I found it completely.A. have changed B. has changed C. changed D. changing11. Tom isnt so strong as he , is he? Yes, he is his two brothers.A. thinks, no stronger than B. expects; as strong asC. appears; not stronger than D. looks; t

5、he strongest of12. Its many years since I saw you last, I you at all.I wouldnt have, either, if someone you by the name.A. didnt recognize; hadnt called B. didnt recognize; didnt callC. havent recognized; didnt call D. recognized; had called13. Which team is to win the game?In my opinion, it is for

6、our team to win.A. probable; likely B. possible; probableC.ikely; probable D. likely; possible14. During the terrible storm last night, a tree fell over a car and caused .A. falling; slept; great damages B. fallen; slept; a great deal of damageC. falling; sleeping; a great deal of damage D. falling;

7、 sleeping; great damages15. The part that China in the international affairs in international society.A. played; is widely praised B. played; is wide praisedC. takes; widely praised D. takes; wide praised16. During the hurricane the night before, Tom lay in bed, , the rushing winds.A. awake; was lis

8、tening to B. awake; listening toC. waking up; was listening to D. woke up; listening to17. Were they late for the play?Not really. As soon as they themselves in their seats in the theatre, the curtain .A. settled; went up B. settled; had gone upC. were settled; went up D. were settling; had gone up1

9、8. On the top of the hill the old man once lived.A. a temple stands there; in which B. a temple standing; on whichC. does a temple stand; where D. stands a temple; where19. Nobody noticed the thief into the house because the lights happened to .A. had slipped; be put up B. slip; give inC. slipping;

10、be turned on D. slip; go out20. When a chopstick is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_ .A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken第三节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get educati

11、on. 21 , it has been said that today children 22 their education to go to school. The 23 between schooling and education suggested by this is important.Education is 24 , compared with schooling. Education knows no 25 . It can take place 26 , whether in the shower or on the job, whether in a kitchen

12、or on a tractor. It includes both the 27 learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of learning out of class. 28 the experience of schooling can be known in advance, education quite often produces 29 . A chance talk with a 30 may lead to a person to discover how 31 he knows of anoth

13、er country. People obtain education from 32 on. Education, 33 , is a very 34 and unlimited term. It is lifelong experience that starts long 35 the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of ones entire life. Schooling, on the other hand, is a 36 experience, whose style changes 37 fr

14、om one way to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at the same time, take 38 seats, use similar textbooks, do homework, and 39 , and so on. Schooling has usually been 40 by the edges of the subjects being taught. 21. A. Then B. However C. Thus D. Therefore22. A. understand B. need C. enjoy D. interrupt23. A. difference B. importance C. use D. problem24.


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