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1、2022年考博英语-大连理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ( )for 30 millionparticipants of all ages.问题1选项A.fantasyB.pastimeC.symposiumD.penalty【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。fantasy “幻想”;pastime “消遣,娱乐”;symposium “座谈会;penalty “惩罚”。句意:在过去的三十年里,跑步对于3000万名各个年龄层的参与者来说成为了一种非常受欢迎的

2、消遣方式。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题Many of the inventions that made people ( )and have determined the inventions of American industry were related to agriculture and food production.问题1选项A.abundantB.affluentC.sufficientD.pleasant【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。Abundant “丰富的,充裕的”;affluent “富裕的,丰富的”;sufficient “足够的,充分的”;pleasant

3、“令人愉快的,舒适的”。句意:那些使人们富裕并且决定了美国工业创新的大多数发明都与农业和食物生产相关。空格处所填的单词是作people的补足语,所以选项B符合题意。3. 单选题Some people think that a ( )translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation.问题1选项A.literalB.literaryC.liberalD.linear【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。literal “照原文的,逐字的”;literary “文学的”;liberal “自由的”

4、;linear “直线的”。句意:一些人认为直译或者逐字的翻译要比意译简单。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题The( ) on this apartment expires in a years time.问题1选项A.treatyB.engagementC.leaseD.subsidy【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。treaty “条约”;engagement “约会;婚约”;lease “租约”;subsidy “津贴”。句意:这个公寓的租期一年后到期。选项C符合题意。5. 翻译题修剪树木可能是为了确保树木有一个所要求的形状或大小。传统上,电视一直是一种大众转播传媒。我们对电视最熟悉,因为

5、它以一种相似的形式存在近50年了。你可以相信,一个作家付出的努力越大,写作效果就会越好,得到的回报也就越大。一个妇女当她扮演起多重角色的时候,她会感到更加幸福。很明显,在一种体制下,如果每一项决定都只是根据传统习惯来做,那么,社会就会很难进步。【答案】The purpose of pruning trees is to ensure that the trees have a designed shape or size.Traditionally, TV had been a kind of popular broadcast media. We are most familiar with

6、 television, for it is a similar form of existence for nearly 50 years.It is believed that the more effort a writer makes the better effect he would obtain and the greater results he will receive.A woman who plays many roles would feel happier.Obviously, in a system, if every decision making is base

7、d on traditional habits, the society would be very difficult to develop.6. 单选题Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really( ) of the reality that theyrepresent.问题1选项A.reflectionsB.demonstrationsC.illuminationsD.reproductions【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。reflection “反映”;demonstration “示范”;illumination

8、 “照明”;reproduction “繁殖”。句意:许多试图向世界反映现实的小说,都反映了他们所代表的现实。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题The wings of the bird still( )after it had been shot down.问题1选项A.slappedB.scratchedC.flappedD.fluctuated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。slap “拍击”;scratch “抓,搔”;flap “拍动翅膀”;fluctuate “波动”。句意:鸟儿在被打中之后仍然在拍动翅膀。选项C符合题意。8. 单选题The New Testament was not

9、 only written in the Greek language, but ideas derived from Greek philosophy were ( ) in many parts of it.问题1选项A.criticizedB.incorporatedC.summonedD.translated【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。criticize “批评”;incorporate “包含;合并”;summon “召唤,召集”;translate “翻译,转化”。句意:新约不仅是用希腊文写的,而且它其中许多部分吸收了源于希腊哲学的思想。选项B符合题意。9. 单选题He a

10、ttends to the ( )of important business himself.问题1选项A.transactionB.transitionC.transmissionD.transformation【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。transaction “交易,业务”;transition “过渡,转变”;transmission “传送,播送”;transformation “转换”。句意:他亲自参与重要的商务会议。选项A符合题意。10. 单选题The young heiress was so ( ) that she gave all her money away in

11、 a couple of years.问题1选项A.generousB.indulgentC.patrioticD.ambitious【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。generous “慷慨的,大方的”;indulgent “放纵的,宽容的”;patriotic “爱国的”;ambitious “野心勃勃的”。句意:年轻的女继承人如此慷慨,以至于几年内就把所有的钱送给了别人。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题The direction were so( ) that it was impossible to complete the assignment.问题1选项A.ingeniousB.

12、ambitiousC.notoriousD.ambiguous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。ingenious “有独创性的”;ambitious “有野心的”;notorious “臭名昭著的”;ambiguous “模糊不清的”。句意:指示太模糊了,不可能完成这项任务。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题Ours is a society that tries to keep the world sharply divided into masculine and feminine, not because that is the way the world is, but becaus

13、e that is the way we believe it should be. It takes unwavering belief and considerable effort to keep this division. It also leads us to make some fairly foolish judgments, particularly about language.Because we think that language also should be divided into masculine and feminine we have become ve

14、ry skilled at ignoring anything that will not fit our preconceptions. We would rather change what we hear than change our ideas about the gender division of the world. We will call assertive girls unfeminine, and supportive boys effeminate, and try to change them while still retaining our stereotype

15、s of masculine and feminine talk.This is why some research on sex differences and language has been so interesting. It is an illustration of how wrong we can be. Of the many investigators who set out to find the stereotyped sex differences in language, few have had any positive results. It deems that our images of serious ta



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