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1、Unit 4 Wheres my backpack? (Lius)I. Teaching aims1. Talk about where things are;2. Inquire where things are;3. Learn the using of preposition “ on, in, under, behind”;4. Learn the using of pronoun “they”.II. Target languageWheres my backpack?Its under the bed.Are my books on the chair?No, they are n

2、ot.I dont know. This unit needs four classes. The 1st classI. Aims: Talk about and inquire where things are with “where”, “on, in, under”.II. Vocabulary: Where, wheres, table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, under, on, in, theyre; III. Sentence:- Where is/are?- Its/Theyre on/in/

3、under.IV. Steps: Step1. Review1. Greets;2. Sentence ( using dialogue with the words which will be used in this class by showing pictures or things ) -Whats this/that? - Its a_.-How do you spell it , please? - _. Step2. Presentation 1. Use dialogue teach new words around the house by showing pictures

4、.Table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, alarm clock, video cassette2. P19:1a Match the words with the picture.3. 2b:Listen and number the things.Step3. Presentation 1. Show two things position teach target language(sentence).- Wheres/Wherere ?- Its/Theyre on/in/under the .2. Pair

5、workP19 : 1c Make conversation.Step4. Tasks1. Write notes on some pieces of paper, ask the students to arrange the things according to the notes.2. Show a picture and ask the students write at least 5 sentences to describe the position of the things. Then show the sentences to the students and corre

6、ct them.Step5. Homework.1. Copy and recite the new words.2. Make a conversation to describe our classroom. The 2nd classI. Aims:Inquire where the things are;The use of pronoun “they”.II. Vocabulary: Dont, know, bagIII. Sentence: - Is it on/ in/ under the_?- Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its on/in/under

7、 the _. - Are they on/in/under the_? - Yes, they are. / No, they arent. They are on/in/ under the _. I dont know.IV. Steps: Step1. Review1. Review the words of the 1st class( showing the picture)2. Check their homework:Ask the students to pair the conversation of the classroom. Step 2. Presentation1

8、. Show a picture which the students cant see the object in it.Ask: Wheres_?2. Help the students answer the question and then teach the new sentence:- I dont know.- Is it on/in/under the_.- No, it isnt. (show the wrong picture)- Yes, it is. Its on/in/ under _.( show the right picture)3. Practice: P20

9、: 2a Listen and number the things.2b Listen again and number the things.P21: 3a Arrange the sentence to make a conversation.4. Pairwork:2c Ask and answer the questions about the things in picture of 2b.Is the _ under/on/in the _?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt, Its _.Step3. Presentation 1. Teach the follo

10、wing sentence as step2.Are the on /in/under the _?Yes, they are. / No, they arent.2. Pairwork:P21 3b practice the conversation of 3a. 3c ask and answer the question about the things in the three picture below.Step 4. Tasks1. P21 4 game Find the differences.2. Found out the object.Let the students pu

11、t their things in the classroom and write the clue on the paper. Then ask the students to find out each others object according to the note. Step 5. Homework1. Copy the new words and sentence;2. Recite the conversation of 3b;3. Book (1) P19&20 The 3rd classI. Aims: Revise the aims of the 1st and 2nd

12、 class:1. Where questions; 2. Yes/No questions and short answers;3. Prepositions on, in, under:4. Subject pronoun “they”.II. Vocabulary: Math, alarm, CD, video, cassette, video cassette, hat, take, thing, can, bring, some, need, floor, room , TV, desk;III. Steps: Step1. Review1. Use “whats this ?” t

13、o teaching new words by showing pictures. Mathbook, alarm clock, CD, video cassette, hat:2. Recognize the new words: Section B P221a Match the words in the picture; 1b Look, remember and then write the things in Tonnys room. 1c Pairwork ( ask and answer) E Where questions. 2a Listen and circle the t

14、hings Tonny wants from his room. 2b Listen and write notes.Step2 Presentation1. 3a Read the note and draw the missing things in the picture.Help the students understand the following words and phrases: Taketo, thing, 2. 3b Look and fill in the blanks.Let the students guess the meaning of the following words; Can, bring to - take to, need, floor;Step3 Task 1. 3c Write a note to a friend asking for four thing from your room.2. 4 Draw their ideal room. Then describe it to your classmates.Step4 Homework1. Copy new words.2. Book(2) P16,17,18The 4th class This is a review l



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