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1、 2015 学年上学期高一M2U1英语必修二导学案 Book 2 Unit 1 课文解读导学案编写人:寻玉婷 审核人: 审批人: 【学习目标】1.通过跳读,略读,精读的阅读技巧,提高阅读理解能力。 2.通过合作探究,自主学习,学会文章整体理解和细节分析的方法。3. 激发兴趣,全力以赴投入课堂,体验学习的快乐。 【使用说明及学法指导】1. 老师引导学生阅读课文,熟悉单元话题,讲解阅读技巧,提升阅读理解能力2. 学以致用Step 1 自主探究 Fast reading:(快速阅读)Read the article as fast as possible and answer these quest

2、ions.快速的阅读文章,回答下面问题要求:快速的浏览文章,根据题目,跳读,在文中找到相对应的答案(方法:首先看文章的标题,了解大概意思,其次,找到题目的关键词,根据关键词到文中找答案,特别注意文章的开头和结尾)注意:各组B层同学展示,下一组A层同学质疑 (例如:第一小组B层同学展示,由第二小组的A层同学质疑)1. What is the article about? 2. When was Justin last seen? 3. Who is in charge of the case? 选择题:( ) 1 Which city does Justin Foster live in? (课

3、文13段) A Dover B New Hampshire C New York D Egypt( ) 2.What did Justin do with friends last Friday? (课文24段)A he went to play football with his friendsB he went to play basketball with his friendsC he went to play baseball with his friends D he went to play computer games with his friends( ) 3.What do

4、es Kelly think happened to her brother? (课文4段) A she thinks the aliens took her brother B she thinks her brother was stay at his friends home C she thinks her brother was stay at his own home D she thinks her brother was listening to his favorite CD ( )4. What happened to Mrs. Mavis Wood? (课文68段) A

5、she was doing research on Justins case B she want to be taken away by aliens C she was once taken away by aliens D she said that she was afraid of aliens ( ) 5. what do the police think about the incident? (课文79段) A they think that Justin is taken by aliens B they think that Justin must be stay in o

6、ne of his friends home C they think Justin must be kidnapped(绑架) by someone D they do not know what happened to Justin 设计说明希望通过此环节让学生了解一下与此故事相关的一些细节,并学会如何根据细节来进行归纳、推断,培养学生的阅读理解能力。 Careful Reading: Read the article again 仔细阅读:再一次仔细阅读文章要求:1. 把握文章的主旨大意和细节,从文中取有效信息。2. 找出并掌握重点单词,短语和句型。3. 熟悉文章话题积累话题表达词汇各组

7、长:调控朗读状态,督促并保证本组成员仔细阅读课文,理解并能挖掘重点进行归纳。 组员:认真仔细大声阅读课文, A层熟悉文章话题,了解文章大意并挖掘重点进行归纳,找到并背诵至少7个以上的重点句子(老师要求)完成任务一个句子一分;B层 熟读课文,熟悉文章话题,了解文章大意,找到并背诵4个以上的重点句子,完成任务一个句子一分 1. Since every new story will have details to support the main points in them. Get the students to read the passage carefully and find the s

8、upporting details. Read paragraph 2 and find the main idea as well as the supporting details:Main idea: Supporting details: who believed he was back? _ Read paragraphs 3-8 and find the main idea as well as the supporting details:Main idea: Supporting details: Justins friends said Witnesses said Kell

9、y heard Read paragraphs 3-8 and find the main idea as well as the supporting details:Main idea: Supporting details: Kelly saw Kelly heard Mavis Wood said 合作探究 讨论内容:文中疑难点 要求:力争解决所有疑难,扫除阅读障碍设计说明希望通过此环节让学生进一步了解课文内容,掌握课文大意,找出重点句子,通过小组合作,小组探究,力求解决所遇阅读难题,培养学生的阅读理解能力。Step 3 基础知识检测,根据课文内容填空 A层(B层学生做)Kelly t

10、hen ran and her mother. However, since Mrs. Foster thought that Justin the night with a friend, she that Kelly was having a bad dream, and sent her back to bed. Mr. Foster was working that night his road construction job, and was not home when these events occurred. When Justin did not for lunch the

11、 next, Mrs. Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police. Some people in Dover also say that they saw aliens that night. its me! said Mrs. Mavis wood. The aliens took me aboard the UFO so that they could me. Luckily, they returned me home without any . The whole experience was terri

12、ble! I havent been sleeping well since I returned home. I think Justin was taken by them, too.B层(A层做)Different people had different opinions about Justins disappearance. His mother thought he was spending the night with friend, while his father was amazed that his son did not tell _ _ that he was staying out late. In fact, Justin Foster did not show _ _at the family lunch the next day. The police stepped up their search _ _ the boy. They found th


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