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1、硕 士 学 位 论 文工商所综合监管执法系统的设计与实现论文目 录摘要iABSTRACTiii第一章 绪论11.1系统开发背景11.2国内外的研究现状21.3系统需要解决的主要问题31.4本文的主要工作41.5本文的组织结构5第二章 系统需求分析62.1系统概述6总体目标6业务描述62.2项目开发过程82.3 需求管理102.4需求的获取112.5功能性需求分析12个体户工商管理费收费管理14工商财务票据管理16其他系统功能需求说明182.6 非功能性需求分析19界面设计及操作风格需求19产品性能需求。19第三章系统架构设计213.1系统结构设计213.2存储与网络架构设计223.3功能架构设

2、计273.4分层架构设计29第四章详细设计314.1类设计314.2活动过程分析344.3通信交互过程分析354.4持久对象的设计38第五章系统实现405.1系统实现模式40层的技术实现41层的技术实现44层的技术实现455.2 开发过程中有关技术问题的实现47功能树访问控制权限实现47功能树显示实现525.3核心业务实现55第六章 结束语58参考文献59致 谢61摘要作为对省局开发的工商综合业务处理系统的有益补充,工商所综合监管执法系统为广大工商所工作人员的个体户登记管理、经济户口管理、监管巡查和信用管理、收费及票据管理提供了基于权限划分、流程化审批和全市数据集中的有效信息化业务处理手段。通




6、As a useful supplement of the integrative Commerce and Industry manage system developed by Provincial Commerce and Industry Bureau,the integrative Commerce and Industry Department supervision and law-executing system provide the Commerce and Industry Department staff an effective informational opera

7、tion manage means based on might compartmentalize, flowing examine and data centralization of the city. This system was developed for conducting the registering of the self-employed workers, economic account management, supervision, credit management and management of charge and bill.By this system,

8、 we hope to finish the current complexion of Commerce and Industry Department conduct operations in their own way and different supervision model, and establish a normative and uniform Commerce and Industry manage Department supervision flow, and explore an available Commerce and Industry Department

9、 intendance model. Management and supervision mechanism thinking permeates the thinking of building information systems, the increase in industrial and commercial administration, for industrial and commercial Departmentmanagement model for reference.By the analysis of the system and the development

10、of domestic and international background with the industry product development status, I project the major issues that need to address and the goal should achieve, using Rational Unified Process (RUP) software development methodology, in a unified modeling language (UML) for the analysis and design

11、description language, using J2EE platform structure Trade and Industry to consolidated supervision by the law-executing system for needs analysis and system design, and the use of RUP system modeling methods of registered management of the self-employed workers, economic account management, inspecti

12、on and supervision of credit management, management of charge and bills of the functional modules of the detailed design and code to achieve and realize the business has consolidated law-executing system. Through the development of demand for interactive the industrial and commercial Department regi

13、stration, regulation, credit, inspections, charge and other business data, clearing Out the current industrial and commercial Departmentregistration, regulation and unclaimed, the voucher management, charge, workflow, and generating standard UML Use Case descriptions and the use of binding document

14、cases. According to the Commerce and Industry Bureau in Weifang City of current information to actual circumstances and operational needs of the overall system structure, functional structure, the hierarchical structure, storage structure, the network structure for the analysis and design of the sys

15、tem to ensure flexibility, stability, scalability and security. RUP methods used for the detailed design of the software to use case-driven, management of industrial and commercial business needs and the early stage of type design, thereby generating the activity diagram, sequence diagram, After the kind of analysis, production associated categories, such entities, entities Management and Data Association category, By category analysis of the relationship between the class diagram generation, eventually lasting object mapping into the relati


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