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1、2014年南漳县高级中学高二第二次月考英语试题单项选择21. I hear that you will be on travel again . Yeah . My boss _ for me to discuss business details with someone from another company. A .asked B .arranged C .sent D .called22 Why dont you take off your clothes and have them washed? They will soon _in the sun . A . hang out

2、B . warm up C . dry out D .clean up 23 In China , people over sixty can enjoy some _ in public as long as they can provide their identifications . A . good B .privileges C .advantages D .welfare 24 .In that school ,English is compulsory for all the students ,but French and Russian are _ . A . specia

3、l B . regional C . optional D . original25 In the face of all these difficulties , we are not discouraged and _ good spirits . A . keep up B . go up C. hold up D pick up26 Less than twenty percent of the employees in their company are women . That is to say , men are in the _. A . possibility .B act

4、ivity C minority D majority 27 Portraits(肖像) of people will draw readers attention , especially if the images are _ and tell a story . A . imaginative . B creative C rectangular D relevant28 Since he was just laid off by his boss , to buy a new flat seems to be _. A . out of the question . B out of

5、question C . without question D . beyond question29 As far as Im concerned , it usually takes me some time to _ when I come to a new place . A . settle on . B settle in C settle up D settle down 30 The country has _ supplies of skilled workers , but not enough jobs . A . abundant B routine C . appar

6、ent D relevant 补全句子71 . 有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些学生究竟有多大的用途,无论如何他们中的绝大多数读完八年级之后将回到他们的村子。(go) Sometimes I wonder how relevant Chemistry is to these students , _ back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.72 这是谢蕾第一次离开自己的祖国 。(leave) This was the first time that Xie Lei _ her motherland .73 以前看似很奇怪的事,如今觉得似乎很正常了。(

7、seem) _appears quite normal now .74 秘鲁是南美洲临太平洋海岸的一个国家,安第斯山脉与海岸线平行。(parallel) Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of south America,with the Andes Mountains_the coast .75 很可能美洲土著人生活在California 至少有15,000年了。(likely)Native Americans _ in California for at least fifteen thousand years .76 他们在欧洲人之前到达的事实

8、是很重要的 。(matter)The fact that they arrived a long time before Europeans is _.77 我一直忙于学习,以致于没有时间去搞社交活动。(occupy)I have been _ work that I havent had time for social activities .78 他突然发现自己站在山脚下,山的顶部有一个庙宇。 (stand) He suddenly found himself standing at the foot of a hill ,_an old temple .79 突然想起我们能充分利用计算机来完成这份工作。(occur)_we could make full use of a computer to finish the job .80 众所周知,我们现在生活在被称之为网络的时代。 ( call )As is known to all , we now live in _Internet time” .


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