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1、贸易有限公司(电话)TEL:(传真)FAX:(网址)WEB:(邮编)P.C:(地址)ADD:合 同Contract编号 contract : 日期Date:买方(The Buyer):电话(T):传真(F)地址(ADD):卖方(The Seller):电话(T):传真(F)地址(ADD):商标(Brand):生产地(Manufacture Place):本合同由双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品:This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agr

2、ees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.1 . 货名,规格, 数量及价格 (Commodity, Specifications, Quantity and Price) : :CommoditySpecificationsQuantity(PCS)PriceTotal2 .发货期(Time of shipment):在卖方收到买方定金之日起12个月内交货。可分批发货。Within 12

3、months the seller receives the earnest from the buyer. Partial delivery is allowed3 .运输(Transport):卖方工厂交货,买方负责运输费用。EXW,the buyer is responsible for the transportation costs.4 . 到货口岸(Port of Destination):中国上海港ShangHai Port ,China5 .保险(Insurance):由买方自理,投保合同值100%的一切险。The Buyer shall cover for 100percen

4、t of the contracted value against all risks.6 .付款条件(Terms of Payment):1 .买卖双方在签约后的30 个工作日内,买方将预付发货总额的40%的预付款以电汇形式,余款60%在发货前10 个工作日以信用证形式付清。1) Within 30working days after the buyer and seller sign the contract, the buyer shall offer 40% prepayment of the total goods valued by T/T and pay off the rest

5、 of 60 % by L/C 10_working days before shipment date.7 .装运通知(Shipping advice):货物全部装船后,卖方应在72小时内将合同编号,商品名称,数量,毛重,发票金额, 船名和装运日期,发货港口,到货港口及提单号传真电告买方.The Seller shall, within 72 hours upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise by fax the Buyer of the contract No., commodity, quantity, invoi

6、ced value, gross weight, vessel name, date shipped on board, the port of loading, port of destination, invoice No., and B/L No. etc.8 .装运单据(Shipping Documents):1)通知买方已签署商业发票一式三份,注明合约号码,信用证号.Signed commercial invoice in triplicate e indicating contract number and L/C No.2)装箱单/重量单一式三份,注明每件包装的毛重,尺码和装箱条

7、件。Packing list in triplicate indicating quantity/gross and net weight of each package3)制造厂签发的质量,数量证明书三份.Product technical data sheets and quantity issued by the Seller in triplicate.4) 一份由卖方在装船后72小时内通知买方装船详情的传真复印件.(第九条装货通知)Copy of fax to the Buyer advising particulars of shipment within 72 hours aft

8、er shipment in triplicate. (Clause 9 shipping advice)5)原产地证一式二份。Certificate of origin in duplicate.9 .包装(packing):按卖方国际出口标准In accordance with the Seller s international export standard.10 .质量保证(Guarantee of quality):卖方保证所定货物系用最上等的材料和头等工艺制成.全新,并完全符合本合同规定的质量,规格和性能. 按工厂生产的样品双方封存为准The Seller shall guara

9、ntee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new, unused and complies in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in the contract. The standard is according to factory samples which aresealed up for keeping by both parties.12 检验和索

10、赔(Inspection and claims):在货物到达目的港的30天内,如发现货物的质量及规格与合同规定不符或发现货物无论任何原因引起的缺陷,包括内在缺陷或使用不良的原料,买方应申请商检局检验,并有权向卖方索赔。关于质量,卖方将保证货物在质量保证期内若发现质 量缺陷、或使用的缺陷材料,买方应立即书面通知卖方并通过商检局开出的报告向卖方提出索赔。卖方应负责立即消除缺 陷,除非收到卖方的许可和同意付费后买方才可自行处理。如卖方未能在收到索赔1个月内给予答复,可视为卖方接受了索赔。Within 30 days after the goos reach the port of destinati

11、on, the goods will be inspected by an international surveillance company (the name to be determined during meeting): and should the quality, specification, quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulation of the contract and standard product technical data sheets, except those claims for whi

12、ch the insurance company or the owners ofvessel are liable, the surveillance company shall, on the strength of the authorization given by both parties, has the right to claim for replacement with new goods within one month. As regards quality, the Seller shall guarantee that if within the guarantee

13、period, damages occur in the course of operation by reason of inferior quality, bad workmanship or the use of inferior materials. The Buyer shall immediately notify the Seller in writing and put forward a claim supported by inspection certificate issued by CIQ. The certificate so issued shall be acc

14、epted as the basis of a claim. The Seller, In accordance with the Buyersponsible forthe immediate elimination of the defect(s). Where necessary and only after receipt of Seller proval, the Buyer shall be atlibseratyp to eliminate the defect themselves at the Seller s expenses and with the Seller s c

15、onsent. If the rSweliltehrinfaoilnteo anmonth after receipt of the aforesaid claim, the claim shall be reckon as having been accepted by the Seller13 . 不可抗力 (Force majeure):卖 方 将 不 对 因 如 战 争 ,地 震 和 其 它 不 可 抗 力 所 引 起 的 迟 交 货 或 无 法 交 货 承 担 责 任 。但 卖 方 应 于 14 日 内 空 邮立即通知买方。由事件所发地政府开出证明。然而。卖方仍有义务采取必要的措施抓紧交货。如事件 持 续超过 10 星期 。 买方有权 取消合 同。 买方同样也不 承担因发生不 可抗 力时执行全部或部分合同 的责 任。The Seller shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force majeure (war, war-like operation, acts of God, riot, floods, earthquakes, and so on), w



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