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1、 拟卷人: 杨运鑫教务科填写: 年 月 日考 试 用 广州大学继续教育学院 课程考试试卷 试卷(闭卷) 层次(专科)课程名称:综合英语(4-6)4 课程编码: 21112037/38试卷编号: A卷 考试时间:120分钟专业班级: 2011专科商务英语(1)(2)学号: 姓名: 题号一二三四五六七八九总分阅卷人题分101055128202010100杨运鑫 得分提示:考生答题时,专用答题纸左侧留出3厘米的试卷装订区,多余的空白纸为草稿纸!装 订 线I. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each

2、sentence,without changing its original meaning. (10%)l. Saunas merely remove a little body water, and health farms, says the report, serve as expensive holidays.A. look like B. play the role of C. are regarded as D. are wonderful for2. To their great dismay, they found that their wage increases had

3、been offset by the soaring prices as a result of inflation.Aset loose B. leveled off C. caused to happen D. reduced in degree3. The historian claims to possess a transcript of a filmed interview with one of the Soviet security service officers who conducted the negotiations with the British lieutena

4、nt colonel.A. translation B. manuscript C. written text D. cassette tape4. Slowly, the focus of public attention began to shift away from knowing what such people did to knowing what they looked like.A. centre B. distraction C. force D. direction5. The baby mice are at their weakest shortly after bi

5、rth, when they are frequently attacked by birds of prey.A. most sensitive B. best protected C. most defensive D. most vulnerable6. She confined herself to using the phone only once a day because the telephone bill had been so high.A. restricted B. allowed C. controlled D. restrained7. Someone shoute

6、d“Fire!” and in the ensuing panic several people were injured.A. previous B. terrible C. sudden D. following8. They plan to walk to the South Pole, using sledges to haul their supplies as Scott had done.A. carry B. pull C. load D. send9. This cream is used for healing minor cuts and bruises.A. fixin

7、g B. curing C. treating D. dressing10. His proposals have been greeted with rage by his opponents.A. silence B. welcome C. cheers D. angerII. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(10%)1. The essence of success is that theres never enough of it to go round in a zero-sum game

8、 where one persons winning must be offset by anothers losing, one persons joy offset by anothers disappointment.2. To lose, to fail, to go under, to go broke these are deadly sins in a world where prosperity in the present is seen as a sure sign of salvation in the future.3. Rather, I hope to show y

9、ou that your grade, taken at face value, is apt to be dangerously misleading, both to you and to others.4. With the possible exception of another world war, global warming may be the single largest threat to our planet.5. To reduce the emission of heat-trapping gases , use technologies that reduce t

10、he amount of emissions wherever possible, and protect the forests in the world.6. Word got around about“those pants of Leviss”, and Strauss was in business.7. They draw no distinctions and recognize no classes: they are merely American.8. For two years he was a lowly peddler, hauling some 180 pounds

11、 of sundries door to door to eke out a marginal living.9. We must acknowledge what has happened, face up to the other person and say: “You did me wrong.”10. Let go of the past.III. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.(5%)irrelevant go a

12、round make a point of doing with the resultcorrespond to rather be apt to flunk define shiftl. We may therefore an extrovert personality as one whose interests are mainly directed outwards to the external environment rather than inwards to the thoughts and feelings of the self.2. To recognize them i

13、s to recognize that social labels are basically _ and misleading.3. Your performance is generally assumed to the knowledge you have acquired and will retain.4. Oddly enough, the men whom he did not resent it.5. Carnegie considered that the distribution of wealth for the benefit of society must never

14、 be in the form of free charity but must be as a support to the communitys responsibility for its own people.IV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.(5%)favor chop off get around break up seek after be engaged inconvert into stand up to confine to run out ofl. In the 1930s the Bauhaus school tended to : the scientific and technological approach to art.2. He was much on account of his wide reading and brilliant conversational powers3. The police wer


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