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1、邀请函英语版本邀请函英语版本范文 在许多场合,我们都要用到英语的.邀请函,大家知道英文版邀请函怎么书写吗?以下是我细心打算的邀请函英语版本范文,大家可以参考以下内容哦! 签证英文邀请函范文 (aan) IoD hbynite the mmb of Bijing Dlegatio toaly persons (listD atachent)leby yu, to omeover to *(country)for * (expsto), whchisto beelDa * (place) uring* (Date). Pease ae th necessaaangemnts fr yur Deeg

2、atino arrive in * (cuntr). Durin e expoition,you illsay ere or * Days. ll yorepnses icluing intnatial ai tickets,lcal rnsporttion,accomotions, mca isurances anDll othrrlatD xpnse Durng ur tay here ill be paDy yoselves We aokng fowD to gretng yo n * (cuntry) vy sonYorssincerely,(gnre)中文释义: 兹邀请由您领导的北京

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4、onorara,assng yur visa anD taxsat low ou t accp tis. Pleas b awethathonoraraaymens ay be suje to t% wihhoing. n orer toproess tis, w wlleeD ou t completesme peror; w wllbe ouc stlyaboutthis. f yu wulDlik ourasssaceseuing a visa to eer thnteD Staes, oan ITIN (ta ientfiai nube reqreD t receivehra paym

5、ents), pleas le usnowwe wil b gl toelp wit this. We are al pepare to cover thecss(up o $_) for yor travel to D accooDtons i e Stanfor area.We anake anD pay Diecy fo trvelarrnemts fory,r,iyou efer, e canreimbrse our for resnable epeses (i.e. coachclass airfare r fighs unDer eight hours in enth, no en

6、tertinmet lchl-relaeD expitues, ips 1%or less). Ifyo coose thelte otin,we will rviD youwih he forms an nomation ncssaryt e eimbue b SanrD. SponsoDby a rant orm theMelon FouDatn, the Research Wrshos t Stanfo are uniespces where scars from avarit ofDicplines aD poesion coort to ics wok i progress inte

7、r felDs o iteres.I hink yo will enjoy a vel exchae o Deas wit a Diverse auiece f fcult nDraDuatstuDents in yor rksop. wll most certany enjy the ootniy to meetanD ecg iDeas h yu i his informal, cleialatosphre.fherearespecific cholar at StanforD you ouD liktinvite to yuralk, pleefee f t Do s.Weil beba

8、ckin touc son to corDne th logistis f yur vst.Inth meanme, if ohave any questins, pease fel fee to ott myself or _, ouworkshos GrDuate StuDen oorDinaor ( conact ifo here). The SanforHmanitiesCeter, t reearcenter o amus ta anaes te ellon orho Progra, my also ctact you. est wishes, aculty CooritorName

9、 ofWosp anorDUnivesity 邀请函英语范文 July 9, 20X XX, CEO XX,VP Sls XXXXXXX Corration(Des)Its our grea hnor to ive yo o visit XXXompanylocateDat(aDress)inAugust, 00. Ts visit wll roviD opporunity fo youtomake a etter unerstaDing o ourrketing isss, anD o mmuniat our ture bsiesscoopeion Dtail XXX Compny,asoe

10、o yourisribuosinCina, has ee greatpoesing in romoting a ellig you roDucts. We blieve hi vsit llb ft enefit tour future bsinss ooperto. Please ue hs iniatin ltter apply fr yr VISA to Chna.We r al ooioraD to seeing you soon, D shoul yu hve n uestions,please feelfree to iform e. ours tru,XXX Vice PsDentale XXX Compny本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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