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1、2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Parole is usually granted to prisoners as a reward for good conduct.问题1选项A.paid toB.ignored byC.given toD.requested by【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。grant to表示“授予,允许”;A项pay to“付款给”,B项ignore by“忽视,驳回诉讼”,C项give to“给予,提供”,D项request by“请求,需要”。句意:假释通常作为奖励给予表现良好的囚犯。根据句意该题选C。2. 单选题T

2、he rice and cotton fields are beset with swarms of pests like rice hopper and pink bollworm.问题1选项A.investedB.infestedC.infectedD.injected【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。Beset表示“困扰,围绕”;A项invest“投资,覆盖”,B项infest“大批滋生”,C项infect“感染”,D项inject“注入,注射”。句意:稻田和棉田被成群的害虫所包围,如稻虱和粉虱。因此B项正确。3. 单选题Habits can be consciously strength

3、ened, as when a student of the violin practices and memorizes different fingerings.问题1选项A.convenientlyB.lastinglyC.intentionallyD.robustly【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。consciously表示“自觉地,有意识的”。A项conveniently“便利地,合宜地”,B项lastingly“持续地”,C项intentionally“故意地,有意地”,D项robustly“粗鲁地,坚定地”。句意:习惯可以有意识地加强,就像一个学小提琴的学生练习和记忆不同的指法一

4、样。根据题意该题选C。4. 单选题The acoustics of most of the cinema halls in the suburban districts _ deplorable.问题1选项A.is to beB.are to beC.isD.are【答案】D【解析】考查主谓单复数一致。Acoustics作单数,意思是“声学”,作复数用时,意思是“声音效果,音响设备”。句意:郊区大多数电影院大厅的音响效果很差。A项和B项表将来时,因此排除;根据句意这里的acoustics表示“音响设备”因此要用复数are,排除C项,故该题选D。5. 单选题_ fashioned from a

5、wick floating in a bowl of oil functioned according to the principle of capillary action.问题1选项A.All lamps earlyB.Lamps all earlyC.All early lampsD.Early all lamps【答案】C【解析】考查名词前的形容词顺序问题。很多个形容词修饰名词,其先后顺序为数量、大小、新旧、颜色、产地、材料、名词性形容词;指示性形容词all, many, some及any均应放在一般修饰性形容词前面;句意:所有早期的灯都是由一根浮在油碗里的灯芯制成的,灯芯的作用原理

6、是毛细管作用。因此只有C项语序正确。6. 单选题The life span of a sunfish is short, _ ten years.问题1选项A.more seldom thanB.more than seldomC.seldom more thanD.seldom than more【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。考查的是“不超过,不多于”的表达,一般我们用more/less than表示多于/少于,要表示不超过,不少于的时候,就在前面直接加seldom表示否定,不能够改变这个顺序,故只能选择C项。句意:翻车鱼的寿命很短,很少超过十年。因此,该题正确答案为C。7. 单选题_,

7、glasses can correct most sight defect in healthy eyes.问题1选项A.When well fittedB.Well fitted whenC.Well fitted ifD.If well fitted when【答案】A【解析】考查语法。When和if都可以表示连接从句表示假设,但不能同时使用,所以排除D项;般的语序是when/if+从句,而不是从句之后接连词,故排除B项和C项;注意题干,主语是glasses(眼镜),从句的主语也是一致的,所以从句的主语和被动语态的be动词省略。句意:如果配戴得当,眼镜可以矫正健康眼睛的大部分视力缺陷。因此

8、,该题正确答案为A。8. 单选题The refusal of some countries to extradite persons accused or convicted of terrorist acts has focused attention on the problems caused by the political offense exception to extradition. Extradition is the process by which one country returns an accused or convicted person found withi

9、n its borders to another country for trial or punishment. Under the political offense exception, the requested state may, if it considers the crime to be a “political offense,” deny extradition to the requesting state.Protection of political offenses is a recent addition to the ancient practice of e

10、xtradition. It is the result of two fundamental changes that occurred as European monarchies were replaced by representative governments. First, these governments began to reject what had been a primary intent of extradition, to expedite the return of political offenders, and instead sought to prote

11、ct dissidents fleeting despotic regimes, second, countries began to contend that they had no legal or moral duty to extradite offenders without specific agreements creating such obligations. As extradition laws subsequently developed through international treaties, the political offense exception gr

12、adually became an accepted principle among Western nations.There is no international consensus, however, as to what constitutes a political offense. For analytical purposes illegal political conduct has traditionally been divided into two categories. “Pure” political offenses are acts perpetrated di

13、rectly against the government, such as treason and espionage. These crimes are generally recognized as nonextraditable, even if not expressly excluded from extradition by the applicable treaty. In contrast, common crimes, such as murder, assault, and robbery, are generally extraditable. However, the

14、re are some common crimes that are so inseparable from a political act that the entire offense is regarded as political. These crimes, which are called “relative” political offenses, are generally nonextraditable.Despite the widespread acceptance of these analytic constructs, the distinctions are mo

15、re academic than meaningful. When it comes to real case, there is no agreement about what transforms a common crime into a political offense and about whether terrorist acts fall within the protection of the exception. Most terrorists claim that their acts do fall under this protection.Nations of the world must now balance the competing needs of political freedom and international public order. It is time to reexamine the political offense and nonpoli


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