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1、七年级听力检测Starter Unit 1 Good morning!基础训练I. Listen and number the following pictures. (听录音,给图画排序。听一遍。)II. Listen and choose the right pictures. (听录音,选出准确的图片。听一遍。)III. Listen and circle the words you hear. (听录音,在表格中圈出你所听到的单词。听一遍。)FKIDTHATMEPENCILAFRIENDNPOGAMEFMIV. Listen and match. (听录音,把名字和相对应的图片连线。听

2、一遍。) 1. Cara2. Eli3. Chris4. Ben5. John目标检测I. Listen and choose what you hear. (听录音,选出你所听到的选项。听一遍。)(5分)( )1. A. kB. aC. f( )2. A. lB. jC. g( )3. A. lookB. likeC. bike( )4. A. dateB. kiteC. case( )5. A. bagB. mapC. capII. Number the following sentences you hear. (听录音,给下列句子排序。听一遍。)(5分) 1. ( )2. ( )3.

3、( )4. ( )5. ( )A. My name is Jim Green.B. Good morning, Ann Read.C. Sit down, please.D. How are you?E. Nice to meet you!III. Listen to the sentences and choose what you hear. (听录音,选出你所听到的选项。听一遍。)(10分)( )1. A. fatherB. motherC. brother( )2. A. flagB. bedC. friend( )3. A. meetB. meC. late( )4. A. welc

4、omeB. comeC. well( )5. A. look afterB. look atC. look outIV. Listen and choose the right answers. (听录音,选出正确的答语。听一遍。)(10分)( )1. A. Nice to meet you!B. Fine, thank you. C. Im fine, too.( )2. A. Yes, Im fine.B. Thats all right.C. No, Im not.( )3. A. How do you do?B. Nice to meet you.C. Im fine, thank y

5、ou.( )4. A. Thank you, Jim. B. My name is Jim.C. Yes J-I-M, Jim.( )5. A. Its Mona.B. Its a flag.C. IM Barry.基础训练I. Listen and number the following pictures. 1. GCD2. ECB3. LKD4. ALI5. FAK6. ECL答案:16251436II. Listen and choose the right pictures. 1. B2. Its an eraser.3. Its a book.4. Miss Grace is my

6、 teacher.5. This is my ID card.答案:15ABDCBIII. Listen and circle the words you hear. 1. friend2. map3. kid4. game5. that答案:略。IV. Listen and match. 1. Ben is a boy.2. His mother is Cara.3. His father is John. 4. The girl is Eli.5. Look at the cat! Its Chris.答案:15BenCCaraAJohnBEliEChrisD目标检测I. Listen a

7、nd choose what you hear. 1. k2. g3. like4. kite5. cap答案:15ACBBCII. Number the following sentences you hear. 1. Sit down, please.2. Good morning, Ann Read.3. My name is Jim Green. 4. Nice to meet you!5. How are you?答案:CBAEDIII. Listen to the sentences and choose what you hear. 1. Is this your mother?

8、2. This is my friend, Tina. 3. Nice to meet you.4. Welcome to my school. 5. Look at the picture.答案:15BCAABIV. Listen and choose the right answers. 1. How are you, Jim?2. Excuse me, are you Miss Green? 3. How do you do?4. Whats your name? 5. Whos that? 答案:15BCABA年级初中学科英语版本期数内容标题Starter Unit 1 Good morning!分类索引号G.431分类索引描述听力主题词Starter Unit 1 Good morning!栏目名称听力供稿老师审稿老师录入常丽霞一校林卉二校审核


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