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1、word可编辑中英文辞职信范例英文辞职信范文8th February , 2022Dear Mr. Wong,Re: Resignation from the post of Settlement clerkI would like to let you know how much I have enjoyed my last three years at the Hero pany. Hero pany is an invaluable place for enriching my knowledge about financial field, I enjoyed working with

2、 my colleagues and I have learned so much things here.Because I would like to take a new challenge and I want to meet people from all walks of life, I have accepted an offer from an Insurance firm as a Personal Financial Consultant. I would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation

3、effective from 8 March, 2022.I would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before I leave. Thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable.Yours sincerely,Alexander Fung中文辞职信范例亲爱的(上司名字)本人已决定辞去现时(职位名称)的职位,并由x月x日(最后一个工作天的第二天)起开场正式生

4、效。在此,感谢(公司名称)给予本人学习的时机,并获得珍贵的工作经历。希望本人的离任不会为你带来很大的不便。本人希望在离任之前,可以获得离任通知书。祝工作愉快!_(你的名字)谨启日期英文辞职信范例(your address)3rd November 200X(the name of your boss)(pany name and section work with)(panys address)Dear (the name of your boss),I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my present position

5、 as (position) with effective from (next day of last date).Thank you for giving me a chance to learn and to gain the valuable experience in (pany name and section work with). I hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience.Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you co

6、uld let me have a reference letter before I leave.Yours faithfully,_(your full name)辞职信写作贴士假如断定离任的话,除了口头上向上司请辞外,呈上一封辞职信是不应缺少的步骤。辞职信内容离任日期、辞去的工作职位。简述辞职原因。(可提可不提)向公司、上司及同事表示谢意。要求撰写离任证明书(reference letter)。用词友善无论是你决定不干,还是被要求自动辞职,撰写辞职信时,措词切记要适当、友善,千万不要把辞职信当作发泄的工具,用词恶劣或猛数公司、老板的不是。原因有三- 你的将来老板随时会要求你的前任老板提供关於你在职时的资料,作为聘用与否的参考。因此,别自毁长城,让一封辞职信破坏你的大好前途。- 正所谓今日留一线,他朝好相见,假如你转职后还是留在同一行业内,日后在工作上或会有碰面的时机,到时便好不为难。- 另外,谁又能保证自己与旧公司/上司他朝不会山水有相逢,再有合作的时机呢?所以千万别让他们留下不良的印象。 第 页 共 页


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