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1、1、On Up Wind leg.一边2、On Cross Wind leg.二边3、On Down Wind leg.三边4、On Base leg.四边5、On final.五边6、On long final(short final).长五边(短五边)7、Turning base(Turn to base).三转弯(转向四边)8、Turning final(Turn to final).四转弯(转向五边)9、Right traffic pattern(circuit)Right hand pattern(circuit)右起落航线10、Left traffic pattern(circui

2、t)Left hand pattern(circuit)左起落航线11、Straight-in approachNDB approachGCA approachVisual approachILS approach直接进近(进场)、导航台进近、地面控制进近、能见进近、盲降进近。12、Rectangular let down方块(盒)穿云13、Tear-drop let-down.标准转弯穿云(修正角穿云)14、Simulating let-down(Practical let-down)模仿穿云15、Holding( HoldCircleOrbit)盘旋。16、Pull up and go a

3、round拉升、复飞(美国复飞口令)。17、Overshooting.复飞(美国复飞口令)。18、Missed approach.失去进近。19、Extend your down wind leg for 2 minutes.延长三边两分钟。20、Touch and go landing.连续起飞。21、Full stop landing.全停着陆。(滑跑到全停的着陆)22、Maintain 900m over FO and make(follow) tear-drop let-down for runway 03保持900米过FO,做(按照)修正角穿云,跑道03号。23、Report tur

4、ning in bound向台报告。24、Call procedure turn completed转弯改出呼叫。25、Request to know what let-down are you going to do.请问你打算做什么穿云?26、Make a traffic pattern(circuit)做一个起落航线。27、We like to make a let-down procedure over your field if unable to approach, we ll proceed to alternate HKG.我们想在机场上空做一个穿云,如不能进近,我们将飞往备降

5、场香港。28、Cleared to make a let-down at your pilot s own discretion.穿云由机长自己决定。29、Request to make one more try on let-down请求再试做一个穿云。30、Cleared for right( hand) rectangular let-down R/W21 and check over QX at 900m 允许做右方块穿云,跑道21 号,高度900米过QX报告。31、Initial approach at 900m.起始进近高度900米。32、Call starting procedu

6、re turn.开始程序转弯叫。33 Outbound track(heading) 239 degrees from FO for one and a half minutes 从FO出航航迹(航向)239度飞一分半钟。34、Advise established inbound on ILS.向台建立盲降报告。35、Cleared to join right traffic pattern(circuit)允许加入右航线。36、Cleared to join left down wind leg for R/W03.允许加入03号跑道左三边。37、Call on down wind at 4

7、50m450米三边呼叫。38、Check again on short final.短五边再检査。39、Cleared for simulating let-down允许做模拟(练习)穿云。40、Negative for simulating let-down, reason traffic sequence不同意做模拟(练习)穿云,因飞行秩序。41、Do not approved for a practice let-down, reason traffic density.不同意做练习穿云,因飞行繁忙。42、Cleared to make a tear drop let-down for

8、R/W03可以做修正角穿云,跑道03号。43、Track out 239 from FO for one and a half minutes, descend to 600m, report when staring procedure turn 从FO被台航迹239度飞一分半钟,下降到600米,开始程序转弯报告。44、Extend your traffic pattern.延长你的航线。45、Make a short traffic pattern做一个小航线。46、Make a short approach做小航线进近。47、Make a long approach做大航线进近。48、M

9、ake a normal approach做正常航线进近。49、Shorten your pattern, B747 is behind you.航线小一点,B747在你后面。50、We should like to try again the rectangular let-down. If we missed approach, we will proceed to HKG我们想再试一次方盒穿云,如不能进近,我们将飞往香港。51、CA1301 will make a trial on ILS approach If we can t make it , we will take Guang

10、zhou as alternate CA1301想试做盲降进近,如不能进近,我们将去广州备降。52、We dont have the R/W in sights request pull up.我们看不见跑道,请求拉升。53、Call me when you have visual contact.能见时叫我。54、Visual contact at 200m.200米能见地面。55、Give me a call when cleared of all clouds.完全出云时报告。56、Advise when you are intercepting the localizer.切到航道报告

11、。57、You are approach too low, drag (it) in进场高度低,带住。58、Watch out your altitude, you seem too low( you are too low).注意你的高度,你好象低了。(你低了)。59、Keep aligning with the R/W.注意对准跑道。60、Say remaining fuel on board.请告剩余油量。61、Request your endurance on board. (What t your endurance?) 请问机上续航时间。62、How much fuel remai

12、n on board?机上剩余油量多少?63、You are 70km from VB, radial 170 degree.你距VB70公里,方位170度。64、Not below.不低于65、Not above不高于66、Not less than不小于67、Not more不大于68、More than 10mm大于十毫米。69、Do not fly over the city and observe strictly.不要飞越城市上空。70、FYI, fighter training at 7000m.通知你,战斗机飞行训练,高度7000米。71、Jet A/C is training

13、 for acrobatics FLT at 6000m喷气机在特技飞行训练,高度6000米。72、Continue holding for 5 minutes继续等待五分钟。73、Report when have the ground in sight.能见地面时报告。74、Keep(Maintain) VMC approach保持能见进近。75、Pull back the throttle a little收一点油门。76、Keep clear of clouds.保持云下能见。77、Are you VMC?你目视飞行吗?78、You can switch off , good day!可

14、以脱波,再见!79、Have you contacted the ground?你看见地面吗?80、Are you visual now?你能见吗?81、Do you have the runway in sight?你看见跑道吗?82、We have your field in sight, request straight in approach for R/W21.我们看到机场了,请求21 号跑道直接进近。83、Descend to 900m, proceeding to (heading to) QX, report whenyou have the field in sight.下降

15、到900米,飞往QX看到机场报告。84、Proceed to SHA by order.飞往上海,因指示。85、Do you want the search light for landing?你用探照灯降落吗?86、What did you say?你讲什么?87、Say again the time over BH再讲一遍飞越BH的时间。88、Is the runway in your sight?你看见跑道了吗?89、You are not in my sight over inner marker 100m我没有看到你,高度100米过近台叫。90、You should be maintain 1



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