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1、Test for Unit 3Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this Part, you will hear ten statements. Each statement is based on the texts you have just learned in this unit. Statements one to six are about Text A, and statements seven to ten are about Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE.After you

2、 hear each statement, decide whether it is True or False.SET 11. TrueFalse2. TrueFalse3. TrueFalse4. TrueFalse5. TrueFalse6. TrueFalse7. TrueFalse8. TrueFalse推荐精选9. TrueFalse10. TrueFalseAnswer:1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. False 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. TrueSET 21. TrueFalse2. T

3、rueFalse3. TrueFalse4. TrueFalse5. TrueFalse6. TrueFalse7. TrueFalse8. TrueFalse推荐精选9. TrueFalse10. TrueFalseAnswer:1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. True 8. False 9. False 10. FalseListening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it w

4、ill not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage TWICE. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear.SET 1Most people think of a camel as an obedient beast of (11) , because it is best known for its ability to carry heavy loads across vast st

5、retches of (12) without requiring water. In reality, the camel is considerably more than just the Arabian (13) of the mule. It also possesses a great amount of intelligence and sensitivity.The Arabs assert that camels are so acutely aware of (14) and ill-treatment that a camel owner who punishes one

6、 of the beasts too harshly finds it difficult to (15) the camels vengeance. Apparently, the animal will remember an injury and wait for an opportunity to get (16) .In order to (17) themselves from the vengeful beasts, Arabian camel drivers have learned to (18) their camels into believing they have a

7、chieved revenge. When an Arab realizes that he has excited a camels rage, he places his own garments on the ground in the animals path. He (19) the clothing so that it appears to cover a mans body. When the camel recognizes its masters clothing on the ground, it seizes the pile with its teeth, shake

8、s the garments (20) and tramples on them in a rage. Eventually, after its anger has died away, the camel departs, assuming its revenge is complete. Only then does the owner of the garments come out of hiding, safe for the time being, thanks to this clever trick.Answer:11. burden 12. desert 13. equiv

9、alent 14. injustice 15. escape 16. revenge 17. protect 18. trick 19. arranges 20. violentlySET 2推荐精选There is nothing (11) about a single language dying. (12) have come and gone throughout history, and with them their languages. But what is happening today is extraordinary, judged by the standards of

10、 the past. It is language (13) on a massive scale. According to the best (14) , there are some 6,000 languages in the world. Of these, about half are going to die out in the course of the next century: thats 3,000 languages in 1,200 months. On (15) , there is a language dying out somewhere in the wo

11、rld every two weeks or so.How do we know? In the course of the past two or three decades, linguists all over the world have been gathering (16) data. If they find a language with just a few speakers left, and nobody is (17) to pass the language on to the children, they conclude that language is (18)

12、 to die out soon. And we have to draw the same conclusion if a language has less than 100 speakers. It is not likely to last very long.It is too late to do anything to help many languages, where the speakers are too few or too old, and where the community is too busy just trying to (19) to care abou

13、t their language. But many languages are not in such a serious position. Often, where languages are seriously (20) , there are things that can be done to give new life to them.Answer:11. unusual 12. Communities 13. extinction 14. estimates 15. average 16. comparative 17. bothering 18. bound 19. surv

14、ive 20. endangeredReading ComprehensionDirections: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice.SET 1PASSAGE TWOA Rolls-Royce is both a symbol of luxury and a finely-crafted

15、 automobile. Only the very rich can afford one - nobles, heads of state, or wealthy leaders of industry. The car promises good looks, quality, quietness, and luxury. The company is usually willing to decorate the interiors of the cars - and occasionally the exteriors - to the buyers taste.One of the 50 Rolls-Royces owned by an Indian ruler, the Nizam of Hyderabad, had a body made of solid silver and an interior upholstered in gold brocade. The two R


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