A project designed to improve the proficiency of staffs’ Business English dealing with customer service

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《A project designed to improve the proficiency of staffs’ Business English dealing with customer service》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《A project designed to improve the proficiency of staffs’ Business English dealing with customer service(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A project designed to improve the proficiency of staffs Business English dealing with customer service论文摘要欧拓电子有限公司是一家世界级以生产监测系统、软件、传感器、平衡装置、油类分析仪、便携式仪器、仪表测试和校正仪等为主的公司,其产品功能是用来保护机械和热力学工业设备的安全运行。公司在43个国家的工业区设立办公室,拥有许多国外客户,客户主要经营为电力业、化工及一些其它行业。随着客户的增加和业务的发展,客户投诉也越来越多,近期投诉的热点是多家客户认为我们公司未能提供有效、流畅的客服服务,这制



4、的发展常胜不衰,切实有效完善培训来提高客户服务质量将是一个极富竞争力的法宝。Abstract Overtop limited, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of intuitive interface technologies and products. The Company designs, manufactures and distributes products and systems with an objective to make peoples lives safer, more productive and

5、comfortable.This paper presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem of the improficiency of the Business English of our staff. It is hypothesized that if the training system is established and the training is carried out timely to our staff, then customers needs and wants

6、 will be better satisfied and our company will become more competitive. Scientific research methods of customer survey, such as questionnaires and SWOT analysis were used in the identification, analysis of problems and project evaluation. Activity Flow Chart with Time Scale and Project Progressive C

7、hecklist were used to monitor the project implementation. As a Sales service manager, I am in charge of the implementation of this project. We take ten weeks to complete this project from 20 April to 30 June 2007. After the implementation of this project, staffs abilities of using Business English a

8、re significantly improved. The goal was achieved through the team efforts of all the project members. After the implementation of this project, staffs abilities of using Business English are significantly improved. The great majority of customers are now satisfied with all kinds of communication wit

9、h Overtop .The project hypothesis has proved to be reasonable and applicable. Table of ContentsPages1. Introduction 72 Summary of the Preliminary research8 2.1. Problem 8 2.2. Problem analysis8 2.2.1 Problem description8 2.2.2 Questionnaire survey8 2.2.3 SWOT analysis9 2.3 project objective10 2.4 pr

10、oject hypothesis103. Project Rationale104. Project Design104.1. Planning activities104.1.1 Activities with time-scale104.1.2 People involved and responsibilities124.2. Costing134.3. Risks analysis135.Project Implementation145.1. General introduction of time, place of project implementation 145.2. Th

11、e working steps of implementation145.3.Monitoring156.Project Findings and Discussion166.1.Results166.2.Discussion167. Conclusion16Bibliography18Appendix1: The Project Progressive Checklist19Appendix 2: Questionnaire203A project designed to improve the proficiency of staffs Business English dealing w

12、ith customer service1. IntroductionOvertop Limited, founded in 1974, is a global technology and manufacturing company that provides innovative automation and control solutions to our customers in the industrial, commercial and consumer markets. Our businesss been going smoothly. But recently we rece

13、ived more and more complaints from some clients about our staffs improficiency of Business English application which resulted in business delay and even the worse, losing the deal. In order to keep up with or outpace competition in such a changeable global market, it is quite necessary to improve ou

14、r staffs Business English proficiency as soon as possible. Otherwise it would be faced with shrinking numbers of customers. Being in charge of the Sales Service Department, I have looked into the situation and propose a solution to this problem. A short-term Business English training should be launched immediately with an aim to educate enough staffs to carry out particular responsibilities.After having made a simp


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