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1、译林七年级上期末测试试卷一、单选(每题1分,共15分)( )1hav_ otebok ande n my ag._noebk i f you. A. a; A B. h; The C the; A . a; he( )2. -_ esour broter achV?- Eery Saturda anduday. . How may B. Hwofen C.Howmuch D. How ong( )3.Te_ somemilk nd eggs o e tabe. A. is n . aret .is D. are( )4. We cnuse Q t_withe te n he ntere. el

2、l B spek C ay D. talk( ) Remember to_ you hmeorkto scool tomorrw. A ve B. brig C take D.uy( )6. - uld use your icionary? -Ye, you_. A. ca B ould C.ed Dhud( )7. - Does the comptr_ou ls of money? - s. Its morean 0,00ua. A. spen B. cst Cpy D.by( )8.t tme _ TV now? A. for wath B. to ac . wth Dwatcing( )

3、9 His Eglis s r_, bhe cat si Englis sng very_. A. gd;god B well; od . od; el D. el; wll( )10 W can e ony ono the doors_. A. are pn B. isclsed C.is close D.areclsd( )1.Amy hi on ckere o eet. She_ats them Aofe . aays C. sualy D.sedom( )1. y amily alays _a paty_ the evening of31stOtobe. A. have; in B.

4、has; in C. a; o D e;on( )13. He omeime_ apcu, bt nowh_ A aws;sings B.drawin; siging C. aws; is snin . rwing; sigs( )14 Se ik dnkn a cup f cffe beor_ A to wrk B wks C.rking D.wk( ) Dowened buy some vegetble? Yes. Lets uy ome_ A. potatos ancars B cae andapples C tomatos an arots .noodls n eanuts二、完形填空

5、(每题 1分,共 10分) y pnfrend s a i and findly girl. She i i England. er 1 is Connie. meet Cnie 2 t Iernt,anwa both twelve yar . Fist,I 4 aleteoh a ntr m hobies, my so n y dilylife few ays ater, eceie Cnies5 . h me a lotaboutheself. I lerntat he oes lnguges, spor nd moves. She liks Chinad Chnesef ermc. Sh

6、e tel me something abot Englandto. Conie is god at Englis,Frnch and Spas(西班牙语),so ask her t 7 me a liteoftem. onie wats tearn som , bu itsvery dfficult fr her. Throgh Cnie, know 9 aut the world ousid. I wu like to 10 Cnie some dy in Enand.( )1.A hobby B.nm age D,b( )2. A on B. for C.t D n( )3 A oung

7、 B. bg C. small D. d( ).A re B. sng C. t D. drw( ). Ak B. letter call D. ho( )6 A asks B. ay C talks D.tell( )7.A teah B.hlp .ive D. answer ( )8.Eglis B Frech C Chinse D. Spanh( )9. r B. less few D little( )10. A cl B. r Cvis D.elp三、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)(A) MrandMrs Brwn lvin asmll house near onnitther Ch

8、ldren. ually Mr r cmesbk fr kvry te A that tme,his if nd the idn ae seep(熟睡的). S he opens the fronoor f is oue wh his key nd comes in ve qitly. One nghthe coes ome eylatet cant fnd hie. Herg(按) th ell. Noing hpns(发生) He igit ai. Agin nothig hapens. Noboyinide thehoumoves(移动). Mr Brown knoks atthebeo

9、om wndow. He call h wie ae. He shouts buthi wif doest wake u. At lst e sops adthnks fr a ewmintes Te he beginto spekike small chd. Mother, h says. I want togo to.Hespas very uilbt tnce(立即) rs Brow wa up. henhespeatoe,ad she pens the do fo him( )1. Mr Bwn ahis wif ive in_. A. smll counry B Lndon a ho

10、usebut nt big D. small town( )2.Mr Brcme back_. eay B from wok vey ate bfohs wieadthchdr go to e D. 7 pm( )3 Mrowncant open the doo bcause_ A. hecomes home late B.hecan fi the ey t the oor .he cn wakep iswfe D.somehig i wrng with he key( ). M Brown pks lke a hild ecase_ A. e loks ik a child he wants wakuphis children Ce wns omae fun f i wife D. was to wake uphs ife( )5. hihth ollowngi


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