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1、精选英文道歉信范文合集6 篇英文道歉信篇 1Dear David ,I am truly sorry that I cannot attend the projectmeeting to be held on next Tuesday afternoon。The reason is that I am going to take a businessto Shanghai by plane that day , so I will be unavailable for the meeting 。 However , considering the importance of the meeti

2、ng , I will be grateful if you could sendme a brief record of the project progress by E mail 。I will check the record and send my feedback to you。Once again , I am sorry for any inconvenience caused 。 Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation 。Yours sincerely ,英文道歉信篇 2时间已经过去一年了。这一

3、年,我们有过快乐的时光、痛苦的回忆、无知的困惑和感人的时刻。然而,快乐和感动都是你带来的,痛苦和困惑却因我而起。我承认在我们约会期间对你胡思乱想,对待你的态度不合适,强迫你做自己不喜欢的事。还一次次的让你哭泣,尽管我知道你是一个敏感的女孩儿。我也不够体贴因为总是忽略你内心的感受。回顾那次事情。随着矛盾日益增加,爬山的事成为你爆发的导火索。 你在山腰跟我说的话真正地伤了我的心。 然而, 这是我应得的。我们分手的原因就是由于我武断的行为和漫不经心的心态,这也导致现在让你我尴尬的现状。即使现在,我们也不能像以前一样互相打招呼。总的来说,一切都是我的错。 当我说这句话时, 心里感到深深的愧疚感。 然而

4、, 这是我应受的责备。我真正想说的是我现在还想你。多少平静的梦乡中,你总会出现,这也是我做过的最幸福的梦。每次遇见你,我都 努力装作没看见你,故作镇定,可总禁不住想看你一眼,想 知道你最近过得怎么样。 虽然我现在上课不多, 但每次上课, 也都会寻找你的身影。我越来越不能压抑自己的情感。如果我改变态度了呢?我想知道你是否会给我一个机会来弥补你因我而受伤的心灵。 真诚至上It has already been one year. This year, we have been through happiness, pain, confusion and impressive. Yet, most

5、of the happiness and impressive was brought by you, pain and confusion was brought by me. I confess that I had mixed thoughts during our date time. My attitude toward you was not proper. I madeyou do things that you don t like. Even I knew that you are a sensitive girl, I still made you cry more tha

6、n once. I was not a considerate boy for I disregarded your deep feelings.Look back on that so called big problem. As theconflicts developed, the mountain climbing was the point that you broke out. What you said in the middle of the mountain truly hurt my feeling. Nevertheless, I deserved this. The r

7、eason that we broke up was due to my arbitrary behavior and casual attitude, which led us to this situation that make us awkward. Even now, we couldn t greet each other as we did before.Generally, it was all my fault. When I said this, I felt great guilty from the bottom of my broken heart. However,

8、 I was be to blamed for this.What I really want to tell you is that I stillmissyou right now. I dreamed about you in my peaceful dream that is the happiest dream ever I thought. I tried to pretend to ignore you and be calm When I met you. But I couldn t help glancing you for I want to know how you a

9、re going. Though I barely went to classroom, when I did, I would find where you sit. I can t constrainmy emotion.But what if I changed my attitude ? I just wondered if you could give me another chance to make up your broken heart that once was broken by me.Yours sincerely,Frank英文道歉信篇 3Dear Sarah,I a

10、m terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday part next Thursday evening. That is owing to the fact that my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it wil

11、l take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave.I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to

12、 show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party.Cordially, xxx 英文道歉信篇 4Dear Mr. LiIt has been brought to my attention that upon checking in at China World Hotel on Jun 2, 1999 Your experience was one of difficulty.I would like to express my sincer

13、e apologies for the poor attitude of our receptionist when she advised you of the error in your reservation. there is simply no excuse in her behavior as I assure you that the necessary action gas been taken to rectify the lack of service you should have receive.Unfortunately there was an error in y

14、our reservation regarding your arrival date. I am unable to identify where the oversight originated through my investigation however I regret that you were inconvenienced.Mr. Li, I do hope that I can assure you that your negative experience was an isolated incident, I look forward to welcoming you b

15、ack in very near future so that we can restore your confidence in the product and service of Shangri-La China World Hotel. Please do not hesitate to contact medirectly in business or pleasure bring you back to Beijing.Sincerely,Alfred ZhuangFront Office Manager英文道歉信篇 5Dear David: ,I am afraid that y

16、ou will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7,December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. Whenyour letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when I took it up.


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