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1、英语中学作文六篇 在学习、工作、生活中,大家最不生疏的就是作文了吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,肯定要避开无结尾作文的出现。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我为大家整理的英语中学作文6篇,欢迎大家共享。英语中学作文 篇1Rcently, e hada dicuionabut whtrsentsoud smokigrete. n one hand, abu 2% ofthe studetsagree tht adoesntssmok cigartes In their opinion,smokngcel hm ase tir esrewhe ey are derheay tres. Besid

2、s, smokingis fashional a it fees coltsmki f of oher per.Howev,on hethe hnd , about 80objc to it.They thinksoing doegreatdamage othr bod; Onc thy areadcted t , t l b oughto quit it. Whats more, moking al a a harmful effec on others, nn-soker in particular ore imprtantly,if you are aheav smker, yousme

3、l terrible That wy soetime oufind it diiul t comunicate with hers. As ara Im cncernd, adolescent hold ngento thebd habit of smoking. ts becausei does goo toou physiclnd mentlheah n te longt.英语中学作文篇2 示例: ea_, I am . (自我介绍) I eeat trouleoubut I amaaid ta Ihave to make complint bout_Teeon ryissatact s_

4、(总体介绍). In thefrst plce,_(埋怨的第一个方面). In dito,_(埋怨的其次个方面). Unr thsecircumstance, fnd _(感觉) to _(埋怨的方面给你带来的后果). I prciate it very muchf yu cul_(提出建议和恳求), referabl_(进一步的要求), andI wld ie havethis mateetled by _(设定解决事情最终期限)ak yu r yourcosierationan I wil be lookin forwad to o repy. YoussicerlLi Mng英语中学作文

5、 篇Dear Dvid, I am LiHa. I am gla to read ou tice on the itrne an no you t o make fend with a Cines in rder t learnthe Chinese languae n cur I want obe yr riend. NId lketo introduce myself o o.I as orn nChoqigin 190,I sud nheExperintal idl Scol of hongqingand I amgood at Englsh I inkcan helo t knowao

6、t Chinaby sendng e-mails.amoe, w an hve chas onthe Iteret i hinese o lih d Il tll you he cutos,the fstvals,th fods,etc. fth Chnse. I hope e cakep intouch it ach ther. Iamokng orwad yor reply. Yous,LiHua英语中学作文 篇4 The inerwill no e ng bfre vs ll all dowm 。 And somehing fncy cominto eingraually. It s u

7、hcold weaher t we cot stand .So almost ll students go to hold howae a to gtwam. Beuse f god qulty,theho ter bag ar held oneafter anoth. ow beatifula pitures!Ocourse,ometin cazy also hae. For exapl , e dae to run qicy whle the wthr is cld.he harisly an welwsbur intoauhter. tis certiha w all feel hppy

8、SinceI tudid Gade 10, ihave smiled vey 。I apreciate beaut of le 。How cute hey re!Maybet apy md has an effecton e , not nly feelrlaxbut l hapy stdy. Il wat I am ow 中文翻译: 冬季不久将离开全部秋天悲观。 和一些花哨的渐渐形成。 这是我们受不了这么冷的天气。所以几乎全部的学生都去持有热水袋来取暖。因为质量好,热水袋是一个接一个地实行。多么漂亮的一幅画!英语中学作文篇5Iraq sart ofhe Middl ett In & uwai

9、t. I isvey importtto her f th rldbease of ts ndergrnd ptrole fields. It isaid hatoi is indsia blood d or tis res perhapthe wasate O September1,20xx,the Ti Towrs n N Yoa weas part f the Pentgo were destroyed y an aiplane plnnedb eroists, wich made GorBsh dere oiht hcountys eei.It was aid that Irq sip

10、osssdan weao of s destruon and weapon ispeos weresent to hecoutr by tUN to find he cue.hogh nevdnce wasun, Amerca still wantd o go to warith rq andth mai taget sSadamHusein. Tr wsjust ike te q battl btn Frce n Cnan 00.It a said hat eion Saambrayedhim. I tinkwar isot jut a materf t peon ow-am fg slte

11、d o s any victm inreret .A leader, oe m ys tikr ll the eople, o wil his cuntry be rosperous for alwys英语中学作文 篇6 Inrcet yea,te vounteerngirt has spead among t Cineeopl,especl aogngsters.ccording t a surey, n 20xx, tee re but 1,700,000 volunteers o ofered service fo Olym Games Atuall, an incsignubrof p

12、eope bee olnteer every year nhia.Volneerig ions ae of temendou enit o boh tose in ned and the ocet. OympiGmesare a oexamp.s is knownto ll,voluneesplad aacve role in Beijig OlympGaes. ithoutthe,it wouldbe a toughtatohol tiunprecedent Oymic Gaes. Therefor, we cn sy h was those vlunteers wh nsred the successoftse gaes. smod colege studens, esholdtatvly invledin volnterin acivit By p



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