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1、松江区2013-2014学年度第二学期期末考试七年级英语(满分100分,完卷时间90分钟)Part One Liste ning(听力)I . Listen to the sentence and choose the suitable picture.(听句子,选出与句子内容符合(A)(B)(D)(F)(E)#n .Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(听对话C. At home. D. In the和问题,选出最恰当的答案)10%()1. A. In the library.

2、B. In the playgro und. un dergr ound.()2. A. Teacher and stude nt C. Doctor and patie nt.()3. A. KittyB. Mark()4.s pare nt.C.JohnA. Actio n filmsB. Teacher and classmate.D. Father and daughter.D. KateB. Funny filmsC. Love storiesD.Adve nture films()5.A. Teacher()6. A. 5yuanB. 25yuan()7. A. To do som

3、e shopp ingC. To do her homework()8. A. BlackB. GreyB. WorkerC. Doctor D. En gi neerC. 30yuanD. 35yuanB. To do some houseworkD. To go shopp ingC. RedD. Blue()9. A. Size small()10. A. 6: 10D. Size small and largeD. 7:10B. Size medium C. Size largeB. 6: 20C. 6: 30in . Listen to the passage and tell wh

4、ether the following statements are True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“ T”表示,不符合的用“ F”表示)5% ()1. People have much time to think about what to eat in America.()2. Sarah likes McDonald s because she knows it sells healthy food.()3. Most America ns still have fast food although they know it is not g

5、ood for them.()4. Almost every American school child knows McDonald s.()5.The passage tells us some of childre n probably have health problems because ofoverweight.IV .Listen to the passage and fill in the bla nks.(听短文完成下列空格,每格限填一词)5 %1. Dick Brow n will go to Garde n City on13th.2. It takes the tra

6、in about seve n hours to get to Garde n City Railway.3. Passengers will have to pay 300 for thesleeper.4. Dick wants to21 tickets for the hard sleeper.5. Dick s teleph one nu mber isPart Two Vocabulary and Grammar (词汇与语法 )I .Choose the word with the different sound.1. A. threeB. monthC. thank(选出发音不同

7、的单词)5%D. with2. A. rob3. A. brightly4. A. sadly5. A. float ingB. moder nC. hopeB. filmB. spaceB. allowC. diaryC. tapeC. growD. dropD. sightsee ingD. safetyD. known(用括号中所给单词(happy)6. We feelwith air-c on diti oned rooms in summe r or win ter. (comfortably)n .Complete the sentences with the given word

8、s in their proper forms.的适当形式完成下列句子)8%1. Good friends should always share each other2. We saw thein bl .ue run out of the bank quickly just now. (rob)3. It would beto live on the Mars (火星)nowadays. (possible)4. There are all kinds ofafter class in our class. (activity)5. If you exerciseevery day, yo

9、u will be stron ger and stron ger. (regular)7. The stude nts from our school make leaf cardsto tell us to love the Earth. (they)8. It is verythat so many young people go abroad for further study. (surprise)川.Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)15%()1. What happe ns whe nwater boils?A. aB. anC. theD. /(

10、)2. We votemodel stude nts at the end of every school year.A. forB. onC. withD. to()3. Look! Your jea ns are a little looser tha n.A. IB. meC. myD. mine()4. The fisherman s wife was too g reedy, so the gold fish was sad and gave herD. everyth inge can t earnthis year becauseA. someth ingB. nothing C

11、. anything()5. The farmer lives on grow ing vegetables. Hof thedrought (旱灾).A. littleB. muchC. manyD. few()6. Paris ( 巴黎)is one ofcities in the world.A. beautifulB. more beautiful C. most beautifulD. the most beautiful()7. Mother s Day makes meof my dear mum.A. thi nkB. thinks()8. The silly crow(乌鸦)

12、wan ted toA. take offB. show off()9. What will my lovely son be like?A. in twenty yearC. in twenty years time()10. -book do you like best?-The one on the left.C. thi nki ngD. toits song but none would enjoy it.C. turn off D. get offB. in twenty years timeD. in twenty year s timethi nkA. WhichB. WhyC

13、. WhereD. When()11. We hope that wemore electrical applia nces in our house.A. will haveB. haveC. are havi ng D. had()12. Aunt Bettyan En glish teacher since she graduated from the uni versity.A. wasB. has bee nC. have bee nD. were()13. It s already 12:00 and Im hun gry. Let melunch first.A. haveB.

14、to haveC. to havi ngD. havi ng()14.-I dont like films about adventures.A. Neither do IB. So do IC. Neither don t ID. So don t I()15. - Perhaps well meet some famous people when were in the stadium.-. I want to see my favourite star, Yao Ming with my own eyes!A. That s all right.B. I think so. C. Myp

15、leasure.D. I don t think so.IV .Rewrite the followingsentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写句子,每空格限填一词)14%1. People travel to the airport by the Airport Express.(改为否定句 )Peopleto the airport by the Airport Express.2. Alice has never been to America.(改为反意疑问句 )Alice has n ever bee n to America,?3. Fred and his friend are living in a nic


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