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1、The international Classification of Headache disorders, 3rd Editon头痛分类的国际标准 (ICHD-III)概述:头痛分为三大组:原发性头痛;继发性头痛;脑神经痛、中枢和原发性颜面痛及其他头痛。每一种原发性头痛均视为一种 独立的疾病 ;继发性头痛一般只是某种疾病的一种症状,该头痛称为 “缘于”此种疾病的头痛 。无先兆偏头痛的诊断标准:三大组头痛共分为14 类:一、原发性头痛( the primary headaches)1.偏头痛( Migraine )Migraine without aura 无先兆偏头痛Migraine wi

2、th aura 有先兆偏头痛Migraine with typical auraTypical aura with headacheTypical aura without headacheMigraine with brainstem auraHemiplegic migraine 偏瘫型偏头痛Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM)家族性Familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM1)Familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (FHM2)A:符合 B-D 特征,至少发作5 次发作B:头痛(未经治疗

3、)发作持续4-72 小时C:至少有以下特征中的2 项单侧性、搏动性、中重度痛、日常活动会加重D:至少以下一项伴随症状:恶心和 / 或呕吐、畏光和畏声先兆性偏头痛的诊断标准:E:不能归因于其他A:符合 B-C 特征,至少发作2 次发作B:完全可逆以下症状的1 项或多项视觉、感觉、语言障碍(典型先兆)肢体无力症状(偏瘫型偏头痛)脑干症状(基底型偏头痛)Familial hemiplegic migraine type 3 (FHM3)Familial hemiplegic migraine, other lociSporadic hemiplegic migraine散发性Retinal migr

4、aineChronic migraine 慢性偏头痛Complications of migraine 偏头痛并发症Status migrainosus偏头痛持续状态Persistent aura without infarction视网膜症状(视网膜型偏头痛)C:至少有以下特征中的2 项至少 1 个先兆逐渐发展的过程5min ,和 / 或不同先兆接连发生过程5minMigrainous infarction 偏头痛脑梗死Migraine aura-triggered seizureProbable migraine 很可能的偏头痛Probable migraine without auraP

5、robable migraine with auraEpisodic syndromes that may be associated with migraine 可能与偏头痛有关的发作性综合征Recurrent gastrointestinal disturbancevomiting syndrome 周期性呕吐Abdominal migraine 腹型偏头痛慢性偏头痛:偏头痛发作每月15 天,连续 3 个月以上偏头痛持续状态:单次发作持续72 小时以上Benign paroxysmal vertigo 良性发作性眩晕Benign paroxysmal torticollis 良性发作性斜颈

6、2.紧张型头痛 (Tension-type headache)每次发作持续 30min-7d,慢性者可持续不缓解Infrequent episodic tension-type headache 偶发性1d/月,至少 10 次以上( 12d/年)Infrequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tendernessInfrequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tendernessFrequent epis

7、odic tension-type headache 频发性 1d/ 月,但 15d,至少发作 10 次以上( 12d/ 年但180d)Frequent episodic tension-type headache associated with pericranial tendernessFrequent episodic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tendernessChronic tension-type headache 慢性紧张型头痛每月发作 15d,3 个月以上Chronic tension-type

8、 headache associated with pericranial tendernessChronic tension-type headache not associated with pericranial tendernessProbable tension-type headache 很可能的紧张型头痛Probable infrequent episodic tension-type headacheProbable frequent episodic tension-type headacheProbable chronic tension-type headache丛集性头

9、痛的诊断标准:A:至少符合B-D 的 5 次以上的发作B:单侧、眼眶、上眼眶及/ 或颞部重度或极重度疼痛,如不治疗持续15min-180min ;3.三叉自主神经性头痛(Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias)Cluster headache 丛集性头痛Episodic cluster headache发作性丛集性头痛Chronic cluster headache慢性丛集性头痛(复发作大于 1 年无缓解期,或缓解期 1 个月)Paroxysmal hemicraniaEpisodic paroxysmal hemicraniaChronic paroxysmal

10、hemicraniaShort-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacksShort-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT)Episodic SUNCTChronic SUNCTShort-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial autonomic symptoms (SUNA)Episodic SUNAC

11、hronic SUNAHemicrania continuaProbable trigeminal autonomic cephalalgiaProbable cluster headacheProbable paroxysmal hemicraniaProbable short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacksProbable hemicrania continua4.其它的原发性头痛Other primary headache disorders )Primary cough headache原发性咳嗽头痛Probable p

12、rimary cough headachePrimary exercise headache原发性运动性头痛Probable primary exercise headachePrimary headache associated with sexual activity原发性性活动伴随的头痛Probable primary headache associated with sexual activityPrimary thunderclap headache 原发性霹雳头痛Cold-stimulus headache冷刺激性头痛Headache attributed to external

13、application of a cold stimulusHeadache attributed to ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulusProbable cold-stimulus headacheHeadache probably attributed to external application of a cold stimulusHeadache probably attributed to ingestion or inhalation of a cold stimulusExternal-pressure headacheNDPH 诊断标准:External-compression headacheA:持续性头痛,符合B-C 的标准External-traction headacheProbable external-pressure headacheProbable external-compression headacheProbable external-traction headachePrimary stabbing headacheProbable primary stabbing headacheNummular headacheProbable nummular headacheHypnic he


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