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1、英语口译基础能力证书考试实考试卷汇编(含MP3下载) 新东方09秋季基础口译考试热点预测(上) 10.6基础口译考试已日趋临近,在最后的备战期间,如何有针对性地进行复习对于广大考生们来说至关重要。在此,奉上新东方口译研究中心最新热点预测,从核心词汇、高频句型、命题发言等多角度全面解析备考热点话题,希望能为大家助一臂之力! 1. Educational System (教育制度) 必备词汇bachelor 学士make a contribution做贡献breakthrough突破master硕士communicate交流milestone里程碑enroll注册、入学participant参与者

2、freshman 新生;大学一年级学生placement test定职测验graduate student毕业生prestigious享有声望的intermediate中级的recommendation推荐major专业、主修scholarship奖学金高频句型: 1. As we take so much pride in you today, let us also make sure that we recognize the family and friends who have supported you, pushed you, and today who have come to

3、 celebrate this day with you. 今天在我们为你们感到自豪的同时,请不要忘记支持你们,督促你们,今天来这里与你们共同庆祝的家长和亲朋好友们。 2. I urge you to make a contribution to the field of science and to the well-being of society. 你们象征这家庭、国家以及亚洲的希望和抱负。 3. 我在报纸上看到一则报道,说中国有超过3/5的中小学生通过补习以取得更好的成绩。 I came across a report in the newspaper, which said that

4、 more than three-fifths of Chinese school children rely on remediation to enhance their grades. 命题发言: 1. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Co-education(男女合校教育)? 2. How Can children Improve Relationships with Others? 2. Social Issue(社会问题) 必备词汇: abortion堕胎lottery彩票black market黑市murder谋杀commercial ho

5、using 商业住房nuclear weapon核武器drug addict吸毒成瘾者policy政策energy crisis能源危机senior citizen老年人hijack抢劫single-parent household单亲家庭juvenile delinquency/crime青少年行为不良/ 犯罪stock market股市life insurance人寿保险suicide自杀life span寿命violence暴力高频句型: 1. The majority of single mothers suffer from more financial hardship and s

6、ocial pressure than couples. 大多数单身母亲所遭受的经济困难和社会压力要超过双亲家庭。 2. Surely by now we know that social alienation can sometimes produce violence toward oneself or toward others. At least we should learn to listen to them and make friends with them; otherwise they may seek some kind of outlet in violence. 现在

7、我们当然懂得,社会的疏远有时会引起对自己或他人的暴力行为。至少,我们可以学者去倾听他们,和他们成为朋友,否则他们会通过暴力以求发泄。 3. 老龄问题是最近几年才提出来的。但是老年人的问题不是现在才有的。 The question of old age has been raised only in recent years, yet it has long existed. 命题发言: 1. Causes of and Solutions to Teenagers Lack of Social Responsibility. 2. Should People Allow Television

8、to Have Control Over Their Lives? 3. Travel and Sightseeing(旅游与观光) 必备词汇: coupon优惠券retail零售destination目的地tour arrangement 旅程安排discount折扣tour brochure 旅行手册itinerary 旅程、旅行指南tour operation 旅游业务local guide 当地导游tour route 旅行线路peak season 旺季traveling expense 旅费receiving country 接待国unprecedented前所未有的高频句型: 1

9、. England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. 英国并不大,从北至南,由东到西,只有300英里的跨度。但这样一个小国却有着令人惊奇的气候变化。 2. As a seasoned traveler, I prefer to travel by train. Its much more f

10、un traveling by train than by air, besides being much cheaper. 作为一个有经验的旅行者,我更喜欢成火车旅行。坐火车比坐飞机有趣多了,而且还便宜。 3. 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们的可支配收入和休闲时间也不断增加,旅游因此越来越受到国人的青睐。 With the improvement of peoples living standard and constantly increasing disposable income and leisure time, traveling has thus drawn more and mo

11、re concern nationwide. 命题发言: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Traveling Alone. 4. Science, Technology and Progress(科技与进步) 必备词汇: clone克隆patent专利floppy disk软盘personal computer个人计算机gene基因physical sciences自然科学green无公害science and technology科技information highway信息高速公路social sciences社会科学Internet互联网softw

12、are软件laser激光upgrade提高, 加强, 改善operation system操作系统Web site网址高频句型: 1. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak at this seminar on the topic of “E-commerce-leader of modern business”. 能有机会在研讨会上以“电子商务-现代商务的领导者”为题进行发言,我谨向您表示感谢。 2. Im glad to be here to talk to you about what we have achieved in n

13、uclear waste management. 我很高兴在这里和大家谈谈我们在处理核废料问题上所取得的成绩。 3. 中国在农业、工业和社会可持续发展等科技工作方面成效显著,在产业技术研究方面取得了一系列重大突破。 China has scored remarked achievements in agriculture, industry and sustainable social development and made a series of significant breakthroughs in industrial technology research. 1 命题发言: 1. How Would Mastering a Computer Benefit Us? 2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Automobile 5. Sanitation and Health(卫生与健康)必备词汇:annual check-up年度体检operation room手术室blood test验血OTC drug非处方药物blood transfusion输血out-patient department门诊部clinic诊所, 门诊部, 科室personal hygien



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