An Brief Analysis of Young Goodman Brown 简要分析《小伙子古德曼》

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An Brief Analysis of Young Goodman Brown 简要分析《小伙子古德曼》_第1页
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An Brief Analysis of Young Goodman Brown 简要分析《小伙子古德曼》_第2页
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1、An Brief Analysis of Young Goodman BrownIn his short story Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne creates an intriguing narrative in which a young husband, Young Goodman Brown, leaves his wife Faith alone one night. When all good Puritans perform their evening routines to prepare for a good night

2、of sleep in their homes, Goodman Brown goes out on a mysterious journey into the dark and gloomy forest to meet with his evil companion, the devil himself. Nothing stops him, not even his dear Faith or her fears. He is determined to proceed with “his present evil purpose”. A lot happens while he is

3、out. Reality or not, the author leaves up to the readers to decide, but through shocking revelations and his own observations,Goodman Brown is lead to experience a night that would change his character forever. Young Goodman Brown is the main character throughout the story. One of the other main cha

4、racters in the story is a traveler. This tale of Young Goodman Brown shows the classic struggle of good versus evil. She is seen as innocent and pure in Browns eyes all throughout the beginning of his journey until he reached the worship service and found his own wife there. He felt guilty for what

5、he was doing and it reflected the darkness of the townspeople in which he worshipped God with every Sunday. The traveler gave her his cane and she disappeared very quickly after that. ng of the story begins in the quaint village of Salem, but most of the story is set in the dark woods that lead Youn

6、g Goodman Brown to the altar set up for Satan. The traveler name is never revealed, but many clues lead the reader to think that the traveler is Satan. Brown was able to withstand the devils charm and temptations and he continued to believe in his God. The devil is personified in this story as the t

7、raveler that leads Young Goodman Brown deep into the woods and shows him a worship service like he had never seen before. While the traveler and Young Goodman Brown were walking along the path they ran into Goody Cloyse whom had taught young Brown his catechism. He would have never known the true pe

8、ople who lived in his community and even his own wife. It was an evil place and showed that the traveler and Brown originally had an evil mission.Goodman Brown shows both innocence and corruptibility as he vacillates between believing in the inherent goodness of the people around him and believing t

9、hat the devil has taken over the minds of all the people he loves. At the beginning of the story, Goodman Brown believes in the goodness of his father and grandfather, until the old man, likely the devil, tells him that he knew them both. Goodman Brown believes in the Christian nature of Goody Cloys

10、e, the minister, and Deacon Gookin, until the devil shows him that Goody Cloyse is a witch and the other two are his followers. Finally, he believes that Faith is pure and good, until the devil reveals at the ceremony that Faith, too, is corruptible. This vacillation reveals Goodman Browns lack of true religionhis belief is easy to shakeas well as of the good and evil sides of human nature.


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