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1、建立并完善机械设备管理机构实行统一规划的必要性随着建筑工程市场竞争的日益激烈,企业改革的进一步深化,工程机械在现代化建筑施工中的作用已尤为突出,机械设备管理在施工企业中也越来越受到重视。但由于各方面因素的影响,施工企业在机械设备管理过程中仍面临着许多实际问题需要解决。As the construction market competition increasingly fierce, enterprise reform further deepening, engineering machinery, particularly prominent role in the modernizati

2、on construction has, mechanical equipment management in construction enterprises is becoming more and more attention. But because of the influence of the factors, the construction enterprise is still in the process of mechanical equipment management is faced with many practical problems need to solv

3、e. 一、当前机械设备管理中存在的问题及原因One, current problems and reasons existing in the management of mechanical equipment 1、管理机构不健全,管理制度不完善1, management mechanism is not sound, management system is not perfect 一个施工企业要搞好机械设备管理工作,一定要明确制定各级机构、人员的职责,这是机械设备管理工作顺利进行的组织保证。在施工过程中,工程项目往往点多线长,设备、人员调动频繁,而施工企业却普遍存在着管理班子不全,人员力

4、量薄弱等现象。因为他们错误地认为,机械设备管理是施工现场的事,管理部门与基层单位只局限于个别业务上的联系,以致盲目地精简机构、压缩甚至取消设备管理机构及管理人员,或将其工作职能并入其他部门兼管。由此必然导致管理层与操作层之间上下脱节,出现谁也不管的局面,设备管理工作很难实施。A construction enterprise must do a good job of the mechanical equipment management, must be explicitly set up agencies at all levels, personnel responsibilities,

5、 this is the mechanical equipment management organization work well. In construction process, project often points more lines long, equipment, personnel changes frequently, there is a widespread management team and the construction enterprise is not complete, the phenomenon such as staff strength is

6、 weak. Because they mistakenly believe that machinery and equipment management is the business of the construction site, management departments and grassroots units confined to individual business contacts, so that the blind to streamlining, compression or even cancel equipment management mechanism

7、and management personnel, or the job functions are merged into other departments in charge. Which inevitably leads to the management and the operational layer between the top and bottom out, there who also no matter the situation, the equipment management work was hard to implement. 2、机械装备落后,设备盲目购置2

8、, machinery and equipment backward, and equipment purchase blindly 随着建筑市场竞争的日益激烈,建设单位对施工企业的工程质量、工程进度的要求也越来越高,市场竞争已演化为人才与设备的竞争。与此同时,由于高新技术的高速发展,施工企业现有的机械设备已显得过于陈旧,其机械设备整体技术状况已进入老化阶段,大半处于落后水平,造成企业在部分大型项目的投标及施工组织上受到限制,在一定程度上制约了企业的发展。As the construction market competition increasingly fierce, the constr

9、uction unit of construction enterprises project quality, construction schedule requirements also more and more high, market competition has evolved into the talent competition with the device. At the same time, due to the rapid development of high and new technology, construction enterprises the exi

10、sting machinery and equipment is too old, its mechanical equipment the overall technology has entered the aging stage, lagging behind most of the level, causing large enterprises in the project bidding and construction organization is restricted, to some extent, restricted the development of enterpr

11、ise. 3、机械设备的使用与保养相互脱节3, mechanical equipment use and maintenance of disjointed 目前大多数施工企业虽然都实行定人定机制度,即每个操作人员固定使用一台机械设备,但却忽略了定人保养制度,没有把机械设备维修保养的各项规章制度明确落实到个人。正因为如此,操作人员往往只是“包用不包修”, 电动吊篮维修人员也是马虎应付了事,每当机械设备出现故障,操作人员与维修人员往往互相推卸责任。这样,不但影响了产量、质量,也增加了维修费用、运转费用以及降低了设备的使用寿命。Now though, most of the constructio

12、n enterprise of personal setting mechanism, namely each operator fixed using a mechanical device, but it ignores the personal maintenance system, without the mechanical equipment maintenance regulations specific to individuals. Because of this, the operator is often just synthetic not for the guaran

13、teed repair, maintenance personnel is also careless collapses, when equipment fails, the operator and maintenance personnel often pass the buck to each other. In this way, not only affects the yield and quality, increases the maintenance cost, operation cost and reduces the service life of the equip

14、ment. 4、设备维修“滞后”,浪费严重4 lag, equipment maintenance, waste is serious 由于目前大部分施工企业还未能有效地实行点检制度等保养措施,设备维修管理往往局限于“事后维修”,“预防维修”意识不够重视,对设备的故障及劣化现象也就未能早期发觉、早期预防、早期修理,以致造成人力、物力、财力不必要的浪费。Because most construction companies also failed to effectively implement the tally system maintenance measures, such as equ

15、ipment maintenance management are often confined to maintenance, preventive maintenance awareness is not enough, to equipment failure and degradation phenomenon is not found early, early prevention, early repair, so as to cause unnecessary waste of manpower, material and financial resources. 二、施工企业搞

16、好设备管理的对策Second, the construction enterprise to improve the quality of equipment management countermeasures 提高机械设备管理工作的方法要解决上述问题,搞好施工企业工程机械设备管理应抓住以下几个方面的工作。Improve mechanical equipment management methods to solve these problems, do a good job in construction enterprise engineering machinery equipment management should take the following several aspects. 1、完善管理体制,健全规章



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