2015年高中英语 老外最想聊的100个口语话题(56)文化冲击素材

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1、Culture Shock 文化冲击dialogue 1Paige: hows your time spent in the United States?你在美国待得怎么样?Kyle: well, pretty good.嗯,挺好的.P: Im glad to hear that. What impressed you most?很高兴你这么说.印象最深的是什么?K: well, the cultural differences impressed me most.文化差异.P: you mean we Chinese think differently from the Americans?

2、你是说我们中国人和美国人的思维方式不一样?K: thats right, quite different. One day one of my American friend looked pale, so I asked him whether he was sick or not. But he was reluctant to answer my question.对,很不一样.有一天,我的一位朋友脸色苍白,我问他是不是病了,可他根本不愿意回答我的问题.P: whats weird.这很奇怪啊.K: and whats more, when he told me he had caugh

3、t a cold for several days, I suggested him to go to the hospital as soon as possible.还有更怪的呢,他告诉我他感冒已经好几天了,然后我建议他尽快去医院.P: you really cared about your friend.你还挺关心你朋友的.K: sure I am. But he responded by sayingwhat do you mean?.当然了.可是他却对我说:”你这话什么意思?”P: Im confused. Why did he say that?我晕.你怎么那样说话啊?K: I f

4、elt the same at first. Later he told me that Id better not give him any suggestions when he was sick. Offering unsolicited help or advice is like showing sympathy to the weak or the poor. Back in China, helping others is always regarded being kind.开始我和你的反应一样.后来他告诉我,他生病的时候,我最好不要给他提供任何建议.未经请求而提供帮助或建议就

5、好像是怜悯弱者或穷人一样.可是在中国,帮助他人往往被认为是善举.P: absolutely. Now I understand why he responded that way.没错.现在我明白他为什么那样说话了.dialogue 2P: have you adapted to the lifestyle in China?你适应了中国的生活方式了吗?K: yeah,almost. But there is one thing.嗯,差不多,只是.P: what?只是什么呢?K: I still wonder what privacy meant for Chinese people. I d

6、ont mean to say that theres no privacy in China, but.我还是不明白隐私对中国人到底意味着什么.当然我并不是说中国没有隐私,只是.P: what is it?怎么了?K: some of my Chinese colleagues just share their personal stories in front of others.有些中国同事在别人面前还谈论私人的事情.P: that makes you feel uncomfortable?让你感觉很不舒服?K: yeah. we never do that in a public of

7、fice.是啊.我们从来不再公共办公室里谈论私事.P: perhaps thats because we hold different ideas about privacy.也许是因为我们的隐私的认识不一样吧.K: i have felt that. One day when i was in a queue, reading a newspaper story, the man behind me peered through my shoulder and stared at the newspaper I was holding.我已经感觉到了.有一天我排队的时候在读报纸,站在我身后的人就隔着我的肩膀,看起我手中的报纸.P: well, thats not rare. Ive seen people reading at others newspaper while takng a metro or a bus.哦,这可不新奇.我就看到过有人坐地铁或公交车的时候读别人的报纸.K: just stare at the newspaper holding in the hands of the one next to him?就盯着旁边那人手里的报纸那样看?P: yeah.对.K: Oh, Im shocked.哦,我觉得挺吃惊的.



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