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1、。Module 7 Unit 1He cant see教案Part B教学目标一、知识与技能1使学生能正确认读单词:blind, deaf, hear, useful, firemen, program.2能听懂、读、会说句型He can t see . She can t hear.The firemencan t findpeople.3正确运用She/He/They cant二、过程与方法本课采用情景创设法、听说教学法、 任务型教学方法和直观教学法:通过运用直观教学法导入新课, 运用创设情境法和听说教学法教授新单词和句型; 运用任务型教学方法指导听说练习、小组练习, 增强学生对知识的理解

2、和掌握,提高他们的语言运用能力。激励性评价方式: 评价贯穿整个课堂,调动学生学习的积极性,使学生体验学习英语的成就感,培养学生学英语的自信心。三、情感态度和价值观让学生进一步使用He/She/They cant.并灵活运用, 培养学生助人为乐的良好品质,从而达到综合运用语言的能力。教学重点1正确认读单词: blind, deaf, hear, useful, firemen, program.2掌握句型 He can t see . She can t hear. The firemen can t find people.教学难点1在真实的情境中正确运用can 和 can t 表达自己和他人

3、能做和不能做的事情。2宾格 them, him, her 的使用,并结合本课内容进行活学活用,能综合运用所学进行自如表达。教学方法情景创设法、听说教学法、任务型教学方法、直观教学法课前准备多媒体课件课时安排-可编辑修改 -。2 课时第 2 课时教学过程一、导入新课1 Greetings2 PPT 课件出示姚明、李宇春、S.H.E 等明星图片。T: Who is he/she/they? What can he/she/they do? What can t he/she/they do?教师过渡语:T: Do you love them?T: Me, too. But for me, I ca

4、n play basketball well, but I cant swim.T:Then, what can you do?二、新课学习课件出示:What about you?I can.But I can t.课件出示一幅盲人图片。T: Look at the man. What cant he do?引导学生回答:He can t see, he is blind.教授新单词: blind.并教读句子He cant see, he is blind.(板书)课件出示一幅聋哑人图片。T: Look at the woman. What can t she do?引导学生回答:She ca

5、nt hear,she is deaf. 教授新单词: deaf. 并教读句子She can t hear, he is deaf.(板书)课件出示消防员救火图片。T: Who are they?教读单词firemen.(板书)点击幻灯片出示消防员救火找不到人的图片。引导学生说:These firemen can t find people.教读句子并板书。-可编辑修改 -。课件出示另一张有以上三幅图的幻灯片。T: He can t see, he is blind.She can thear,she is deaf.These firemencan t find people. They n

6、eed help.课件出示一台电视机的图片。T: There is a program about them.教授单词 program.T: Now, listen and tell me who helps them?Do you understand?播放录音。T: Can you tell me who helps them?出示狗的图片。T: Dogs help them. So we can say dogs are very useful.教读单词useful.教读句子 Dogs are very useful.教师过渡语:Do you like dogs?T: Me, too.

7、I like dogs. PPT出示课本内容 :This man is blind. He canThis girl is deaf.She can t hear.This dog helps her. t see. This dog helps him.These firemen can t find people.These dogs help them.T: Look, lets read together.幻灯片出示:Look and say.教师点击下一张幻灯片。T: This little girl can t walk. Her father helps her.(重复两遍做示范

8、。)三、结论总结通过本课的学习,学生能够灵活运用He/She/They can t.,并且理解了them, him,her 的使用。四、课堂练习-可编辑修改 -。教师点击下一张幻灯片。教师过渡语:Look! There are four pictures here. Now, two minutes for you. You can say withyour friends.T: Have you finished?T: Ok. Who can say Picture 1?T: Can you tell me Picture2/Picture3?教师鼓励和纠错。出示无图片的幻灯片:_ can

9、t _._ helps _.课件出示一封倡议书的内容。教师重复倡议书的内容。T: They need help.T: Now, boys and girls, take out this paper and write down your answers.(课前已发) Do you understand?播放音乐感恩的心。教师收取几位学生的作业进行点评,并给与鼓励。(停放音乐)重放歌曲感恩的心,同时课件展示几幅老弱病残需要帮助的人的图片,对学生进行情感教育。课件出示:“让世界充满爱”这张幻灯片。五、作业布置用 He/She/They can t. 写一段对话,并抄写今天学过的单词。朗读本课单词三遍,使用“学乐师生”APP录音,然后与全班同学分享。六、板书设计Module 7 unit 1 He cant seeHe can t see, he is blind.She can t hear, she is deaf.These firemen can t find people.-可编辑修改 -。欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求-可编辑修改 -


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