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1、7A Unit 4 Reading The four seasons 教学设计良口中学: 奉玉娟教学课题7A Unit 4 Reading The four seasons课程类型阅读课教材 上海牛津版(七年级上册)授课时间45分钟教材分析上海牛津版教材7A第四单元的话题为“Season”,本单元以“四季”为主题,以不同季节的气候特征和人们常见的活动为主线。本阅读篇章的体裁是说明文,题材正是介绍四季的特征、景物变化及人们常见的活动,是学生比较感兴趣的题材。根据七年级学生的理解水平和知识结构,本阅读篇章分2课时教学,初读和深读为第一课时,理解运用为第二课时,该教学是第一课时。学情分析1、教学对象


3、生运用阅读理解策略与技巧,培养一些阅读微技能,如:猜测生词大意、搜寻细节信息、寻找中心句等,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。2)帮助学生建立初步的语篇结构意识。3)培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。3. 情感目标: 学生能关注气候变化,了解四季差异,培养热爱自然和善于探究的学习精神。教学重点与难点1、重点分析 1)学生通过学习,了解四季的差异和人们在不同季节的常见活动(通过给定不同的阅读任务来突出该重点)2、难点分析 难点一: 怎样描述季节(设计了找主题、思维导图、词汇分类突破该难点) 难点二: 运用所学的知识来表达自己最喜爱的季节(设计对子口头操练和笔头写作等练习)教学方法与 策略1、

4、采用任务型教学方法、分层教学法和小组合作教学方法。2、利用多媒体辅助教学,通过直观形象的展示,提高学生的学习兴趣。在导入部,教师可以通过视觉感官冲击引入课题。阅读过程中,让学生运用预测、略读、寻读、细读等阅读技巧的形式,找出文章的key words 或者main idea的句子;利用形式多样的任务让学生从整体到局部理解文章并掌握文章的语篇结构,文章拓展可以通过口头操练和笔头写作来输出。教学流程设计步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段1. Warming up播放英文歌曲创设轻松愉快的课堂氛围,与学生交际拉近师生距离。 Play an English song “Season in the Sun

5、” and have a free talk. Listen and answerOral 2. Pre-reading由视觉感官冲击引入课题。1. Show some pictures of colours. Let the students choose one colour for each season and tell the reason. Then lead in the passage.2. Guide the students to look at the pictures and the sub-headings of the article 0n Page45.1. Ch

6、oose one colour for each season and tell the reason .2. Look at the pictures and the sub-headings of the article on Page45.Then answer the questions.Multi-media3. While-reading Skimming(略读)让学生快速浏览文章,找出文章的主旨要义,培养学生搜寻核心信息的能力。1. Skimming: Let the students read the passage quickly and match the main ide

7、as to each season.2. Read the passage quickly and match the main ideas to each season.TextbookScanning(细读)让学生细读全文,通过思维导图引导学生整体感知语篇结构,接着细读每段,熟悉文章的重点内容,加深对文章的理解,通过细读培养学生搜索细节信息和思考的能力。2.Scanning: Encourage the students to read the whole passage carefully then guide them to learn to draw a mind map and f

8、ind out the passages structure.a).Let the students read Paragraph1 carefully and complete the mind map about spring. b).Let the students read Paragraph 2 carefully and complete the mind map about summer. c) . Let the students read Paragraph3 carefully and complete the mind map about autumn. d). let

9、the students read Paragraph4 and try to draw a mind map about winter. 1. Read the passage for 2 minutes and find out the passages structure.2. Read Paragraph1 carefully and choose the right words or expressions to complete the mind map about spring.3. Read Paragraph2 carefully and complete the mind

10、map about summer with your partners.4. Read Paragraph3 carefully and complete the mind map about autumn with your partners. Students can write down their own ideas about autumn.5. Read Paragraph4 carefully and try to draw a mind map about winter.Textbook4. Post-reading通过词汇分类,让学生找出文章中有关天气的表达和人们活动的词汇,

11、为接下来的口头和笔头写作任务做好充分的准备。 Ask the students to look at their mind maps again, and try to group the words or expressions in the passage.Try to group the words or expressions in the passage.Mind maps运用刚才所学的对各季节天气、人们常见的活动等来表达自己的观点。这个练习是课文的延伸,是学生对所学知识的再创造,充分发挥学生的主观性和创造性,也达成了设计的情感目标。 Lead the students to tal

12、k about the favourite season with friends. (If time permitted)Pair work.: Work in pairs and talk about the favourite season. Oral5. Homework巩固课堂所学,并延伸到课外。Write an article to introduce your favourite season.Main points:1. How many seasons are there in a year?2. What is your favourite season?3. What is special in this season?4. What can you do in this season?4



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