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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上基于.Net的邮政速递物流线路管理系统 王浩霖专心-专注-专业目录绪论邮政产业是我国经济社会发展的基础和保障,其兴衰和安全与否关系着我国各方面发展的安全。经过长时期的政策管制和市场发展,我国的邮递产业已经逐渐成熟,形成了投资主体多元化的竞争格局。但是由于能源资源的不断消耗,邮政速递市场的开放,经济危机的冲击以及政策倾向的减退,邮政速递面临巨大的危机和挑战,并存的还有更大的机遇。邮政速递要应对多变、竞争激烈的市场环境,并保持市场占有率和利润率,就必须从自身的经营建设中寻找突破,加强成本管理,提高效率。作为整个快递链末端的二次配送,就为企业提高核心竞争力,降低成本提供了一


3、了配送时间,提高了服务质量,消费者的满意度大大提高。因此,开展并深化速递配送优化已经成为了当前各大速递公司降低成本、提高利润的一个重要手段。中国邮政的优势在于网点众多,且深入二三线城市,只有依靠企业自身的优势并充分利用国内国外环境中的有利方面,克服困难,提高成邮件配送的效率,降低配送的成本,增加配送的满意度,才能在竞争日益激烈的速递物流市场提高自身企业的核心竞争力,最终从市场中脱颖而出,做行业的佼佼者和领头羊。关键字:线路规划、降低成本、快递配送效率、核心竞争力AbstractPostal industry is the basis of our economic and social dev

4、elopment and the protection of its rise and fall or not related to the safety and security of all aspects of development. After a long period of policy control and market development, Chinas postal industry has matured, the formation of investment diversification competition. However, due to continu

5、ous consumption of energy resources, open postal express delivery market, the impact of the economic crisis and the policy preferences of appetite, Courierpost facing enormous crises and challenges, as well as greater opportunities coexist.Courierpost to deal with changing and competitive market env

6、ironment, and maintain market share and profitability, we must look for a break from building their own business, strengthening cost management and improve efficiency. As a secondary distribution throughout the courier chain ends, it is for enterprises to improve their core competitiveness, reduce c

7、osts and provide a good starting point. Current courier companies into the secondary distribution, there are many shortcomings, such as weak stream of consciousness, a shortage of logistics personnel, distribution node irrational, low level of information directly restricted the development of the c

8、ompanys sales。Express secondary distribution in the industrial chain end, it does not change the reform have a greater impact on the rest of the important part of the industry chain, and that the secondary distribution optimization are already well underway in many courier companies. Many of whom ar

9、e successful, the typical case, the theory can guide a certain extent, for the continuation and deepening of the secondary distribution optimization courier provide experience and programs. In addition, the application of operations research and other disciplines and advanced technologies, managemen

10、t tools for e-mail distribution optimization provides a theoretical basis and means. Practice has proved that the courier secondary distribution optimization project implementation, not only to promote the transportation route optimization, distribution, structural optimization, inventory optimizati

11、on, reducing costs for selling the enterprise has brought huge profits, and saving delivery time and improve the quality of service consumer satisfaction is greatly improved.Therefore, to express and deepen the current distribution optimization has become a major courier companies to reduce costs an

12、d improve an important means of profit. China Post has the advantage of numerous outlets, and deep second and third tier cities, and only rely on their own strengths and make full use of domestic and foreign environment favorable terms, to overcome difficulties and improve a mail distribution effici

13、ency, reduce distribution costs, increase distribution of satisfaction degrees, in order to enhance the core competitiveness of their enterprises in an increasingly competitive express logistics market, and ultimately stand out from the market, so the industry leader and leader.Keywords: route plann

14、ing, reduce costs, express delivery efficiency, the core competitiveness第一章 系统设计相关体系结构由于系统是大企业级的应用,具有涉及资源众多、事务密集、数据量大、用户数多和要有较强的安全性等特点。所以,在设计系统时,要充分考虑到系统承受高负荷负载的能力,系统连续使用的承受力,解决系统瓶颈问题的能力。为了提高系统性能需要如下的要求:1、需要拥有存储海量数据库的能力2、系统响应时间要满足用户需求3、系统需要具有较高的系统稳定性4、系统需要具有较高的系统可靠性1.1系统的实现方案系统的结构设计,目前存在两种模式:Client/

15、Server(客户端/服务器)模式和Browser/Server(浏览器/服务器)模式。然而三层的B/S体系结构具有许多传统C/S体系结构不具备的优点,而且又紧密的结合了Internet技术,是技术发展的大势所趋,它把应用系统带入了一个崭新的发展时代。B/S结构的信息管理系统以三层他体系为代表,包括数据库系统、应用服务器、客户端(浏览器)3部分ASP. NET是微软公司推出的一种Internet编程技术,它采用效率较高的、面向对象的方法来创建动态Web应用程序。它最大的优点除了编译执行速度快外,还有页面和代码分离的编写方式,再加上.NET库提供的支持事件的各种Web控件,使得采用ASP.NET

16、编写Web程序比起以前的网页编写方式可谓是一场革命。ASP.NET可以使用.NET平台快速方便的部署三层结构。ASP.NET革命性的变化是在Web页面中使用基于事件的处理,可以指定处理的后台代码文件,可以使用C # ,VB ,J # 作为后台代码语言。.NET中可以方便地实现组件的装配,后台代码通过命名控件可以方便地使用自己定义的组件。表示层放在ASPX页面中,数据库操作和逻辑层用类来实现,这样就很方便地实现了三层结构。“三层结构”指的是逻辑上的三层,而非物理上的三层结构。第一层表示层,即Web浏览器。在表示层中包含系统的显示逻辑,位于客户端。其任务是由Web浏览器向网络上的某一Web服务器提出服务请求,We


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