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1、车辐山中学 九 年级 英语 学讲预案 第 十一 周 星期 课题Unit5Art World Task课型New教学目标1.完成一份调查问卷。2,完成一篇关于自己最喜欢的艺术形式的文章。教学重点重点单词,短语,句子。教学难点完成一篇关于自己最喜欢的艺术形式的文章。学讲进程学一学,讲一讲,点一点,练一练个性化处理导学一、 【自主先学小组讨论交流展示】相信自己,你能行!(一)、自主先学A:读,背,默下列单词:1文学 4有。的天赋2赞扬,表扬 5污点,斑点3天赋,才能 6鼓励,劝告B:用自己的信息完成P76的问卷调查。C:熟读P77关于Sandy的文章,并用表格中的问题自问自答。(二)。合作助学:同桌

2、互问互答关于Sandy的信息,并试着复述。二质疑拓展 开动脑筋,做一做。根据自己的信息仿照例文写一篇介绍自己喜爱的艺术形式的文章。互评作品:l.-查作品完整度:人称及时态是否正确,是否有规范的首句尾句,内容是否充实,字数足够等。5.=查作品准确度:表达是否正确得体,句子是否通顺等。6三助同伴修改完善:帮助同伴修改作品。7四赏同伴好作品:推荐同伴好作品,大家一起欣赏学习。三、检测反馈(一)闲庭信步I根据句意及括号内所给汉语提示写出单词1.-What art form do you like best,Andy? 一 (文学)2.Dont pay attention to the (污点)in t

3、hat piece of paper。3. His teachers are full of (表扬)for the progress4. Jack got a model car as his lOth birthday (礼物)5.Could you help me (混合)the paint with water?II.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. When did Jim become interested in (make)kites?2.Of all the art formsI think classical music is (important).3. This kin

4、d of wine is made in a (tradition)way.4. A1l the leaders think (high) of the activities.5 .How _(wonder)Millie and her classmates performed!III单项选择:( )1. Listen, the wind is blowing A. more and more hardlyC. heavier and heavier B. harder and harderD. heavily and heavily( )2. Millie once didnt like d

5、ancing she couldnt dance very well.A. since B. as C. because D. for( )3. Keep trying, _you1l be successful one day. A. or B. so C. but D. And( )4.Linda took the brush away,she dropped some paint onto the paper.A. Since B. As C. Because D. For( )5. My daughter to bed she finished the homework last night.A. went; until B. didnt go; untilC. went; before D. doesnt go; before( )6.What bad weather it is! We decided A.to go out B.not to go out C.to not go out(二)小试牛刀根据同伴互评,再次修改自己的写作,最后完善自己的作品。四:【小结反思】


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