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1、中西饮食文化:你忽略掉的三个不同关于饮食,新概念三第23课有句话说的好:萝卜芹菜,各有所爱(One mans meat is another mans poison)。说到中西方饮食文化差异,你第一个想到的是什么?我们用筷子,老外用刀叉?我们吃“大锅饭”,老外分餐制?嗯,这些都不错!不过还不够:1. First of all, the making method of Chinese food is different from Western-style food.首先,中西餐的烹调方法不同。In Western-style food cookbook, various ingredient

2、s such as the flour, sugar, butter etc. have been indicated several grams, several spoons or several cups, even the size of the egg will all be explained. I think it is like a testing laboratory. So, Making Western-style food is easy, so long as you cook according to cookbook manual.西餐的烹调书中写明了面粉需要几克

3、,糖需要几汤匙,黄油需要几杯等等,甚至连用到的鸡蛋的大小也有说明。烹调西餐就像在实验室里做实验一样。所以只要参考着烹调书,西餐是很好做的。But it is not the easy thing that you want to make fine Chinese food. Even if you have bought the cookbook, it is not so easy. Because the Chinese cookbook will not tell you several grams of ingredient, for example salt, Chinese co

4、okbook just tell you appropriate amount of salt, dont tell you several gram, several spoon or several cup. Why? The taste of people who live in different places is different in China. There is a folk adage in China “south sweet, north salty, east hot and west sour”. So, a good cook relies on experie

5、nce and skill when cooks in China. 但是要做出美味的中餐,即使你有参考书也不是一件容易的事。因为烹饪书里不会告诉你原料的用量,比如盐,只会告诉你“适量”,而不会精确到克。为什么呢?因为在中国,不同地域的人们口味不同。俗话说:南甜,北咸,东辣,西酸。所以,一个好厨师靠的是丰富的经验和技巧。2. Second, the atmosphere of Chinese food is different from Western-style food while having a meal.其次,中西方的就餐氛围不同。The atmosphere of Western-

6、style food is particular about scenery. The good restaurant is generally built in the beautiful mountaintop, park or the revolving dining-room of the city center high building. So Western-style food is “Eat the scenery” but not “Eat taste”.在西方,人们看重就餐的环境。一家好的餐馆最好建在风景如画的山顶、公园或者城市中心的高楼上。所以西餐吃的不是味道,是环境。

7、The atmosphere of Chinese food is particular about taste and participation. Chinese food conquers the world with taste. There is a folk adage in China “If I want to conquer your heart, I will conquer your stomach first”. Everybody sits around table while eating Chinese food, everybody is eating the

8、dish in the same plate, the hospitable host will also nip the dish into your bowl, it is so friendly. The friendship between person and person is deeper after a meal.在中国,人们看重食物的味道与分享。中餐以美味征服世界。中国有句古话:欲征服人心,先征服人胃。进餐时,大家一起围坐在餐桌旁,所有人共同分享一个盘子中的食物,主人还会热情的为你夹菜。一顿饭后,人们之间的情谊会加深。3. Third, the way that Chines

9、e and occidentalpraise food is different.第三,中西方赞美食物的方式不同。Chinese praise food, will generally say: “Your dish is cooked very excellently, has caught up with the level of the restaurant”; but occidental praise food, will say just like what the home make.中国人赞美食物会说:“你的菜做的真好,都赶上饭店的水平了!”西方人却会说:你的菜和家里做的一样好

10、!Immortals Duck 神仙鸭子 Hot Tofu麻婆豆腐 Pool chicken叫化鸡 twice meat回锅肉 Pure meat白煮肉 Hot water Cabbage 开水白菜 Xihu Braseniaschreberi soup西湖莼菜汤 Ding lakes Vegetables 鼎湖上素deep-fried long twisted dough sticks油条Gongbaojiding(diced chicken with paprikas)宫爆鸡丁The white cuts a chicken 白斩鸡 Small steamed bun 小笼包Wonton

11、馄饨 The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their cu

12、lture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine. Among friends, they will just order enough for the people there. If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the

13、number of guests (e.g. four people, five dishes). If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish. A typical meal starts with some cold dishes, like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic. These are followed

14、 by the main courses, hot meat and vegetable dishes. Finally soup is brought out, which is followed by the starchy staple food, which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes dumplings. Many Chinese eat rice (or noodles or whatever) last, but if you like to have your rice together with other dishes,

15、you should say so early on.一、中华饮食文化与翻译 饮食是一种文化现象,它具有文化的共性。语言是文化的载体,翻译是文化的传通。对于翻译,传统观念认为,就是两种语言间的转换,而忽视了翻译的文化问题。事实上,在跨文化交际中,交际者遇到的最大困难不是语言,而恰恰是文化。翻译本身就是不同文化间交流的产物,是跨文化传通。20世纪下半叶,翻译的研究出现文化转向,目前,在翻译研究界,人们把对翻译的意义和作用推向了另一个新的研究方向文化交流与传播。人们把目光投向了翻译承载的使命,把翻译置于各民族文化交流的大背景中进行考察。因此,饮食文化的翻译研究也应置于中国与世界接轨的大背景下进行。

16、 经历了五千多年历史的中华饮食文化,博大精深,是中国人民的光荣与自豪。目前,文化与翻译的研究大多着眼于宏观,而专门讨论文化某一领域翻译比较少。据悉,北京为了迎接2008奥运,针对菜单翻译问题,向社会各界征集对中文菜单英文译法的意见,收录了2700多条菜单及酒水的英文,另外,还专门组织了专家研究讨论有关菜名的翻译,旨在让国外旅客更方便地了解中国饮食文化。菜名实际上是一国文化的体现,老外对中华饮食文化的了解很大一部份就是从中国菜中体现出来的,如果外国人能明白我们的一些菜名的寓意,或是把这些菜名弄明白,实在是在学习一门艺术,他们定会因此而更了解和喜欢中国。 二、饮食翻译中的文化身份问题 基于文化研究的广阔视野来探讨华夏饮食文化的翻译,就不能不涉及到其文化身份问题。文化身份通常被看作是某一特定文化的特有,同时也是某一具体的民族与生俱来的一系列特征(蒋红红,2007)。无论对于一般意义上的文化还是某一


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