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1、2022年考博英语-电子科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The boy never attempted to( )any excuse for being late.问题1选项A.fluctuateB.fabricateC.lubricateD.manipulate【答案】B【解析】句意:这个男孩从不会捏造任何迟到的借口。考查动词辨析。fluctuate 使波动,动摇;fabricate 制造,捏造;lubricate 使润滑;manipulate 操作,处理。空格的宾语是excuse(借口),因此B符合句意。2. 单选题We are dealing with two di

2、fferent perspectives that( ), intersect, but dont seem to yield a synthesis.问题1选项A.overrunB.overlapC.overworkD.overuse【答案】B【解析】句意:我们正在处理有部分重叠、交叉却似乎不能生成综合体的两种不同的透视图。考查动词辨析。Overrun 泛滥,横行,肆虐,多用(时间、钱财等),超时;overlap部分重叠,部分地同时发生;overwork工作过度;overuse 使用过度(或过久)。由题干中关键信息intersect交叉”可知“部分重叠”符合。3. 单选题His argume

3、nt does not suggest that mankind can( )to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.问题1选项A.resortB.grantC.affordD.entitle【答案】C【解析】句意:他的论据未标明,人类在这些资源的使用上能浪费得起。考查动词辨析。resort 常去,求助,诉诸,resort to 依靠,求助于;;grant 授予,允许,承认,grant to 同意给予,准予;afford 给予,提供,承担得起;afford to (有条件)做,承担得起,负担得起;entitle 给称号,使有权利

4、。因此C符合句意。4. 单选题Wagner once( )with another musician to compose a piece of music that was popular with the young people.问题1选项A.mergedB.constitutedC.partitionedD.collaborated【答案】D【解析】句意:瓦格纳曾与另一位音乐家合作创作了一首深受年轻人欢迎的音乐。考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的过去式。merge合并,吞没;constitute组成,建立;partition 分割,分隔,区分;collaborate 合作,勾结,通敌。5

5、. 单选题The young womans heart revolted against so( )a charge, and when she saw that she could attempt to do nothing to save her protector, she wept bitterly.问题1选项A.blessedB.monstrousC.heinousD.grievous【答案】C【解析】句意:年轻的夫人坚决地抗议这种污蔑。当她发现自己无力拯救保护人吋,便痛苦地哭泣起来。考查形容词辨析。blessed 幸福的,受祝福的,神圣的;monstrous巨大的,怪异的;hein

6、ous极恶毒的,道德败坏的,可恨的;grievous 痛苦的,剧烈的。因此C符合句意。6. 单选题It was( )we had hoped.问题1选项A.more a success thanB.a success more thanC.as much of a success asD.a success as much as【答案】C【解析】句意:这次成功跟我所希望的一样。考查固定句式。as much+形容词+as 跟-样。7. 单选题It made him uncomfortable to( )his plan and think of something new.问题1选项A.swit

7、chB.transferC.shiftD.alter【答案】D【解析】句意:改变计划或另想新的路子,都使他感到不舒服。考查动词辨析。switch 转换,挥动;transfer 使转移,调任;shift 转移,替换;alter 改变,更改。因此D符合句意。8. 单选题The mountain top was( )visible in the misty summer morning.问题1选项A.dimlyB.blanklyC.obscurelyD.blurredly【答案】A【解析】句意:这个山顶在有雾的夏日清晨里朦胧可见。考查副词辨析。Dimly昏暗地,朦胧地,模糊地; blankly茫然地

8、,茫然若失地,呆呆地;obscurely费解地,晦涩地;blurredly模糊地。由题干关键信息“misty summer morning(有雾的夏日清晨)”可知A项符合句意。9. 单选题Fertilizer, natural substance or mixture is used to( )soil so as to promote plant growth.问题1选项A.enactB.enlargeC.encloseD.enrich【答案】D【解析】句意:肥料、自然物质或混合物被用来使土地肥沃,以促进植物生长。考查动词辨析。Enact 通过(法律),扮演,担任角色; enlarge扩大,

9、扩充,扩展; enclose围绕,放入封套; enrich使充实,使肥沃,使富足。故D符合句意。10. 翻译题Whats your earliest memory? Do you remember learning to walk? The birth of a sibling? Nursery school? Adults rarely remember events from much before kindergarten, just as children younger than 3 or 4 seldom recall any specific experiences (as di

10、stinct from general knowledge). Psychologists have floated all sorts of explanations for this “childhood amnesia”. The reductionists appealed to the neurological, arguing that the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for forming memories, doesnt mature until about the age of 2. But the reigning

11、 theory holds that since adults do not think like children, they cannot access childhood memories. Adults are stuck with grown-up “schema”, the bare bones of narratives. When they i.ilTle through the mental filing cabinet in search of fratiments of childhood memories to hang on this narrative skelet

12、on,according to this theory, they dont find any that Its like trying to find a French word in an English index.(1)Now psychologist Katharine Nelson of the City University of New York offers a new explanation for childhood amnesia. She argues that Children dont even form lasting, long-term memories u

13、ntil they learn to use someone elses description of those experiences to turn their own short-term,fleeting recollections of them into permanent inemories.(2) In other words, children have to talk about their experiences and hear others talk about them - hear Mom recount that days trip to the dinosa

14、ur museum, hear Dad remember aloud their trip to the amusement park.Why should memory depend so heavily on narrative? Nelson marshals evidence that the mind structures remembrances that way. Children whose mothers talk about the days activities as they wind down toward bedtime,for instance,remember

15、more of the days special events than do children whose mothers dont offer this novelistic framework. (3) Talking about an event in a narrative way helps a child remember it. And learning to structure memories as a long-running narrative,Nelson suggests,is the key to a permanent “autobiographical meinory,the specific remembrances



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