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1、职称英语理工A考试试题 第一部分:词汇选项(第15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面共有1个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子背面所给的4个选项中选择个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 1. T unoeeenive ut acoss heargen very ecivy Aexplane inveted C onsidere D aeted . e alks touh uts tnrhert. A heay srng C kin wld 3. It is no uedetin thereativemerits of tis poliy. A

2、makngB aing scusig pecting 4. Our siics s tht we onme all that w aable of producig. A waste B buy C ue D sl 5. hefuetakshad a ty of 40lier Afuction B biit pw D oume.Our ivesare intiately oundup withtis A teneyB nearly Ccarelly closly 7. rait uhl er nimesof sadness upporte Bexc C inspie D drcted . Th

3、booprovdes oncise alyis of the countrs hiry cleanBpefe C el D bie 9. It s lid dowin th guains tht allembers must arthr mebersip crds at all tmes. sugeted arned C state D cofirmed 10 Th cocil mting mnat at 2oclc. A egnB continud Cended esmed 11Red lag was paced there as oken of dge. Ain Bubstte Cprof

4、 targe 12.Hwever bad the situation s, h maorityis nwlg to risk hng. A reltan eagr Cplsed D angry 1 Ithas bensad tha thects prded a ewcors of actin did ot mreyreulat or enlag a old. limit B ontol replae D offset 14. Th srry is exectd to eore dea frot-w eontructin oh are. A denyB iveigte C stre D cree

5、 1Te steaily risngcost of or o te werfronhas greatlyincrese the costf shiping cargo byater A gradully udenly Cexcesivey eeptional 第部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是对的信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把涂黑。 A Dlphin and an Astronomer Onedy

6、 in163, adolpnnadElva ana famous atronoe,Carl San,were playin a ltle gme. The asroomr was visiting an instituteichws ookig int heway dhis commuicate wth ecothr. Saga as tanding the de of e of the nks where sevealoteefendly, highlnteigenceate were ket. Elvar had j swum logide him and ha turnedo is bc

7、k. The dlphin wanted Saanto srtch hs tomah again, as te arnome had dne wie efoe. Elva oke upaan, aiting.Ten, after a iute orso, the dolhnleapuptough hater andea sund jut ketheord “moe”.Te atnishedstronomer wet to hedretor f he insitt an tld m abot he iciden. Oh, s. Thas oneof he wordsh kows, thediec

8、tor said, howin no supise t al Dolpihv bggr rai n proortio tothir ody size th umanshave, andit as een kon foraong ime tha t can akea numb f sounds. W isor, tes snds seem to have differentfunios, suchaarning ec thr of dnger. Su tavls much asrandmuh furthin terthn t doe n ir. Tht s wh he art the brain

9、 tdeal ith sund ae mc btterdevelop ophin thinhumn Btcan t saidtat dolhns have ngage, eal sense o the d?Scietstsdont agree this. Aaguage is no just a colltion of sounds,or evn wrds. anguage hs strcturend wawe call a gramma. he stuture adrmmar o a langagehel to give imeanngFor eale, hetwoqutions“Who o

10、vs Mry?” ad “Wh desMary love?” man ery iffrn higs. If oustoto thinabut it, you wlle tha tis differenc doent ce from tewr in the quetin bt fomte differenceinstructure.That i why he uestin“Cn dhin speak?”cate nswere unti we fdoutf dhis ot onl mk sunds bu lso rrage the a grammaticl rde whh afecs their

11、meig. 16 T astronomr as ntnteretd in the wy olphins comunicate t eachohr. ARightB Wrong CNo mtioned 17 The opilap up inotheair ecuse Sagawas too nar the wter. A gh WnC Not mentined 18Pats fh dlphins brn are partculrlweldlopedt handle dffeentkds of sound A Rig B rg Nomentioned 9 Dolphins aret mot usefulaiato huans Righ BWrogCNomentoned 0Dolhins travl fastr in waer thanny oheanimals A Rig B Wrn Nmenoned 21 Smescients eleve tt dlpin hav a anguage ofei ow Rig B Wrong C Not enie 22ons b called a lanuage ony wh hey hv suctr ad grammar.



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