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1、,阴建1建王苹院Hunan Institute of Science and Technology绿色建筑研究之既有建筑的绿色化改造论文名称:绿色建筑研究之既有建筑的绿色化改造院 别:土木建筑工程学院专 业:建筑学专业年级班级:建筑13-1BF指导老师:名:填报时间:2015 年10 月 07日目录摘 要 1第一章绿色建筑的必要性 31.1研究背景1.2绿色建筑的概念1.3绿色建筑的必要性第二章既有建筑的绿色化改造方向62.1既有建筑的绿色化改造的概念2.2既有建筑的绿色化改造的必要性2.3既有建筑的绿色化改造的方向第三章既有建筑的绿色化改造方法83.1我国的建筑能耗状况分析3.2绿色节能技术

2、的分类3.3绿色节能技术在建筑改造中的应用第四章既有建筑的绿色化改造实例114.1唐山高新技术产业开发区创新大厦节能改造工程4.2以玻璃顶覆盖庭院164.3伊朗民居通风道改造参考文献既有建筑的绿色化改造摘要全球气候变暖是当今世界面对的最严重的一个问题,建筑和建造对 此的影响是最为严重的建筑及其自身的管理运作占到全球碳排 放了的40%!绿色建筑的概念便应运而生,但现如今绿色建筑在所有 的建筑中所占的比重可谓是微乎其微的,即使所有新建的建筑都使用 绿色建筑的技术,也很难从根本上解决建筑对全球气候变暖的问题, 所以如何对既有建筑进行绿色化改造的实现迫在眉睫,只有对当今大 部分的建筑实行绿色化改造,才

3、能从根本上减少建筑及其自身的管理 运作的碳排量,进而缓解温室效应。本文第一章简述了当今世界所面对的环境问题,同时表明绿色建筑 以及既有建筑的绿色化改造的重要性,提出了本论文的研究背景。第 二章通过对绿色建筑的概念的分析,以及既有建筑的基本属性,提出 几个主要改造方向。第三章通过分析既有建筑具体部分的改造方法, 来加深人们对绿色化改造的理解,并引发思考,使大家想到更多的方 法。第四章介绍当今知名的一些绿色建筑已经建筑绿色化改造的案 例,让大家对建筑绿色化改造有更深的理解。关键词:绿色建筑;节能建筑;既有建筑;绿色改造;低碳建筑; 温室效应Green transformation of exist

4、ing buildingsAbstractGlobal warming is the most serious problem facing the world today, and it is the most serious one. The construction and the management of the building and its own account for 40% of global carbon emissions! The concept of green building is the historic moment, but the proportion

5、 of green building in all buildings is very small, even if all the new buildings use green building technology, it is difficult to solve the problem of global climate warming, the construction of green transformation is imminent, only to reduce construction and its own management of carbon emissions

6、, and thus ease the greenhouse effect.In the first chapter, the author describes the environmental problems in the world, and shows the importance of green building and the green transformation of existing buildings, and puts forward the research background of this thesis.In the second chapter, thro

7、ugh the analysis of the concept of green building, and the basic properties of the existing building, the main direction of the transformation is put forward. The third chapter through the analysis of the existing building specific part of the transformation method, to deepen people,s understanding

8、of the green transformation, and lead to think, so that we think of more ways. The fourth chapter introduces some of the well-known green building has been building green transformation of the case, so that we have a deeper understanding of the construction of green transformation.Key words: green b

9、uilding; energy saving building; existing building; green transformation; low carbon building; greenhouse effectGlobal warming is the most serious problem facing the world today, and it is the most serious one. The construction and the management of the building and its own account for 40% of global

10、 carbon emissions! The concept of green building is the historic moment, but the proportion of green building in all buildings is very small, even if all the new buildings use green building technology, it is difficult to solve the problem of global climate warming, the construction of green transfo

11、rmation is imminent, only to reduce construction and its own management of carbon emissions, and thus ease the greenhouse effect.In the first chapter, the author describes the environmental problems in the world, and shows the importance of green building and the greetnransformation of existing buil

12、dings, and puts forward the research background of this thesis. In the second chapter, through the analysis of the concept of green building, and the basic properties of the existing building, the main direction of the transformation is put forward. The third chapter through the analysis of the exis

13、ting building specific part of the transformation method, to deepen people,s understanding of the green transformation, and lead to think, so that we think of more ways. The fourth chapter introduces some of the well-known green building has been building green transformation of the case, so that we

14、 have a deeper understanding of the construction of green transformation.Key words: green building; energy saving building; existing building; green transformation; low carbon building; greenhouse effect第一章绿色建筑的必要性1.1研究背景绿色建筑的概念是在面临全球资源、环境危机的巨大问题下产生 的。从英国工业革命开始到现在仅有二百多年的时间,工业化造成的 温室效应、大气污染、水资源匮乏、酸雨、

15、土地资源退化、臭氧层破 坏、物种灭绝等问题已逐渐演化为全球性的环境危机。工业革命在推 动人类科技的发展的同时,也在以极快的速度破坏地球的生态系统, 耗尽地球上有限的自然资源。直至二十世纪六、七十年代,石油资源 危机、水资源危机、土壤资源危机等问题相继出现后,面对种种环境 和资源危机,人们才开始意识到,如果不及时采取措施改变现有的发 展模式,则最终将导致地球生态系统的崩溃。1962年,美国生物学家莱切尔卡逊的环境科普著作寂静的春 天(文献1)标志着人们对环境问题关注的开端。1980年,世界自 然保护联盟(IUCN)首次提出了 “可持续发展”的概念。指既满足当代 人的需求,又不损害后代人满足其需求

16、的发展,是科学发展观的基本 要求之一。1992年,在巴西里约热内卢召开了联合国环境与发展会 议,会上通过了二十一世纪议程,并将“可持续发展”的战略思 想作为人类社会共同的行动纲领。1.2绿色建筑的概念在全寿命期内,最大限度地节约资源(节能、节地、节水、节材)、 保护环境、减少污染,为人们提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间,与 自然和谐共生的建筑。“绿色建筑”的“绿色”,并不是指一般意义的立体绿化、屋顶绿 色建筑花园,而是代表一种概念或象征,指建筑对环境无害,能充分 利用环境自然资源,并且在不破坏环境基本生态平衡条件下建造的一 种建筑,又可称为可持续发展建筑、生态建筑、回归大自然建筑、节 能环保建筑等。绿色建筑评价体系共有六类指标,由高到低划分为三 星、二星和一星。绿色建筑的室内布局十分合理,尽量减少使用合成材料,充分



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