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1、Preliminary Concept for the North Parcel DESIGN NARRATIVEdesign concept:The preliminary concept for the North Parcel continues the ideas put forth during the Master Plan study prepared by The Jerde Partnership in October of 2009. There are three main objectives:1.Restore this location as being perce

2、ived to represent the very heart of the city, commercially as well as significantly.2.The design benefits from and draws on its ideal waterfront location and views of the mountains beyond.3.The density of program provides for a new iconic complement to the skyline of the city.Planning Strategies:The

3、 master plan for the North Parcel imagined four goals to achieve the objectives:1.Connect the city to the waterfront2.Extend Pozi Street to the River3.Create an iconic tower as a landmark for the city4.Enhance the waterfrontThe Preliminary Concept Design achieves these goals through the following st

4、rategies:u Create a Family of TowersThe high density of the project calls for the creation of a group of residential and commercial towers that form a strong urban center. The design language is cohesive without being repetitive, and the forms of the towers are similar in shape. The iconic office/ho

5、tel tower sets the tone by introducing a curved face to the city and a straight wall to the river, thus anchoring the southwest corner of the site. The design of the residential towers is based on the relationship to the views of the river and the mountains and to the requirement for daylight during

6、 the winter solstice. The curving form is inspired by the organic natural forms of the river edge, the mountains and the flow of the water.华远金外滩北区地块概念规划设计说明规划理念:籍1无.柿重建项目所在垒区位,使其呈腔现长沙市重要字商业中心的繁左华。或2过.问设计得益于其纪理想的滨江位灌置和远处的重软山美景。子3新.耗高密度的业态爪为城市轮廓的佣天际线又新添丝了耀眼的一笔阁。规划战略:粉为了实现上述厕目标,北侧地孩块的总体规划妈有四个设想性闭目标:序1俊

7、.怨城市建筑与滨臭江连成一片赢2威.森坡子街延伸至椅滨江挨 3影.份兴建一座城市察地标性塔楼4. 王突出滨江地带确的优势访规划概念分析闹:u 建造塔楼群摔品疲项目内高度密睡集型商住楼群饭,形成醒强有力的城市宿中心择。设计表达精穗炼有凝聚力,乓不重复冗长,买塔楼形式相似织。办公楼、酒肠店塔楼设计与探市中心建筑曲解线对接,并与禁滨江一墙之隔香,置于基地的绝西南角。教住宅塔楼是基伪于滨江和群山岸美景及冬季日刻光的要求而设师计的。得曲形设计的灵刷感源于滨江水赤岸,绵延群山去以及流淌的河段水三者有机的独天然组成形式惰。u 靠Relati荒onship萝 to th累e city俯 conte腔xt an

8、d种 the r窃iver f秀ront举The pr深oject 梯border馅s 炸Jiefan扎g West烫 Road限 and 软Renmin鼠 Road论 at th三e nort列h and 视south,乓 respe点ctivel搞y. The既 conne追ction 要to the爽 city 嗽center古 occur物s alon朽g thes勺e wide碰 edge 革roads 谅and th击e narr涝ower, 作pedest勺rian o咽riente怪d 弃Pozi S帐treet终. The 共projec地t has 唤a seri忠es o

9、f 命distin索ctivep登ublic 本plazas庸 that 共serve 亡as gat劈hering建 space撒s at o异r near线 the e贴ntranc暴es to 犬the co鞋mmerci仰al por浪tions 屿of the伸 proje惠ct. In馅 addit显ion, p长edestr本ian-or睡iented扁 retai伞l and 挂food a言nd bev科erage 爽establ腥ishmen并ts are跨 locat册ed at 表street宋 level袜 to ac己tivate累 and e胡nhance喇 th

10、e s圾treet 层level 甲experi些ence.u 详Terrac万ing群The re饶tail p众odium 粘for al番l four永 parce蒸ls is 彩transp聋arent 脏and ke牙y tena愉nts ar虚e loca骑ted al园ong th剃e exte挎rior p疗erimet界er. Di阔ning t庙errace国s and 震show w豪indows慨 are c浇learly借 visib业le fro抵m the 计street汁 level潮. The 且podium那 of Pa短rcels 扁1, 3 a县nd 4

11、 c话ontain裁 a num引ber of离 stepp剃ing te零rraces沸 facin容g the 冠river.射 The t誓op of 朱level 飘of the单 podiu蚀m of P塔arcels愈 3 and秆 4 is 铲an eve尺ning e怖nterta休inment烈 distr杀ict wi俘th a c我ontinu顽ous te仁rrace 营overlo命oking 拘the ri弱ver an净d the 哗mounta裤ins. I赏t is e吴xpecte第d that款 these扔 terra勺ces wi厕ll be 耀maj

12、or 扫attrac棚tions 壶all ye耻ar rou躬nd and劣 espec宾ially 咸during度 speci品al eve凳nts in悉volvin伯g rive泰r fest迟ivals 国and fi启rework熄s. u 剩Iconog多raphy掌The vi请sual f坐ocal p籍oint o稀f the 萝North 无Parcel储 is an衰 icon 声tower 柿locate喝d on t冻he cor叮ner of羞 Renmi跪n Toad悬 West 颂and 乱XiangJ桑iang M耳iddle 网Road苗. The 前t

13、ower 杜sits i验ndepen驳dently睡 of th宁e podi遮um, ha奥s a ma带jor ar恼rival 轿plaza 芽on the妨 side 枕of the斧 river雕 and i兆s also山 immed创iately忌 acces脊sible 讯from t键he med恶ia pla西za. Wi筐th its简 291 m徐eters 粱in hei晴ght, c暮ombini允ng off习ice an慰d hote钱l uses径, the 殖icon t幕ower i巨s a la糠ndmark漆 in th献e skyl栽ine of掉

14、 the c蓝ity. T找he for柄m and 续finish抬 of th炮e towe月r are 夏distin江ct fro朵m the 迟reside在ntial 敌towers残. The 兆curtai粱n wall丛 desig雹n is s捧imple 刃yet in抗trigui茶ng wit垮h a su绵btle c鸟hange 崭of pat食tern. 折The re党sident易ial to哑wers a漂re int盯egrate种d into分 the p尾odium,梨 have 辨strong香 curve恶d shap筐es and页 verti

15、贸cal wa柳lls an馆d stro野ng com仙positi补on of 东curtai脂n wall垄 and b泥alconi跌es.u 码与城市环境和佩滨江景观的关鸦系盖拢吐项目北起解放窄西路,南至人砌民路,通过这绣些宽阔的大道肯和通往坡子街蔽的步行街小道苗与市中心相连反。项目设计了帆一系的特色公妙共广场用作项档目商业区入口浙或其附近的聚谨会空间。此外释,通往步行街蜜的临街零售和辜餐饮刺激并加菊强了临街的体史验性。u 梯台/露台京缸虎四大地块的零脊售裙楼采用透帆明材质,重要烦租户全部位于士外围沿线;从铸街上可以清楚拍地参观餐台和咸展示窗;地葛块菊1揉、罚3愿和跟4帆的观景台有面

16、版朝滨江的梯台作;地眯块印3亡和语4摘的群楼最上层局为夜间休闲娱宽乐区,从呼连成一片的露谅台上可以观望但滨江与群山之李美景。碗预期这些露台候将是全年吸引缎游客的主导力泛量,尤其是在译涉及到滨江和较烟火的特殊节覆日里。u 地标建筑候北侧地块的视忆觉焦点是位于绘人民西路和湘扇江中路转角处狭的地标塔楼,铲塔楼与裙楼相祥互独立,在靠枯江一侧有一个摔主要的到达广河场,也可以从谢媒体广场直接传进入。地标性蚀塔楼高策达能291孕m翅,其中有写字撒楼和酒店,是简城市轮廓天际嘱线中的显著一物笔。塔楼的形诸式和饰面与住锈宅楼截然不同干。幕墙设计简车约,但模式却肺又暗含细微变雅化。住宅楼与脊裙楼成为一体拘,既有完美的诚曲线形状和竖午墙又有羽幕墙和阳台强他有力的组合种。u 柜Archit丑ectura秤l Stra恩tegies蔬The ar躬chitec马tural 乱design宿 is in扑spired竿 by th扬e



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