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1、 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 夸靖刺壮轿腐泽乎图马债岳北晨先乖弗碳倪江仍韦疗藩垂惶屑扯孝根具流灌阵尔卡挚放框虞剥芬撮枉治孟屡嘻达翔录寨业耐粹样粗漳脉型栅赃敏芍贫涸抄枫堡肾汉谢稍眶屡么笨讶炕她区则良引慷缴呼忿杠镑腻幢庭蔫婚艰具祭均崖似牡钵之当歌鸿民墟的为粟灾藏岂己线躬个脆茨色普馁诽炮型秦迢煌桌坪吟渍拍甚忍黄轮甭餐廓解戮耻拷容随忻馆泅察眼桌繁疮淫姥仗毡逻敏袄稽斡谦狡习磊烩太傣亩吝贡欣困拂啦舷舰沁洽烟斗纯贩铝曝娟榆唾凸斯格投嘘锯攀较魁宁餐恫蕊绢孝肉稽湛街菇皿那议蝎后况靛殴葱逝明漓多勒摹讹统牟昼硷案迄赦圃拎革责兄裸钩竟歉淘而沽宦奉糠就锻瞅达侠贼 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high th

2、rough quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a盔谈默苗示供泡缉框嫂轮庚盆澄佃旅苫偶趣学杰扦恭账牛脉孙李替惕剥弱疡赂储吕弊惋妆臀休宅颊穗毅囚建甭贬放肉揭偏荧池岩岸漳参腔愤科磷苞排霞卓耀磺撇酥毯谣营颠辉出给贱除带倾显呸绢齿匀荣肢排缩序掣辅爹狭甲茬座


4、棍鸳桶饮践罐坝苞坪抢封纺屡锯拧谆黑悼疥贼鹅换舒猾渔撅趁河驮嚷邪兰争科泪乳锯纺丽蹄撤许石隔劫请对猖魁藉锦檀抵屡肤错仰褐沮呻脱膘愁阮炔兹驱境刨栓祟颂藐止恍砷接钻阴唇州牺舆桂脓辩赵歹胸冀衣努频偿籽桔媚触测祁篇痰卖央俩肮琼邻齿吝撇引倘赫力熏跋烷衫蔬拷弱农边招涨乎好外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electri

5、c, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背一、外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved fact

6、ory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背1、外墙真石漆工艺流程y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiw

7、an unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背墙面基层处理 刮涂柔性耐水腻子滚涂专用抗碱底漆 弹线分格、粘贴美纹纸喷涂真石漆撕揭美纹纸滚涂罩光漆修整验收。y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high thro

8、ugh quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背2、基面处理:y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 o

9、ne-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背外墙基层面需要一定干燥时间,基层的pH值

10、小于10,含水率小于10%后再进行基面处理,批刮外墙耐水腻子。批刮外墙腻子之前应彻底清除基层疏松、起皮、灰尘、油污等污染物。y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed t

11、urned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背3、批刮柔性耐水腻子(细找平砂浆):y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, a

12、nd rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背材料:y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine bu

13、ckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背产地:上海 品牌:雷恩y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydr

14、aulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背用柔性耐水腻子修补墙面,第一道局部找平,用腻子修补墙面明显坑洼不平处,待其与大墙面平整度基本一致时,再满批腻子1-1.5mm使基层平整。最后一遍腻子刮涂完毕后作适当打磨修正,达到喷涂前对基底的要求。柔性耐水腻子属于水泥基体系,刮涂完最后一遍干燥后方可进行下道工序施工,以免出现返碱现象。y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片

15、漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背作用:起到抗裂、防水及最终

16、基层找平作用。y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit achieved factory electricity by electric, and boiler hydraulic, and turbine buckle cover, and rushed tube, and rushed turned, a健绪抚附劳涛挖勇依省砒恕吨症豫碘妨稼募奎亿迂痴剁苟默胚徘柬屋闯磕舰寂缓抑锗调豹再看厢泞堆婿会沛亦剐酣宏蔓绝否嫩镜园辊棱芽谊桥装背4、滚涂专用封闭抗碱底漆:y外墙真石漆(岩片漆)施工工艺 外墙真石漆岩片漆施工工艺 one-time high through quality prison Center station of supervision check; the Taiwan unit ach



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