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1、9th “FLTRP Cup” English Speaking Competition一、Before Start华:各位观众朋友,我们的比赛马上就要开始了,请您尽快就座。请关掉您的手机或者调为震动。请不要随意走动,不要大声喧哗,谢谢您的合作。文:Ladies and gentlemen, as the competition is about to start, please be seated and make sure your cell phone has been switched off or turned into mute mode. Please do not walk a

2、round or speak loudly during the competition. Thank you for your cooperation.introduce the leader First, we are honor to introduce our leaders and guests here.首先,我们很荣幸地向大家介绍今天到场的领导和嘉宾(这里你们再分配一下人 华 : 文: Director 王冠良 welcome! President 耿洪敏 welcome! President 樊家进 welcome! President 李 雪 welcome!Thank yo

3、u for coming to todays competition!Opening address赵:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Campus Qualifying Contest at ShanDongYingCai University for the Ninth “Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Press Cup” National English Speaking Competition. 华: 各位先生各位女士,下午好!欢迎大家参加第九届“外研社杯”英语口语

4、大赛山东英才学院选拔赛。赵: Im (Zhao Mingwen) from (school of foreign languages of Shandong Yingcai University ). And this young lady beside me is (Hua Yajiao) from (Pre-educationa school).我是来自山东英才学院外国语学院的赵明文,站在我身旁这位女士(眼神交流)是来自学前教育学院的华亚娇。华:Thank you, (Zhao Mingwen). It is my great honor to co-host todays contest

5、. The “Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Press Cup” National English Speaking Competition was initiated by Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Press in 2006. Over the past 8 years, it has been dedicated to the improvement of students communicative abilities in English. 非常感谢,赵明文。非常荣幸能主持今天的比赛。

6、“外研社杯”全国英语口语演讲大赛是由外语教学与研究出版社发起,在过去的八年中,它一直致力于提高学生的英语交际能力。文:As one of the most wide-spread English speaking contest, it receives great popularity all around the country. The winners of the national final have won awards including championship, Best Non-native Speaker Award, Audience Choice Award, etc

7、., which has displayed the excellent English abilities of learners in China 华:它是全国最具有影响力,人气最高的英语演讲赛事之一!外研社杯的冠军们曾经获得过包括冠军在内的多项国际演讲类赛事重大奖项,他们代表了中国最高英语演讲水平。文:Todays competition will select the best public speakers in English to participate in the Final of “Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Press C

8、up” of Shandong Provincial English Speaking Competition representing our university.华: 今天我们将选出最优秀的选手来代表我们学校参加“外研社杯”英语口语演讲大赛山东省决赛。文:Similar qualifying contests like todays are taking place in around 50 universities all over the country. Its top winners will compete in a provincial or municipal final

9、later this year for the place in the national final, which will be held in November.华: 同样的比赛也在全国近50所高校如火如荼的进行着。本次比赛的最高奖项获得者将参加各省、市的决赛,其优胜者可以进入11月份举办的全国决赛。文:Today is the final stage of this qualifying competition at our university. The 15 winners from the preliminary competitions will display their t

10、alents for communication in English today. We believe they will give their best performance, and we also trust that you, the audience, will enjoy the excitement. 华: 今天是咱们学校预选赛的决赛阶段。我们相信这些选手会做出最好的表现,咱们的观众也会尽情享受这次比赛。!二、Judges文:Ladies and gentlemen, todays competition will be mediated by a panel of 5 j

11、udges. They are: (外国语学院教研室主任,赵峰Faculty Director of Foreign Language School)华:(name 1, title 1)文:(name 2, title 2)华:(name 3, title 3)文:(name 4, title 4)华:(name 5, title 5)文:Lets warmly welcome them. Thank you for being a part of the competition. 让我们以热烈的掌声来欢迎这五位评委。三、Competition rules华:Now lets go over

12、 the rules of todays contest. Each contestant will be given 3 minutes to present a prepared speech, 2 minutes to present an impromptu speech, followed by a one-minute question session. 文: 下面我们来熟悉一下比赛规则,每位选手都要先进行3分钟的定题演讲,然后是2分钟的即兴演讲,最后的1分钟的回答问题环节。华:The theme for todays prepared speeches is “When Socr

13、ates Meets Confucius”. As the founders of Greek and Chinese ethical traditions respectively, Socrates and Confucius are always an attractive theme of comparative studies. 文: 这次比赛定题演讲的主题是“当苏格拉底遇上孔子”。作为希腊和中国道德传统的奠基者,苏格拉底和孔子的对比研究一直是热点话题。华:The topic of the impromptu speech will be read to the contestant

14、s after they finished their prepared speech. 文: 在选手进行完定题演讲之后,主持人将会告诉选手即兴演讲的题目。华:The highest possible score for each contestant is 100 points: 40 points for the prepared speech, 30 points for the impromptu speech and 30 points for the questin-answering. The contestants speeches will be measured on co

15、ntent, language and the way they deliver them. 文:本次比赛满分为100分:定题演讲40分,即兴演讲30分,问题回答30分。评委们将会从选手演讲的内容、语言以及演讲方式等几个方面来打分。四、 Awards华:As for the prizes of todays competition, the top 1 winner will be qualified to participate in the Final of the 9th “Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Press Cup” National English Speaking Competition in Shandong province. The result will be announced at the end of todays competition. Besides, there will be 2 second prize winners 3 third prize winners. And all the contestants will receive certificates.文: 本次比赛一等奖获得者将代表我们学校参加“外研社杯”英语口语演讲大赛山东省决赛。



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