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1、重点词汇讲解1. universal adj. 共通的、广泛的、全球的、公认的;普遍的、一般的;l There was universal agreement as to who should become chairman.谁该当主席,大家的意见是一致的。l This is a subject of universal interest.这是一个普遍关心的问题。l Football is a universal game. 足球是一项全球化的体育运动。2. witness vt. 亲眼目睹l Did you really witness the accident that happened

2、near our school?你真的亲眼目睹了发生在我们学校附近的那场事故?l Several journalists witnessed the incident in which eight people were injured.几名记者目睹了那场事故,事故中八人受伤。witness n. 目击者;证人l Mr. Green was asked to act as a witness to the agreement between his two friends.格林先生被叫去在他的两位朋友达成的协议上签名作证。l He will appear as a witness for th

3、e defence.他将作为被告的证人出庭。阅读下列各句,辨别witness的词性和含义。1) Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. (n. 目击者)2) His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment. (n. 为提供证据)3) Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility. (vt. 见证)4) She witnessed to having seen the man enter the b

4、uilding. (vi. 作证说)3. cast vt. 分派某人扮演角色;为选演员;(其过去式和过去分词均为cast)l The director cast me as a mad scientist.导演分派我演一个发狂的科学家。l John was cast as Hamlet and Mary as Ophelia in the film.在这部戏中,约翰扮演哈姆雷特,马莉扮演奥菲利亚。阅读下列各句,辨别cast的词性和含义。1) The fishermen cast their nets into the sea. (vt. 抛、撒)2) To cast aside the sal

5、esgirls doubts, he emptied all his pockets. (vt. 打消)3) She cast a glance in his direction. (vt. 把投向)4) We were cast away on an island without food or water. (vt. 使漂流)5) Now that the warmer weather has come, we cast off our winter clothing. (vt. 脱掉、不再穿)6) The film has a strong cast that includes seve

6、ral famous names. (n. 演员阵容)4. set vt. 以为背景;发生在l The book is set in 17th century Spain.这本书以十七世纪的西班牙为背景。l The play is set in Venice.这部剧发生在威尼斯。阅读下列各句,辨别set的含义。1) Could you please help me set the table? (摆放)2) I opened the cage and set the birds free. (使处于状态)3) Your remarks set me thinking. (使开始)4) She

7、set the alarm for 6:30 a.m. (调整好)5) He set a new land speed record. (创设)6) In winter, the sun set early in the west.(落、下沉)7) We set about clearing up the mess.(开始做)8) She set aside a little money each week.(节省)9) They set off/set out in search of the lost child. (出发)10)The bomb could be set off by t

8、he slightest vibration.(使爆炸)5. potential adj. 将来有可能成为,潜在的l He is seen as a potential leader of our political party.他将来有可能成为我们政党的领袖。l Always on the lookout for the potential dangers.时刻警惕潜在的危险。阅读下列各句,注意potential的词性变化和含义。1) He has acting potential, but he needs training.(n. 潜力)2) She is potentially our

9、 best tennis player, but she needs to practice much harder.(adv. 有可能成为)3) Such a forceful person may have great potentialities for either good or evil.(n. 潜在可能性)6. imagine vt. 想像;设想、认为l You can imagine my surprise when they told me the news.你能想像得出他们在把那则消息告诉我时我是多么的惊讶。l You can imagine how surprised I

10、 was. 你能想像得出我是多么的惊讶。l Try to imagine that you are all alone on a desert island.试想一下你孤身一人在一个荒岛上。l Its hard to imagine living in a place where there are no cars.生活在一个没有汽车的地方是不可思议的。l Can you imagine George cooking the dinner?你能想像乔治烧饭吗?l She imagines that people dont like her, but they do. 她认为人们都不喜欢她,但他

11、们是喜欢她的。7. 否定词never/no/not/nothing等与比较级连用,往往表达最高级含义。l 世上没有比那些书更有价值的东西了。Nothing in the world is more valuable than those books.=Those books are the most valuable in the world.l He said he had never watched a more exciting game before.=He said the game was the most exciting one he had ever watched.8. d

12、ecorate vt. 装饰 / 修饰decorate with 用饰品装饰 / 修饰;类似短语还有:furnish with 为(房间或房屋)配备(家具) equip with 用(仪器、设备等)装备(工厂、车间、实验室等) 对应名词分别为decoration(装饰,装饰品); furniture(家具); equipment(装备,设备,器材)l Her living-room is furnished with a comfortable new sofa.l The workshop is equipped with many modern machines. (It is a wel

13、l/fully equipped workshop.)l They always decorate their classroom with balloons and flowers when Christmas comes.9. fall vi.(不知不觉地或突然地)进入状态 (过去式为fell, 过去分词为fallen)l He fell ill. 他病了。l She fell into a deep sleep.她睡熟了。l They have fallen in love.他们正热恋着。l He fell victim to her charm.他被她的美所倾倒。10. marry v

14、t. & vi.(与)结婚;娶;嫁l He married late in life.他很晚才结婚。l Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?阅读下列各句,注意marry 的用法和含义。1) They got married last April, and they have been married for a year.2) The bishop married them. 3) She wants to marry her daughter to a rich man.11. take on (无被动式)呈现出面貌、特征等l The temple takes on a golden color when the sun sinks in the west. l His voice takes on a more serious tone. 阅读下列各句,写出take on 的含义。1) She is not in good health these days, and cannot take on more work.(承担工作等)2) Great changes have taken place in the city in the past few decades, and now it has taken on a completely new loo



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