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1、2022年考博英语-华东师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The waves()violently against the shore, the people there couldnt hear them crying for help.问题1选项A.have beatenB.beatC.were beatingD.beating【答案】D【解析】考査非谓语动词。beat的逻辑主语是the waves,两者为主动关系,所以本题选D。2. 单选题Peter and David have not been on speaking terms recently. They()a

2、bout something.问题1选项A.should quarrelB.might quarrelC.could have quarreledD.must have quarreled【答案】D【解析】考查推测。根据句意:彼得和大卫最近关系不好。他们一定是为了什么事吵架了。表示肯定的推测用must,选项D正确。3. 单选题John made()keys for the house: one for his wife and one for himself.问题1选项A.deviateB.duplicateC.dozenD.deliberate【答案】B【解析】词义辨析题。deviate偏离

3、的;duplicate复制的;dozen一打;deliberate故意的。句意:约翰复制了两把房子的钥匙,一把给妻子,一把给自己。选项B符合句意。4. 单选题I sent invitations to 80 people,()have replied.问题1选项A.of whom only 20 of themB.only 20 of them whoC.of whom only 20D.only 20 who【答案】C【解析】考查非限制性定语从句。句意:我邀请了80人,其中只有20人回复了。of表从属关系,在这里指80人中的20人, whom指代80人。选项A重复,选项C表述正确。5. 单选

4、题The Portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel, that man()Prince Henry the navigator, who lived in the 15thcentury.问题1选项A.wasB.namedC.beingD.called【答案】B【解析】考查分词的独立主格结构。分词做状语时其逻辑主语必须与主句主语一致,若不一致时,则要加上自己的逻辑主语。选项B正确。句意:葡萄牙人非常赞赏一个人,因为他促进了海上旅行,这个人就是生活在15世纪的航海家亨利王子。6

5、. 翻译题“Intelligence” at best is an assumptive construct the meaning of the word has never been clear. There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. But it is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who c

6、an grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems. An intelligence test is a rough measure of a childs capacity for learning, particularly for learning the kinds of things required in school. It does not measure character

7、, social adjustment, physical endurance, manual skills, or artistic abilities. To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity. Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter we must be sure that the scale with whi

8、ch we are comparing our subjects provides a “valid” or “fair” comparison.【答案】“智力”充其量只是一个假设性的概念, 因为智力的含义从来就是模糊的。人们对智力所指的不同表现, 比对这些表现如何解释或分类, 看法更为一致, 但是一般认为智力好的人是能够迅速领会思想、区分事物、进行逻辑推理并运用文字和数车符号来解决问题的人。智力测验只是粗略衡量一个儿童的学习能力, 尤其是学习学校所要求的不同知识的能力。智力测验并不测定人的品格、社会适应能力、身体耐力、手工技能或艺术才能。批评智力测试不反映上述情况, 就犹如批评温度计不测风速

9、一样。既然对智力的评估是比较而言的, 那么我们就必须确保在对我们的对象迸行比较时, 我们所使用尺度能提供“有效的”;或“公平的”比较。7. 单选题()my return, I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.问题1选项A.ForB.AtC.InD.On【答案】D【解析】固定搭配题。on ones return表示“在回来的时候”。8. 单选题He stood()among a thousand dimly imagined possibilit

10、ies.问题1选项A.falteringB.waveringC.pausingD.hesitating【答案】B【解析】词义辨析题。faltering蹒跚,犹豫的,支吾的;wavering摇摆的,犹豫不决;pause暂停,踌躇;hesitating犹豫的。句意:他在一千种模模糊糊想象出来的可能性中犹豫不决。选项B符合句意。9. 单选题According to a growing number of experts, it is already technically() to construct a pioneering space colony, powered by solar energ

11、y.问题1选项A.practicalB.flexibleC.feasibleD.beneficial【答案】C【解析】practical现实的, 实际的;flexible灵活的;feasible可行的;beneficial有好处的。句意:据越来越多的专家表示, 建立首个使用太阳能的太空殖民地在技术方面是可行的。选项C符合句意。10. 单选题In that war-torn country, homeless orphan childrens plight is quite().问题1选项A.deceptiveB.perceptiveC.patheticD.perpetual【答案】C【解析】形

12、容词辨析题。deceptive欺诈的;perceptive感知的;pathetic可怜的;perpetual永久的。句意:在那个饱受战争摧残的国家里,无家可归的孤儿的处境十分悲惨。选项C符合句意。11. 单选题Color-blind people often find it difficult to()between blue and green.问题1选项A.separateB.compareC.contrastD.distinguish【答案】D【解析】词义辨析题。separate分离;compare比较;contrast对比;distinguish辨别。句意:色盲患者经常很难区分蓝色和绿

13、色。选项D正确。12. 单选题Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can()attack their trainer.问题1选项A.unexpectedlyB.deliberatelyC.reluctantlyD.subsequently【答案】A【解析】词义辨折题。Unexpectedly意外地,出乎意料地;deliberately故意地,谨慎地;reluctantly不情愿地,嫌恶地;subsequently随后,后来。句意:尽管马戏团里的老虎已经被驯服,却能出人意料地攻击它们的驯兽师。选项A符合句意。13. 单选题My friend

14、 Paul was badly taken in when he paid $1000 for that second-hand car, it was not worth()问题1选项A.that all muchB.all that muchC.that much allD.much all that【答案】B【解析】考查修饰语。that much通常用于口语中,用all修饰,进一步加强语气。所以本题选B。14. 单选题The returns in the short()may be small, but over a number of years the investment will be well repaid.问题1选项A.intervalB.rangeC.spanD.term【答案】D【解析】in the short term为固定搭配,意为“在短 期内”。interval, span也可以表示一段时间,但不能与in the short搭配, range表示范围。



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