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1、2023年金融英语考试模拟卷(5)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共48题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Roger Clement, CFA, is a public fund manager at Morgan Capital and does research about z-value. The first step for Clement in the process of standardizing a random variable from a given normal distribution t

2、o obtain the zvalue is:()A. to subtract the population mean from the observation obtained.B. to multiple the observation obtained by the reliability factor assumed.C. to divide the population mean by the standard deviation.2.Paul Ostrowski, CFA, is a well-known economist working of local government

3、and does research about unemployment. Which of the following types of unemployment are included in the natural unemployment rate()A. Structural and cyclical.B. Cyclical and frictional.C. Frictional and structural.3.Which of the following theories suggests that both aggregate demand and aggregate sup

4、ply are primarily driven by changes in technology over time()A. Neoclassical school.B. Keynesian school.C. Austrian school.4.Kristen Chandler, CFA, has been doing research about different types of goods. Which of the following goods has a positively sloped demand curve as a result of the negative in

5、come effect overweighting the positive substitution effect()A. Veblen.B. Giffen.C. Inferior.5.Michael Papis, CFA, does research about fiscal policy. According to the tools of fiscal policy, adjustments to direct taxes are most likely:()A. less difficult to implement quickly than adjustments to indir

6、ect taxes.B. equally difficult to implement quickly compared with adjustments to indirect taxes.C. more difficult to implement quickly than adjustments to indirect taxes.6.A firm operates in an industry characterized by monopolistic competition. When the price of the firms one product increases from

7、 $40 to $60, the quantity demanded for the firms another product decreases from 90 to 50. The cross elasticity of demand is cLosest to:()A. -0.70B. -1.43C. -2.007.Babu Dhaliwal, CFA, does research about foreign exchange market. The euro per Argentine peso (EUR/ARS) spot rate is 0.1789 and the forwar

8、d rate is at a discount of 0.27%. The forward rate is closest to:()A. 0.1741B. 0.1784C. 0.17948.Brendan Witt, CFA, does research about the Fisher effect. Which of the following statements is most accurate about the Fisher effect in the long term()A. Changes in the nominal interest rate are the resul

9、t of changes in the real interest rate only.B. Changes in the nominal interest rate are the result of changes in the expected rate of inflation only.C. Changes in the nominal interest rate are the result of changes in both the real interest rate and the expected rate of inflation.9.Andre Shrub, CFA,

10、 does research about the production function approach to analyzing the sources of economic growth. Total factor productivity best reflects the portion of economic growth related to:()A. technology.B. labor.C. capital.10.A particular products price elasticity of demand is less than one. If the firm p

11、roducing the product wants to increase its total revenue, the firm should most likely:()A. decrease the price of the product.B. keep the price of the product unchanged.C. increase the price of the product.11.Jasmir Singh, CFA, is a famous economist and does research about capital market. Which of th

12、e following factors most likely affects the demand for capital and not supply of capital()A. Marginal revenue product of capital.B. Income.C. Interest rates.12.Helen Hawke, CFA, does research about foreign exchange market. Hawke gathers the following information about currency spot rates: Spot Rate

13、CAD/USD 0.9811 EUR/USD 1.2388 Note: CAD/USD exchange rate quote convention is CAD per USD. CAD=Canadian dollar, USD=U. S. dollar, EUR=euro. The cross-rate EUR/CAD is closest to:()A. 0.7920B. 1.2154C. 1.262713.Benjamin Franklin, CFA, does research about consumer surplus and producer surplus. The dead

14、weight loss from a perfectly competitive market is most likely:()A. greater than the deadweight loss of a monopoly market.B. less than the deadweight loss of a monopoly market.C. equal to the deadweight loss of a monopoly market.14.An analyst does research about goodwill. Which of the following stat

15、ements about goodwill created in a business combination is least accurate()A. Goodwill is amortized.B. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment.C. Goodwill is capitalized.15.The fair market value of a tangible noncurrent asset exceeds historical cost. Under Intemational Financial Reporting Standar

16、ds (IFRS), this asset is least likeLy carried on the balance sheet at:()A. fair value.B. historical cost less any accumulated depreciation.C. fair value less any accumulated depreciation.16.All else being equal, an increase in the number of days payable will most likely cause a companys cash conversion cycle to



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