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1、九年级英语下册 Unit 3 Asia Grammar(2)精品学案 牛津译林版课题9B Unit 3 Grammar 2学习目标知识目标正确使用unless和so that.能力目标熟练运用unless和so that.情感目标能够很艺术地运用英语。学习重点Unless和so that的用法。学习难点So that和sothat 的区别。课前自学一、请大家熟读并翻译下列句子。1. Unless I am mistaken, she was back at work yesterday._2. I shall go there unless it rains._3. Unless you tr

2、y, you will never succeed._4. Have a cup of tea unless youd prefer a cold drink._5. She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time._6. He went to the station without breakfast so that he could catch the train._7. He is so young that he cant go to school._8. He runs so fast that we cant ca

3、tch up with him._课堂交流展示一、同学们,上面的句子你们一定都读过了吧!能翻译出来吗?请你的同桌帮你检查一下吧。二、我想现在你一定已经搞懂unless, so that和sothat的意思了吧。再让我们来看一下,so that和sothat 在用法上有什么区别?(小组讨论并发表一下自己的看法)三、下面就让我们来帮Millie把他的旅游向导中的几句话接起来吧!完成Millies travel guide.请各小组把自己那一组的答案写在黑板上,让我们来共同核对一下。四、我想,你如果真正搞懂了so that和sothat 之间的区别的话,下面的习题你也不在话下了。让我们一起再来完成C

4、部分的练习吧。课堂达标检测一、 句型转换。1. I can learn knowledge. I go to school. (用so that连接为复合句) _2. The box was so heavy that few of us could carry it. (改为同义句) The box was _ heavy for us _ _.3. I went on working. I got tired. (用although改为让步状语人句) _4. I wont go to the party unless you go. (改为同义句) _ you _ go to the pa

5、rty, I _ go.二、用so that或sothat连接句子。1. He works hard. He can pass the exam._2. He runs quickly. No one can catch up with him._3. Tom boght a lot of books. He could learn a lot of knowledge._4. The flower looks beautiful. I want to take it home._三、用方框里所给的连接词完成下列句子。Although, unless, so that, if, when, w

6、hile, because1. _ he is young, he has experienced a lot.2. We will not travel to the mountain _ it is fine tomorrow.3. _ you start earlier, you will get there on time.4. He didnt attend th meeting _ he was seriously ill.5. _ staying in the post office, please buy me some stamps.6. The train had left

7、 _ he got to the station.7. Every morning he gets up early _ he can have more than 30 minutes to practice.学习感悟总5课时一、1. I go to school so that I can learn knowledge. 2. so, to carry3. I went on working although I got tired. 4. If, dont, wont二、1. He works so hard that he can pass the exam.2. He runs so quickly that no one can catch up with him.3. Tom boght a lot of books so that he could learn a lot of knowledge.4. The flower looks so beautiful that I want to take it home.三、1. Although 2. unless 3. if 4. because 5. While 6. when 7. so that



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