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1、2022年考博英语-首都经济贸易大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题It is time that someone made him ( )of the effects of his actions.问题1选项A.unconsciousB.awareC.assuredD.thoughtful【答案】B【解析】考察形容词词义辨析。unconscious “无意识的;失去知觉的”;aware“意识到的;知道的”;assured“确定的;自信的”;thoughtful “体贴的”。句意:应该有人使他意识到他的行为的影响了。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题A healthy trading

2、 system requires that countries be both eager exporters and importers. If nations dont spend what they earn abroador if weak economies make them weak importers-then the trading system will collapse. That is todays problem.Where will future trade expansion come from? Europe seems a doubtful candidate

3、. With feeble economic growth, it won t buy a lot more exports. Latin America is in a similar position. Many big countries (Argentina, Brazil) are so burdened by debt that their growth is hobbled and they strive for export surpluses-earning precious dollars-to repay their international loans. As for

4、 Africa, its so poor that it hardly matters in global trade.Well, what about Asia? It ought to save the global trading system, but it may do just the opposite. These countries are ferocious exporters; they seem to strive for permanent trade surpluses and hoard their excess export earnings. Consider

5、whats happened to their foreign exchange reserves. Since 1996, the foreign exchange reserves of some major Asian countries have jumped from about $500 billion to more than $1.3 trillion. These funds are typically left in safe investments, such as U.S. Treasury securities. A lot of attention has focu

6、sed on China, but the problem is larger than China alone.As a result, the trading system lacks circularity. The justification for free trade is that everyone ultimately benefits. Countries do what they do best. Poor countries sell inexpensive labor-intensive goods to wealthy countries and buy sophis

7、ticated knowledge-intensive goods. Living standards in all countries rise. Some workers and industries may temporarily lose, but most consumers benefit and most workers are ultimately re-employed in trade-competitive industries. Trade doesnt permanently destroy jobs; spending is circular.If too many

8、 countries hoard, the logic of free trade collapses. Trade can become an economic depressant and job destroyer. Too many sellers chase too few buyers. Countries compete for bigger shares of stagnant markets and try to shift unemployment abroad. A great, if silent, struggle has begun. For decades, ex

9、panding trade promoted global progress. It reduced poverty and spread prosperity. But if the trading system cant solve its basic problem-over-reliance on the US market-it could foster political division and economic vulnerability for all. Trading patterns must become more balanced and sustainable. 1

10、.Some big Latin America countries are( ).2.Which of the following statements about certain regional economy is TRUE?3.According to the author, the free trade system will collapse when( ).4.The author strongly advocates that a sustainable free trade system( ).5.The last paragraph mainly deals with( )

11、.问题1选项A.exporting more for enough foreign currency to pay their debtB.exporting surpluses as to reserve enough precious US dollarsC.using US dollars to pay all their international and domestic debtsD.using exporting as an effective way for their economic prosperity问题2选项A.Europe may help the future w

12、orld trade expansion.B.Latin Americas debt would hinder its export capacityC.Asia may enhance trade expansion but not spending muchD.Africa finds it hard to emerge in world-trade expansion问题3选项A.trade became economic depressant and job destroyerB.countries tried to shift their unemployment to other

13、nationsC.world trade over relied on the vulnerable U.S. marketD.too many countries are not importing much from other countries问题4选项A.should be changed through international collaborationsB.will definitely become an economic depressant worldwideC.requires a circularity of both importing and exporting

14、D.should encourage buying more from trade-competitive industries问题5选项A.economic balance and sustainabilityB.economic collapse and potential crisisC.trade competition against U.S. marketD.worldwide economic achievement today【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据原文第二段Latin America is in a similar

15、 position. Many big countries (Argentina, Brazil) are so burdened by debt that their growth is hobbled, and they strive for export surpluses-earning precious dollarsto repay their international loans.可知,拉丁美洲也处于类似的境地。许多大国(比如阿根廷,巴西)都背负着沉重的债务,经济增长举步维艰,他们努力争取出口盈余赚取宝贵的美元以偿还国际贷款。因此,选项A “出口更多赚外币来偿还债务”符合原文,故本题正确答案为A项。2.推理判断题。根据原文第三段These countries are ferocious exporters; they seem to strive for permanent trade surpluses and hoard their excess export earnings可知,这些国家都是出口大国;他们似乎在争取永久的贸易顺差,并囤积过剩的出口收入。因此,可推测选项C “亚洲可能加强贸易扩张,但不会花太多”正确。3.推理判断题。题干询问:根据作者观点,当时,自由贸易系统会崩溃。根据原文最后一段If



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