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1、小练习17编 号课 题班 级姓 名评 价7B802AReading 一、翻译词组1. 追赶球_ 2. 做精彩的把戏_3. 最聪明的动物_ 4. 眼睛睁得大大的_5. 喜欢打架_ 6. 给它喂太多的蔬菜_7. 轻轻的抚摸_ 8. 绝大部分的时间_二、单词拼写1. Look! These fish are_(吐泡泡)in the river. How interesting they are!2. Dont be afraid. My dog never_(咬). 3. Does your pet dog often make (麻烦)?4. David is holding two_(棍棒)in

2、 his hands.5. You shouldnt let your dog _(吠叫)at night.6. Sam is kind and he never_(打架)with others.7. Project Hope helps _(建造)new schools for the children in poor areas.8. -Do you know Li Bai? -Of course. He wrote many famous_ .9. -When will you have finals(期末考试)? -At the _ of this term.10. -Where is

3、 your sister_? -Behind the door.三、单项填空( )1.I often teach my dog how _ in my free time. A. do wonderful tricks B. do tricks wonderfully C. to do wonderful tricks D. to do wonderfully tricks( )2.- Our dog is really _ clever animal. - Yes. Its _ cleverest dog in the world! A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the

4、 D. the; a( )3. Look! _ dog Lucy _! A. What a nice; has B. What a nice; is having C. How nice a; have D. How a nice; has( )4. You must not give her _ food. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. a lots of( )5. Maybe you _ to feed your cat much. It doesnt eat a lot. A. need B. neednt C. dont need D.

5、should( )6. We know small rhymes _ “tall. A. for B. with C. for D. to( )7.- You need to play with your dog more often. - Yes. I play with it in the park _ lunchtime on Sundays.A. when B. till C. as D. while( )8. Our Chinese teacher told us not to_ in her class. A. look at B. look around C. look afte

6、r D. look for( )9. My dog is quiet. He never barks _ bites. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )10. The white dog likes to_ ,but he never_ me. A. bark; bark at B. bark; barks at C. barking; bark D. bark at; barks( )11.-_ goldfish! Who bought them for you? - My mot her. And she wants me to look after them we

7、ll. A. What a pretty B. How pretty C. What pretty D. How a pretty( )12.- Please dont make much noise here. - _. A. Yes, please B. Of course C. Sorry, I wont do it again D. You are right四、动词填空1. I want to teach the children how_ (draw).2. The workers_ (build)a new skyscraper(摩天大楼)in the city last yea

8、r.3. I dont know where he_ (hide) in the park. I cant find him.4. Big animals_ (hunt) small animals for food.5. I saw two dogs_ (fight) with each other at three yesterday afternoon.6. Dont be afraid. My dog_ (not bite) you.7. He never_ (make) any trouble at school. He is a good student.8. Can you hear the children_ (sing) in the next room?9. He has_ (look) after his younger sister when his mother is out.10. My grandma is ill in hospital, so my mum_ (take) care of her now.



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