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1、 平川二中八年级英语(下)Unit 5 自主学习导学案班级 姓名 时间教研组长(签字)贾成祥 学校领导(审核)张天文 设计人:张瑞丽 Lesson 25 Raising Money一、学习目标知识目标: 1.Mastery words and expressions: Learn about raising money and what do you do?2. Goal languages: Have you ever had a bake sale? Have you ever raised money? What did you do?3. Grammar: Object Clause能

2、力目标: Learn about raising money情感目标:Through learning this lesson ,learn to talk about business. 二、教学重难点Important points: 1 phrases and expressions about the lesson2 Learn about. Object ClauseDifficult points: 1 The use of Object Clause 2. Learn about raising money and what do you do三、Learning Steps:(

3、一)课前预习 -导学I 预习课文完成下列各题基本词汇及短语1付款_ 2元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)_3广告_ 4出售_ 5 花费_根据句意和所给字母提示补全单词1. They are arguing over who should p_ the bill.2. Eight plus eight is s_.3. We need some a_.4. If you want to have a party, you could put up a p_.5. My mother b_ me some bread in an oven(炉) last night.6. the lapt

4、op cost you 2000 d_ ! Thats too expensive!II预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。1. pay, take, spend, cost 用法 2 buy 与 sell区别 3. advertise的用法(二)自主学习Read the lesson and answer the questions.1.Why do they want to raise money?2. When will they have a bake sale?3. How much will Brians cookies cost?4. What is Danny going to s

5、ell?5. What does jenny mean when she says,”Hmm,” (三)合作探究Read and check the answers .(四)自我展示Divide the class into groups and choose one from each group to answer the questions . (五)拓展创新Come to lets Do It! No.2, Ask them to fill in the blanks. (六)当堂达标检测。Ask them to do lets Do It! No.3(七)拓展延伸1. But the

6、 trip costs a lot of moneyCost在此处是及物动词,“花费.”, 主语是物。常用结构:1) 物+ cost + (sb) +some + money 某物花费了(某人)多少钱。Eg. The new bike cost him over 1000 yuan.1) (doing) sth. +cost (sb.) + some time 做某事花了(某人)多少时间。Eg. Choosing the suitable gift for mother cost me three hours in that shopping center.常用的“花费”的词还有spend,

7、spend的主语是人,常用结构:1) Sb.+ spend +some time / money + on sth. 某人在.上花费时间(金钱)Eg. I spent two hours on my English homework.2) Sb. + spend + some time / money + (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间(金钱)做某事。eg.They spent three years (in) paying off their debts.他们花了三年时间来还清所有的债务。Take也可以用来表示“花费”,但经常用来表示“花费.时间做某事”,常用结构为:It ta

8、kes sb.+ some time + to do sth.做某事花费了某人多少时间。Eg.It took them three years to build this road.It takes me 15 minutes to go to school.2. Each player needs to pay $ 150.Pay 动词,eg. He paid the bill after the meal.pay for “为.付款”eg. How much did you pay for your house? pay sb. Back 还钱给某人。Eg. Ill pay you bac

9、k tomorrow.3.We need to make some money for the team.Make money “赚钱” eg. I want to make money when I grow up.Make money by doing “通过.来赚钱”He could make money by selling newspapers when he was 7 years old.4. Maybe we can work together to raise some money.Raise“举起,抬起,培养,饲养,招募,募集”Eg. Lets raise the glas

10、ses to the friendship.He raised his hand to wave to that beautiful girl.The old woman raised 10 hens for eggs to make money.They are raising money for building the new school.5.Ill bake something delicious.Something, nothing, anything 等不定代词带后置定语。Eg. I want to say something important.I would like to

11、see something new.课堂学习反思 此方法使用后,学生自主学习的能力得到了一定的提高,学生表现更积极。Lesson 26 : cookies, please一、 学习目标 知识目标1 Mastery words and expressions : cheap,pocket, tie, while,afford, cent,Come up to, pay for, for sale, go/walk over, What is it for? Im afraid I cant afford it.2 goal languages:What do you do with your p

12、ocket money?Can you think of an invention that would make your life easier?3 grammar points:Object Clause能力目标:learn about the use of Object Clause 情感目标:Through learning this lesson ,learn to how to raise money二、教学重难点Important points: 1 how to raise money. 2 learn to use conversions and erivations .

13、Difficult points: 1 The use of Object Clause 2. ,conversions and derivations 3.the useful sentences about raise money三、Learning Steps :(一)课前预习导学I 预习课文完成下列各题1 思考题(1) What do you do with your pocket money?(2) Can you think of an invention that would make your life easier?2.汉译英1出售 _ 2.付款_3到达_ 4.朝.走去_5.

14、四个仅需一美元_ 6.在某人的口袋里 _II预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。1 pay 2.give .back 3. afford 4.trade(二)自主学习1.What are Brian and Danny selling things to raise money for?2. What did Brian sell?3. What did Danny sell? 4 .How much does the Desk-Cycle cost?5.Did the girl buy the Danny Desk-Cycle?(三)合作探究Read thetext and check the answers .(四)自我展示Divide the class into groups and choose one from each group to answer the questions . (五)拓展创新Divide the clas


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