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1、Module6 A trip to the zoo 基础练习一、单项选择I.His brother a kite in the park every afternoon.A. flyB. flysC. fliesD. is fly2.She is very rich and she three houses.A. getB. haveC. hasD. had3. Mary usually teeth before breakfast.A. brushB. brushsC. brushesD. brushing4. - Can I help you, sir?-Yes, I bought the

2、 radio here yesterday, but it .A. didnt work B. wont work C. cant work D. doesnt work5. Zhang Lan likes English, but she maths.A. isnt like B. doesnt like C. arent like D. dont like6. -your brother basketball?-Yes, he does.A. Is; like B. Do; like C. Does; likes D. Does; like7. Sally morning exercise

3、s every day?A. Do; do B. Does; do C. Does; does D. Is; doing8. Believe it or not, more than half of our body weight water.A. comes across B. comes from C. comes by D. comes to9. Zhou Yang is skating. She won a gold medal at the 2010D. angry withD. as well asD. to finishOlympic Winter Games.A. good a

4、t B. weak in C. tired of10. He is a writer a singer.A. as long asB. as wellC. as soon as11. The game at 4:00 p.m.A. finishB. finishesC. finishs12. Kate of medium height and she blonde hair.A. is; isB. has; has C. is; hasD. has; is13. He the Chinese people are very friendly.A. sayingB. sayC. saysD. s

5、aies14. My mother noodles, but my father .A. likes; doesB. dont like; doC. doesnt like; doesD. didnt like; do15. - Excuse me, may I speak to Mr. Smith?-Sorry. He work here .A. didnt; any moreB. didnt; eitherC. doesnt; eitherD. doesnt; any more16. -your mother a computer?-Yes, she does .A. Does; has

6、B. Do; have C. Does; have D. Is; have17. - Sam come from New York?-Yes, he does.A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. can18. The camel comes Africa and it lives the deserts.A. of; atB. from; inC. in; forD. at; on19. Are you good at soccer?A. playB. to playC. playingD. plays20. Mr. Green likes sports. He likes playing

7、 basketball, going swimming.A. alsoB. andC. as wellD. as well as21. Her father is a teacher. He in a high school.A. teachB. teachsC. teachesD. teaching22. - Lets play computer.-That interesting.A.sounds B. soundes C.sounding D. to sound23. My sister hard every day. Look, she in the study(5A. studys;

8、 studyingB. studies; studyingC. studies; is studyingD. is studying; studies24. It usually at this time of year, but now its snowingheavily.A. is; snowingB. doesnt; snow C. has; snowedD. wont; snow25. Maria like milk at all. A. isntB. notC. dontD. doesnt二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. I u get up at seven oclock.2

9、7. Dont climb the mountain a. Youd better ask some friends to go with you.body(体).28. If we are lucky enough we can c the early bus.29. Tom often does sports and has a_s30. The story is so f that everyone likes it very much.31. These people come from d countries.32. I like koalas because they are sm

10、art and c33. Dont play football on the road. Its very d .34. He doesnt know the way there. He needs a_g to show the way.35. Ed plans to visit one of E countries, such as France, Germanyor Britain.36. What do you u do on Sunday?37. He always stays at home a because his parents are very busy.38. The h

11、ungry lion was chasing the poor deer, but it could not c it.39. The radio says there will be a s wind tomorrow.40. Mary is a f girl; she always makes everyone laugh.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. He 也)likes reading books.42. - Can I borrow your eraser?-(当然).Here you are.43. - What do you do on the weekend?-I

12、(通常地)watch TV and do homework.44. It was getting dark and he finally (赶上)the last bus to go home.45. She doesnt like going out 孤单)after dark.46. People are really 不同的)from animals.47. - Are you from different(国家)?-Yes, you are right.48. His new friend Paul comes from RR 洲)and he lives in Beijingnow.

13、49. How many 劭物)can you see in the zoo?50. - What is your sisters job, Li Meng?-She is a 导游).答案一、单项选择1. C 2. C3. C4. D5.B6. D 7. B8. B9. A10.D11. B 12. C13. C14. C15.D16. C 17. B18. B19. C20.D21. C 22. A23. C24. B25.D二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. usually27. alone28. catch29. strong30. funny31. different32. cute33. dangerous34. guide35. European36. usually37. alone38. catch39. strong40. funny三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. also42. Sure43. usually44. caught45. alone46. different47. countries48. Africa49. animals50. guide



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