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1、2022年考博英语-西安电子科技大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 翻译题The current through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (电位差) across it provided there is no change in the physical conditions of the conductor.【答案】如果对于导体没有任何物理变化,那么通过导体的电流正比于通过的电位差。2. 翻译题众所周知,技术革新的速度越来越快。未来社会的变革将超过以往任何时候。作为一个物种,我



4、】As we all know, technological innovation is getting faster and faster. There will be more social changes in the future than ever before. As a species, can humans survive in the transformation we have made? A lot of evidence show that we can do. Humans have great potential, but we are just beginning

5、 to exploit them. For example, we are just beginning to control the environment. Someday, technology will make all the desert flowers bloom. Its not hard. To achieve this, we only need to reduce the cost of desalination. The next question is whether they can provide enough food for our growing popul

6、ation when deserts become oases. Probably recently, we have begun to discover that intensive desert where farming is feasible. We already have technology that can increase yields tenfold and reduce water use by one-twentieth of what it was before. We know how to create an agricultural miracle. We ne

7、ed time and money to make this technology available to everyone.In the 19th century, people believed in progress. They believed that science would lead them into a new era of infinite happiness. However, things didnt go as far as they thought. Two disastrous world wars convinced people of this. But

8、when we are disappointed, and when we worry that science is a monster that will destroy us one day, we forget that science is not a monster but we are. Science is only a servant, like fire, and if used properly, it will be a good servant.Despite the problems of the modern world, most people do not w

9、ant to live in any of the underdeveloped times before us. If we do not destroy ourselves in the war, the future will be better. Every year we will make greater progress, like continual scientific advance, cured diseases, and conquered space, natural changes in transport and communications and radica

10、l changes in agriculture and industry and so on. For some, the future sounds exciting, while for others its scary. But one thing can be sure: the future will not be boring.3. 单选题Plenty of facts _ him to our point of view.问题1选项A.consentedB.convertedC.conversedD.conformed【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. consented 同意

11、;准许 B. converted (使)改变(观点、习惯等)C. conversed 交谈;谈话 D. conformed 与一致【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】句意:许多事实使他我们的观点。根据句意,应该是大量的事实证明我们的观点正确,所以这些事实使他的观点转变到我们的观点。convert常与to连用。因此选B。【干扰项排除】A选项consented“同意;准许”,不与to连用;C选项conversed“交谈;谈话”,不符合语境;D选项conformed“与一致”不与to连用。【句意】许多事实使他同意了我们的观点。4. 单选题The crisis in our industry w

12、as _ by intense competition from foreign producers.问题1选项A.brought onB.brought forwardC.brought upD.brought round【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. brought on 导致;引起 B. brought forward 提出;提前C. brought up 提出;教育;养育 D. brought round 使改变观点;说服【答案】A【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】句意:我们工业的危机是由外国生产商的激烈竞争。根据逻辑,外国生产商的激烈竞争可能会引起我国的工业危机。因此选A。【干扰项

13、排除】B、C、D选项均无法与空格前后构成相应逻辑关系。【句意】我们工业的危机是由外国生产商的激烈竞争引起的。5. 翻译题1. NewtonNewton used his great skill in mathematics to form a better understanding of the world and the universe. He used methods he had learned as a boy in making things. He experimented. Then he studied the results and used what he had le

14、arned to design new experiments.Newtons work led him to create a new technique in mathematics for measuring areas curved in shape. He also used it to find how much material was contained in solid objects. The technique he created became known as integral calculus.One day, sitting in the garden, he w

15、atched an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the Earth. Newton believed it was. And he believed it could be measured.He called the force gravity. He began to examine it carefully.He decided that the strength of the force keeping a planet in orbit around the sun depended on two things. One was the amount of mass in the planet and the sun. The other was how far apart they were.Newton was able to find the exact relationship between distance and gravity. He multiplied the mass of one space body by the



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