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1、高三英语语法知识复习(复合句)一、名词性从句名词性从句相当于名词,可分别在句中作主语、表语、宾语和同位语。可分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。从属连词that:在从句中不充当任何成分,也没有任何意思,只起连接作用,有时可以省略从属连词if, whether:在从句中不充当任何成分,有意义,不可以省略连接代词who, whoever, whom, whomever, which, whichever, what, whatever, whose:在从句中充当成分,有意义,不可以省略连接副词where, when, why, how:在从句中充当成分,有意义,不可以省略一、主语从句.由

2、从属连词引导的主语从句:Whether the country should build a nuclear power station is something we must discuss. 那个国家是否应该建立核电站That light travels in straight line is known to all .光以直线传播.由连接代词引导的主语从句:What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是Whichever book you choose doesnt matter to me.无论你选哪本书.由连接副词引导的主语从句:When the plane

3、 is to take off hasnt been announced.飞机什么时候起飞How much water is flowing can be measured easily.水的流量是多少4.关于形式主语 it It + be +形容词+ that-从句 It is necessary that有必要 It is important that重要的是 It is obvious that很明显 It is likely that.很可能It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句It is believed that人们相信It is known to all that众所

4、周知It has been decided that已决定 It + be +名词+ that-从句It is common knowledge that 是常识It is a surprise that令人惊奇的是 It is a fact that事实是 可应用于此句型的名词还有fact / shame / honor / question/pity等。 It +不及物动词+ that-分句It appears that似乎It happens that碰巧 It occurred to me that我突然想起 二、表语从句可以接表语从句的连系动词有 be, look, remain,

5、seem 等。The problem is that millions of people die of illnesses caused by smoking.数百万人死于由抽烟引起的疾病The question remains whether we can win the game.我们是否能赢得这次比赛值得注意的是:1. 表语从句的表现形式除了用从属连词,连接代词和连接副词引导以外,还可以由as, as if ,as though引导. It looks as if it is going to rain. 好象要下雨了。2、另外还要注意以下常用的两种结构:The reason whyi

6、s that (而不用 because)It ( This, That ) is becauseThe reason why he was dismissed is that he didnt work hard. 他为什么被开除是因为他工作不努力。三、同位语从句同位语从句一般由 that, whether 等连词引导,常放在 advice, doubt, fact, hope, idea, information, message, news, order, possibility, problem, question, reason, truth, word, suggestion.等名词

7、的后面,说明该名词的具体内容。l. The news that he had landed on the moon spread all over the world. 登陆月球.2. I have no idea when he will be back. 什么时候回来3. The thought came to him that Mary had probably fallen illMary也许病了四、宾语从句宾语从句可以作及物动词的宾语,介词的宾语,某些形容词的宾语以及非谓语动词的宾语。1.及物动词后的宾语从句:She will give whoever needs help a wa

8、rm support任何需要帮助的人I wonder why she refused my invitation她为什么拒绝了我的邀请2.介词后的宾语从句:I always think of how I can improve my spoken English.我总是在思考如何提高我的口语水平。The teacher is satisfied with what she has said. 老师对他所说的话很满意。3.某些形容词后的宾语从句:I am sure that you will make greater progress in English through hard work.通

9、过努力工作,你将取得更大的进步We are surprised that he has left without saying goodbye to us.他没有告别就走了4.非谓语动词后的宾语从句:Realizing that it was just a difference in custom, the foreigner smiled and said nothing. 5.关于形式宾语itWe must make it clear that anyone who breaks the law will be punished. I find it necessary that we s

10、hould ask him for his advice.我发现我们有必要征求他的意见。五、名词性从句重难点1. 在名词性从句中,疑问句要用陈述句的语序。例如:Can you make sure _the gold ring ?(MET90)A.where Alice had put B.where had Alice put C.where Alice has put D.where has Alice put2. 动词 doubt 用在疑问句或否定句中,其后宾语从句常用 that 作连接词;用在肯定句中,连接词用 whether 或 if 皆可,而不用 that。Do you doubt

11、that he will win ? I dont doubt that your proposition is wrong . 3. 否定转移问题。将think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, guess, imagine等动词后面跟宾语从句时否定转移I dont think I know you.我想我并不认识你。I don t believe he will come.我相信他不回来。We dont expect he will come tonight , will he ? 注意:若谓语动词为hope,宾语从句中的否定词不能转移。I hope yo

12、u werent ill. 我想你没有生病吧。将seem, appear 等后的从句的否定转移It doesnt seem that they know where to go.看来他们不知道往哪去。It doesnt appear that well have a sunny day tomorrow. 看来我们明天不会碰上好天气。4. 主谓一致问题。What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the worldWhat I bought were three English books5. 语气问题在含有 suggest ,

13、order , demand , propose , command , request , insist, desire, require, advise 等表示要求、命令、建议、决定等意义的动词后,that从句常用“should+ 动词原形”的结构I suggest we (should) set off at once.我建议我们应该立刻出发。在It is 过去分词that的主语从句中 decided,demanded,desired,insisted,ordered,proposed,suggested,recommended,requested, required等。It is de

14、sired that we(should)get everything ready this evening在表语从句或同位语从句中The suggestion that the mayor (should) present the prizes was accepted by everyone在It is(was)形容词that从句中要用虚拟语气,即(should )动词原形,表示建议或不满、惊奇等情绪。常用于此类的形容词有 essential,important,natural,necessary,possible,strange,等。 It is necessary that a col

15、lege student _at least a foreign language(上海1993)A.masters B.should master C.mastered D.will master 6.What引导名词从句的特殊含义:What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality(what为“所的事”,相当于“the thing that;all that;everything that”)After _ seemed a very long time,I opened my eye and found myself in bed(M ET93)A.what B.when C.that D.which (what相当于“the time that”,表示“时间”)He is not what he was



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