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1、名词复数名词在使用中的难点在于名词的数,即可数名词与不可数名词的实际应用。因此它具有单数形式和复数形式两种。可数名词复数形式的构成规律是:. 一般状况加s,如:penpens, ocoocors,boyb,其读音规则是在清辅音后读s,在元音和浊辅音后读z。如:apmap ,oyboy. 在以, sh, c, x结尾的名词背面加es,如:bbuses, ascass,其读音为iz。3.以,se, e, (d)ge结尾的名词加s,其读音为i。4.以辅音字母加结尾的名词,要将变为再加es,读作z,如:factoryaors, cuntrycuntris, mifamiies.但要注意的是以元音字母加

2、y结尾的名词的复数形式只加s,如:oboy,ydas。5以结尾的名词的复数形式一般要加s,但如果前面是元音字母或外来词,缩写词以o结尾的则只加s,有生命的要加s 没有生命的加s如:totomaoes,herooe; pota- potos negro-nereshotophotos,radirios,piopans.以f或fe结尾的名词的复数形式要将或e变为v再加,如:knieive, laflas, 但有些例外的词如of的复数形式是roofs。7 不规则名词的复数形式是要单个记忆的,它没有规律可循,如:mame, womanwome, chdchren, otet, toothteeth,m

3、oseic8. 单复同形的名词有:fh, eep, deer9 单数形式但其意为复数的名词有:pep,olce, amly等。名词尚有格的变化,其主格可作主语,宾格可作宾语。尚有所有格,用来表达人或物的所有,以及领属关系。表达有生命的名词的所有格其单数形式是加s其复数形式是s,如其结尾不是s的复数形式仍加,如:astudes room, tnt ros, hildrensDay. 在表达时间、距离、世界、国家名词的所有格要用s,如:atwentymnuts wlk.但无生命名词的所有格则必须用of构造,如:th caital ofor cuntry, he coourfthe fowers英语

4、名词变复数的练习题、写出下列名词的复数形式1、oange 2、lass 、text 4、oney 5、no 6、hild 7、sel 、bed 9、cut 、faily 、oy 12、fo 13、Japanee 1、rdo 15、p 16、amy 17、toa 18、fox 19、mn 20、kie 2、sep 、选择填空、There onth wal .Thy reery beutiul.A.are phoes B. arephoos C.is a hot D.is phot2. Th kind ofcar ae iSagh.A. is B .ae .wer D .hs3. Trer our

5、 and two inthe grup. Japnes,Grme Jaaeses,Gemen C. Jpnese,ma DJaase,eran4.Tas a bo. A. a B. a C. theD ar5.The bys av go already(已经). A. wobrad B. twbreas . two ieces ofrea D. tw piece o bed6. The ol mants .A. ixboxesof ales B. ix boe ofapp .ixboofapples D. sx s of app7 The sme in the ie. s,fsh. are,

6、fish C is, fishs D are,fi8. Ther w in h oxA. is watch B.arewatc C. are watch . is waches.Wehuld clan wiceady. A .ourtoth B.or tooths C.teeth our teth1.heycm froifferent _ countr B.coisC. coutry D. ontrys1 How y _do o see in thepctur?.tomaosB.tatoesC.tomato Dthetomo1 heyre_. A. woman teachers . women

7、 tarsC. men teah D. wonteacr3. Wold y ike_ ,leae? A.two gls watr Bwo gasseso wter C. wo lass ats . w glsse of wates14. Most of _lv _A. Germans, GranBGrman,Gen . Ger,GermD erma, ermny15 hr are some _ in thee _.A.knifespncl-oxe B.knivepecils-box knivespencl-box .nvespecils-boxe. _ ik _ by a. A. reen,t

8、raveln Bhe Gree,raeling C. T een, tavelD. The Green, aveing . th pepl B eoe C. peles D thpeops三)填入所给名词的对的形式1 Ihav two_ (knife)2. Ther re a _ hre. (x)3. There a any_on th roa. (bus)4. Afew _ are drwing onhe all. (boy)5Th _re playing otbll now(cild).e was ager oake someextroney, in duingthse ars e cou

9、ld arlylvn hi_. a. littewag b. fwag c. wage d. wge2.st ofhous n tevillage wee burnt to_ durig th ar.aanah bthe ash c. ash d. ashes3The den a colgs runivesitisare makin _ for the comigNeYar.a. many prprations b. muhrepaatin . prearatons d. pparaton4.Piingn _ is n o thei par- acivitiesa ol . a ocoils

10、dthe o5Int view o h oreign ets, tere wt _ oi hee.a. muh . lotof . a grat eal of d. many6.Targe house re ig aed, but _.of geat expeseb. a greatexese c.in ot of expesed. y hi pense7The room as smal andontined far too _.mu efurnitu uch new furnituresb.many ne frnitur d. n new frniues8.Jimalae for to cases ths rning. esai tht he forot both o the _.a. ommber b.ro numbe . roos numbrs. romumbers.opues can do _ wrki a stim, but a mn an otd _ by e a greatanymanc. ucha great del b agretdel



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