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1、人教版七年级下册英语期末综合复习卷(三).单项选择(20分)()1. He is police artist. It is interesting job.A. a; aB. a; anC. an; anD. an; a()2. There are pot atoes on the table, but there isn beef on it.A. some, someB. some, anyC. any, anyD. any, some.()3. MyJim isto people.A.frie nd; frie ndB.frie ndly; frien dlyC.frie nd; fri

2、e ndlyD.frie ndly; friend()4. Tom is goodmath and he is also goodhis classmates.D. with, ats impolite)(不礼貌的D. laughedsthe post office.A. at, atB. with, withC. at, with()5. Don tat your classmates. ItSorry, I will not.A. laughB. laugh ingC. laughs()6. Where is the nearest hospital? ItA. in front ofB.

3、in the front ofC. in the frontD. i n front()7. You must rememberthe window before you leave.A. clos ingB. closeC. to closeD. closes()8. Who wantsthe swimming club?A. to joi nsB. joinC. to joinD. joi ning()9. He really likes En glish and ofte nEn glish after class.A. practice speakB. practices speakC

4、. practices speak ingD. practice speak ing()10. Whatthe nu mber of the stude nts in your school?About two thousa nd. A nu mber of themfrom En gla nd.A. is; areB. is; isC. are; isD. are; are()11. Mike ofte nto work by bike, but this morning heto work.A. went; went B. walks; walked C. goes; walked D.

5、walked; walked()12. do you like koalas? Because they areinteresting .A. Why; a kind of B. How; kind of C. How; a kind of D. Why; kind of()13. What do you think of the zon gzi?Theydelicious.Are they made by your mother?A. sou ndB. tasteC. feelD. look()14. Lions are very, but many children like themBu

6、t I dont like them at all.A. scaryB. cuteC. shyD. clever()15.was your brothers birthdayHe ha a good timeA. WhenB. WhatC. WhereD. How()16. May I speak to Mr. Smith?Sorry, he.Can 1 take a message?A. sleepsB. sleep ingC. sleepD. is sleepi ng()17. What s on the desk?Terea pen, a book and two keys.A. isB

7、. areC. hasD. have()18. Would you likea movie with us toni ght? Sorry, I have to help my mother do some homework.A. seeB. to seeC. see ingD. saw()19. He has big eyes and a small no se.A. What does he look likeB. What does he doC. How old is heD. How is he()20. Can I get you something to drink, Mr. S

8、mith? . I am thirsty.A. Here you areB. No, thank youC. You re welcome D. Yes, please二完形填空(10分)My name is Tony. I m an 21 boy. And I m a student of No.5 Middle School. There 22fourpeople in my family. They are my pare nts, my sister and me. My father is a teacher. He teaches En glish. He is good at 2

9、3English. He is strict 24 his students. My mother is a doctor. It s 10 kilometers fromour home to hospital. She goes to work25bus every mornin g. It takes her about 20 minu tes. My sisteris a stude nt, too. She must get up early. She can26 latte for class. She must read a book before she canwatch TV

10、. She has to 27 the rules. She thinks she 28 has any fun .She feels un happy. I have a pet. It s a dog. It s very cute2Ond . His name is Lazy. That s a good name for him, because he is kind of lazy and he sleeps all day. He likes to walk on two legs. He can dance30.()21 A. 11-year-oldB. 11-years-old

11、C. 11 year oldD. 11 years old()22 A. isB.areC.hasD.have()23 A. speakB.speak ingC.talksD.talki ng()24 A. toB.inC.atD.with()25 A. inB.o nC.byD.with()26 A. /B.beC.isD.are()27 A. breakB.followC.teachD.play()28 A. everB.sometimesC.neverD.always()29 A. friendB.frie ndsC.frie ndyD.frie ndly()30 A.goodB.wel

12、lC. niceD.better三、阅读理解(共 30分)(A)It s Sun day today. My pare nts and I go to a small restaura nt for dinner. The waiter shows us the menu.My father would like Special 1 and a glass of gree n tea. My mother orders Special glass of apple juice. I want to eat a hamburger. And I d like an ice cream. on S

13、un day.D. special food t like onions, you can order.D. other food2. And she d like a)31. The family go to a small restaura nt for _ A. breakfastB.lunchC. supper)32. If you d like a special, but you donA. Special 1B. Special 2 C. Special 3)33. The mother s food_A. $ 3.5B. $ 5.5C. $ 4.5D. $ 6.3MENU (菜

14、单)FoodIngredients (配料)PriceSpecial 1onions, mushrooms (蘑菇),beef$ 3.75Special 2pepper oni (意大禾 U辣香肠 ),carrots, mutt on$ 3.5Special 3mushrooms, eggs, onions$ 3.6Hamburgerchicken, lettuce (生菜)$ 2.8Gree n tea$ 2Ice cream$ 1Apple juice$ 2)34. The father has a special forA. $ 3.75B. $ 5.75 C. $ 4.5)35. The family don t haveA. Special 1B. Special 2D. $ 6.3D. hamburgersC. Special 3(B)Joh n is a schoolboy. Every one likes him very much because he is funny. He can play many in strume nts(乐器).When he is with his friends, he often pla


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