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1、2022年考博英语-煤炭科学研究总院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 写作题Directions: “Publish or perish” is well-known in the academic world. Do you agree or disagree with this view points. Please express your opinion in about 150 words.【答案】略2. 翻译题国家统计局(NBS)周五发布的2018年全国睡觉时间使用情况调查报告揭示了中国人平均每天的时间分配情况。这包括了他们的工作、睡觉、家务、休闲娱乐等不同活动。这项调查显示

2、,低收入人群平均看电视的时间为每天1小时50分钟。这比中等收入人群多15分钟,比较高收入组多32分钟,比高收入人群多46分钟。国家统计局高级统计员金红表示,2008年和2018年的时间使用情况调查显示,中国人均生活质量有所改善。Section B Translate the following passage into English.【答案】The 2018 National Survey Report on the Utilization of Bedtime, released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Friday, r

3、evealed how Chinese people to allocate their dailys time averagely. This includes work, sleep, housework, recreation and other different activities. According to the survey, the average time of low-income group watching TV is 1 hour and 50 minutes a day, which is 15 minutes more than medium-income g

4、roup, 32 minutes more than the high-income group and 46 minutes more than the high-income group. Jinhong, a senior statistician at the NBS, said that the quality of life per capita in China had improved, which was showed by the survey on situation of time utilization in 2008 and 2018.3. 单选题There is

5、a risk that ( ) chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.问题1选项A.destructiveB.toxicC.evilD.vicious【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项destructive “破坏性的、毁灭性的”,B项toxic “有毒的”,C项evil“邪恶的”,D项vicious “恶毒的”;句意:毁灭性的化学物质有在空中爆炸的危险。因此A选项正确。4. 翻译题Space X will send a spacesuit-clad crash test dummy to the International Spac

6、e Station as part of a trial flight for its Crew Dragon spacecraft. The mission will take place on 2 March and will also deliver supplies to crew aboard the ISS. An array of sensors built into the mannequins suit will help provide key data ahead of the first human passengers going aboard the capsule

7、 later this year.Mr. Musk revealed the cost of a ticket to Mars on board a Space X flight would be less than $100,000. Taking questions on social media, he wrote: Im confident moving to Mars (return ticket is free) will one day cost less than $500k or maybe even below $100k. Low enough that most peo

8、ple in advanced economies could sell their home on Earth and move to Mars if they want.Section A Translate the following passage into Chinese.【答案】Space X公司将把一个穿着航天服的撞击试验人体模型送往国际空间站,这也是其Crew Dragon载人宇宙飞船试飞任务的一部分。这次任务将于3月2日进行,并将向国际空间站的宇航员运送物资。该人体模型所穿的太空服上安装了大量的传感器。今年晚些时候,在第一批人类旅客将登上太空舱之前,这些传感器将有助于提供重要

9、数据。马斯克先生透露,乘坐Space X宇宙飞船前往火星的票价可能会低于10万美元。他在社交媒体上接受了人们的提问,并写道:“我确信,将来有一天搬去火星(返程票是免费的)的票价会低于50万美元,甚至可能会低于10万美元。这个票价足够低了,发达经济体的多数人都可以卖掉他们在地球上的房子,搬去火星,如果他们愿意的话。”5. 单选题This will allow our citizens to build connections with peoples overseas and to develop skills and contacts that will help them ( ) in th

10、e global economy.问题1选项A.surviveB.striveC.thriveD.stride【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项survive “生存”,B项strive “努力、奋斗”,C项thrive “繁荣”,D项stride “跨过”;句意:这将使我们的公民与海外人民建立联系,发展技能和增加接触,帮助他们在全球经济环境中生存。因此A选项正确。6. 单选题Some parents ( ) education with exam success.问题1选项A.equalB.equateC.equalizeD.equality【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项equal

11、“等于”,B项equate “视为平等”,C项equalize “使相等”,D项名词equality “平等”;句意:有些父母把教育和考试成绩优秀视为一样。因此B选项正确。7. 单选题When it works, it can be fantastic, but can very easily ( ) into a nightmare of the most serious proportions.问题1选项A.backwashB.backdateC.backlashD.backfire【答案】D【解析】考查词义辨析。A项backwash “回流、反响”,B项backdate “回溯”,C项b

12、acklash “强烈反对”,D项backfire“产生出乎意料及事与愿违的结果”;句意:当它发挥作用时,可能是非常奇妙的,但也很容易事与愿违,变成最严重的噩梦。因此D选项正确。8. 单选题The discussion quickly ( ) into an angry argument.问题1选项A.deterioratedB.aggravatedC.increaseD.declined【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项deteriorate “恶化”,B项aggravate “加重、激怒”,C项increase “提高”,D项decline “拒绝”;句意:这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。

13、因此A选项正确。9. 单选题Some things simply cannot be altered and ( ) people accept this, not wasting energy on trying to do the impossible.问题1选项A.roughB.plasticC.harshD.resilient【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项rough “粗糙的”,B项plastic “塑料的”,C项harsh “严厉的、刺耳的”,D项resilient “可迅速恢复的、坚韧的”;句意:有些东西根本无法改变,有韧性的人能接受这一点,不会浪费精力来做不可能的事。因此

14、D选项正确。10. 单选题The law can ( ) fathers to make regular payments for their children.问题1选项A.compelB.complyC.complainD.combine【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项compel “强迫、迫使”,B项comply “遵守、顺从”,C项complain “抱怨”,D项combine “联合、结合”;句意:这项法律可强制父亲定期支付子女的费用。因此A选项正确。11. 单选题Put both vegetables into a bowl and ( ) with a potato mash

15、er.问题1选项A.crashB.crushC.clashD.crack【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项crash “碰撞”,B项crush “压碎”,C项clash “冲突”,D项crack “使破裂”;句意:把这两种蔬菜都放进碗里,用捣土豆器捣碎。因此B选项正确。12. 单选题During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I (1) the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesnt



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