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1、我国碳税法律制度研究 Study on the Legal System of Chinas Carbon Tax 2013年 3 月10日摘 要工业革命以来,世界经济取得显著增长,社会文化获得大力发展,与之相伴随的是,人类消耗了大量的能源和资源,引发了全球性的气候变化问题。随着时间的不断推移,这些问题给人类的生存和发展带来了巨大的问题。气候变化问题已不仅仅是环境问题,而更多地涉及到政治、经济、外交和科技等诸多领域。为减少二氧化碳排放、减缓气候变化,各国进行了许多有益的探索与实践。其中,尤为受到各国青睐的是开征碳税的方法,这种方法在实践中效果显著。同时,通过开征碳税还可以加深纳税人和社会公众对


3、与实践意义。本文以碳税:控制气候变化的主要措施为切入点,分析了碳税的理论基础及我国开征碳税的必要性与可行性,提出了我国应以开征碳税作为控制二氧化碳排放的主要措施,并在此基础上对我国碳税制度的构建原则及具体要素进行了分析。具体来说,本文在内容上共分四个部分:第一部分重点介绍在气候变化的背景下,应以开征碳税作为我国控制气候变化的主要措施;第二部分对开征碳税的理论基础进行了分析;第三部分介绍了国外的碳税实践及其对我国的启示;第四部分详细分析了我国开征碳税的必要性与可行性,介绍了我国碳税法律制度构建的原则和具体设想。关键词:气候变化;二氧化碳减排;碳税法律制度AbstractAfter the Ind

4、ustrial Revolution in the 19th, with the rapid growth of economy and Social development, People have consumed a lot of energy and resources and triggered a global climate change, which is threatening to human survival and development. Climate change is not only scientific issues, but also more invol

5、ved in the political, economic, diplomatic and technological and other fields. To reduce carbon dioxide emissions, mitigating climate change, a lot of useful exploration and practice have been made by many countries. Among them, carbon tax shows more obvious effects and therefore favored by the nati

6、onal world. Carbon tax can not only deepen the taxpayers and the public on climate change and the understanding and awareness of energy saving, but also change their irrational energy consumption, to achieve the purpose of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.At present, China is a country with huge ca

7、rbon dioxide emissions. So the reduction of Carbon dioxide emission has brought a lot of uncertainty to the countrys international relations, international trade, and so on. Now China is facing increasing pressure to cut emissions. Through the introduction of carbon taxes, we may control carbon diox

8、ide emissions and mitigate climate change. Carbon tax system should be designed not only to consider the rationality of theory in practice but also to consider the feasibility. We should learn from international experience and from Chinas national conditions. At the same time, the carbon tax system

9、and other supporting policies need coordination and cooperation to jointly play a role to get more effective control to achieve emission reduction targets. Therefore, research from a legal point on the carbon tax system has important theoretical and practical significance.In this paper, I choose car

10、bon tax-the main measures to control climate change as a starting point, analysis the necessity and feasibility of the theoretical basis of carbon taxes and the introduction of a carbon tax, proposed the main measure of introduction of carbon taxes to control carbon dioxide emissions. And analysis o

11、f the carbon tax system of principles and specific elements of the building. This paper includes four parts. The first part focuses on the main measures to control climate change based on the introduction of the context of climate change. The second part analyzes the theoretical basis of the introdu

12、ction of carbon taxes. The third part introduces carbon tax practice and its foreign Enlightenment. The fourth part introduces a detailed analysis of the necessity and feasibility of carbon taxes, and proposed legal system of a carbon tax principles and specific ideas.Key words: Climate change; carb

13、on emissions abatement; carbon taxes Legal System目 录绪 论1一、气候变化问题概述1(一)气候变化及其对我国的影响1(二)碳税:控制气候变化的主要措施3二、碳税的理论基础7(一)庇古税理论7(二)公共物品理论8(三)污染者付费理论8三、碳税制度的国外实践9(一)国外的碳税实践过程9(二)国外碳税实践的有效性分析10(三)国外碳税实践对我国的启示11四、我国碳税法律制度的构建14(一)我国碳税法律制度的基本原则14(二)我国碳税制度的基本要素15(三)相关配套政策的完善17结 语19主要参考文献20绪 论碳税制度是近二十年来各国为了应对环境气候恶






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