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1、人教版英语小升初模拟测试卷学校_班级_姓名_成绩_一、选出划线部分发音与其他单词发音不同的一项1.选择与所给单词划线部分读音与众不同的单词( )A.he B.she C.eight2.选出画线部分发音相同的单词:houseA. enough B. about3.选出画线单词发音与其它不同的单词( )A. month B. become C. second 4.选出划线部分的读音不同的单词( )A. different B. China C. child5.选出划线部分发音不同的单词( )A. what B. whose C. which二、读句子或对话,选择最佳答案6.Today is Sun

2、day. The next day is_.A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Monday 7._ can I get there?A. How B. What C. Who 8.There are _ days in a week.A.twelve B.seven C.two9._ is a very big city.A. london B. London C. England 10.Is there _ problem with it?A. many B. some C. any 11.Look! This girl _a lovely doll.A.liking B

3、.is liking C.like 12.There _ a big Chinatown in New York.D.is like精品试卷A. is B. are C. am 13._ isnt an American festival.A. Flag Day B. Christmas C. The Lantern Festival 三、根据图片、首字母、情境或者中文提示写出相应的单词14.Does he like_?Yes, he does.15.Its _(矮的)and _(瘦的). 16.Yesterday she _.17. Hi, Im Daming. _, Im Danny.18

4、.I like s_ because I like hot days and I can eat ice cream. 19.what can you hear i can hear a train_20.In the _(第九) tree on the right,there is a big bird. 21.Whats your sister like?Shes very s_.22.What is the boy doing?He is _ _ _.精品试卷23.There is a _ in my room.四、连词成句 .把各题中的单词按正确的顺序排列组成句子,注意标点和字母的 大

5、小写形式.24.bus, new, have, I, a ( . )(连词成句)25.time What you get up do(?)(连词成句)26.to Welcome art our clay show (. )(连词成句)27.are these What (?)(连词成句)28.at was work She (.)(连词成句)五、阅读理解与语言交际29.阅读理解Im an American student. My name is Peter. Im twelve. I have one brother. Hes Steven.We are in the same grade,

6、but in different classes. We go to school five days a week. OnSundays, we go to the park, there we catch insect. On Saturdays, we watch TV at home. My parents are teachers.They teach Chinese. I can speak Chinese. But Steven can speak only a little. I like to read books.Now I am reading a book about

7、China. I like China very much. I hope to visit China some day(将来某一天).阅读短文,判断正误(1)Steven can speak Chinese well.(2)Steven and Peter are in the same class.(3)They go to school from Monday to Friday.(4)Steven comes from America.(5)They watch TV on Saturdays.30.选择正确的选项补全对话A. How heavy are you?B. What ar

8、e you going to do this afternoon?C. What size are your shoes?D. Oh, my feet are bigger than yours.E. I want to buy a pair of shoes.Bob: Hello. Wu Yifan._Wu Yifan: Im going to the shoe store._Bob: _Wu Yifan: Size 38. How about you?Bob: _My shoes are size 39. How tall are you?Wu Yifan: Im 1.68 metres.

9、 But I think you are heavier. _Bob: Im 55 kilograms.Wu Yifan: Yes, youre heavier. Im 52 kilograms.31.阅读理解My uncle and aunt have a big farm. We can see many animals (动物) here, Look! They arehens. We can get eggs from the hens. They have six horses ( 马). The horses are under the trees. I can see some

10、cows(牛) ,too. How many? Oh, fifteen.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.(1)My uncle and aunt have a big .A.school B.shop C.farm(2)We can get eggs from the .A.animals B.hens C.horses(3)How many cows?A.14. B.15. C.16.(4)Where are the horses?A.In the park. B.On the grass. C.Under the trees.(5)Can you see six horses?Yes, _.A

11、.I can B.I cant C.I am六、书面表达32.假设你是孙兰,以前你的头发短,现在你的头发长;以前你不会( couldnt)滑冰,现在你 会滑冰.请根据以上信息,用英语写一写.Hello! My name is Sun Lan. 答案与解析一、选出划线部分发音与其他单词发音不同的一项1.C 2. B 3.C 4. A 5. B二、读句子或对话,选择最佳答案.6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. C三、根据图片、首字母、情境或者中文提示写出相应的单词14. swimming 15. short;thin 16. took picture

12、s 17. Hello / Hi18. summer 19. What can you hear? I can hear a train.20. ninth 21. shy 22. reading;a;book 23. mouse四、连词成句.把各题中的单词按正确的顺序排列组成句子,注意标点和字母的大小写形式 24. I have a new bus.25. What time do you get up?26. Welcome to our clay art show.27. What are these?28. She was at work.五、阅读理解与语言交际29. (1)0(2)0(3)1(4)1(5)130. B;E;C;D;A31. (1)C(2)B(3)B(4)C(5)A六、书面表达32. Hello! My name is Sun Lan. Before, I had short hair. Now, I have long hair. Before, I couldnt ice-skate. But now I can ice-skate. I ice-skate every weekend.


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